Solid test swallows, postprandial testing, and pharmacologic provocation can also be considered for particular conditions. Finally, the definition of ineffective esophageal motility is more stringent and now encompasses fragmented peristalsis. Hence, CCv4.0 no longer distinguishes between major versus minor motility disorders but simply separates disorders of EGJ outflow from disorders of peristalsis. The development of oral chemotherapy (OC) has led to the recent establishment of multidisciplinary programmes involving pharmacists. We evaluated the utility of our local programme for detecting potential interactions with OCs, particularly drug-drug interactions (DDIs) and herbal-drug interactions (HDIs). We performed a single-centre retrospective descriptive study of patients on OC attending a pharmaceutical consultation (PC) during a seven-month period. These consultations included the use of various complementary tools/databases to search for interactions. We analysed 308 treatments taken by 42 consecutive patients. Fifty-four potential interactions with OCs were detected in 26% (n=79) of the treatments taken by patients 46 DDIs (32 minor, 12 major, 2 contraindicated) and eight HDIs. Five interventions associated with interactions were suggested by pharmacists during the consultations (4 were taken into account by oncologists). The total mean time spent on each PC for an individual patient was 80 minutes (36 minutes of preparation, 44 minutes with the patient). This pilot study highlights the importance of studying interactions in such patients, and of the expertise of pharmacists for detecting interactions, which were found in more than one in four treatment lines. The further development of such activities, which already take up considerable amounts of time, is therefore warranted. This pilot study highlights the importance of studying interactions in such patients, and of the expertise of pharmacists for detecting interactions, which were found in more than one in four treatment lines. The further development of such activities, which already take up considerable amounts of time, is therefore warranted. Breast cancer survivors who experience psychological and physical symptoms after treatment have an increased risk for comorbid disease development, reduced quality of life, and premature mortality. Identifying factors that reduce or exacerbate their symptoms may enhance their long-term health and physical functioning. This study examined how survivors' marital status and marital satisfaction-key health determinants-impacted their psychological and physical health trajectories to understand when, and for whom, marriage offers health benefits. Breast cancer survivors (n=209, stages 0-IIIC) completed a baseline visit before treatment and two follow-up visits 6 and 18 months after treatment ended. Women completed questionnaires assessing their marital status and satisfaction when applicable, as well as their psychological (depressive symptoms, stress) and physical (fatigue, pain) health at each visit. Married women-both those in satisfying and dissatisfying marriages-experienced improvements in their depresgical and physical health. We consider two consequences of brain capillary ultrastructure in neuromodulation. First, blood-brain barrier (BBB) polarization as a consequence of current crossing between interstitial space and the blood. Second, interstitial current flow distortion around capillaries impacting neuronal stimulation. We developed computational models of BBB ultrastructure morphologies to first assess electric field amplification at the BBB (principle 1) and neuron polarization amplification by the presence of capillaries (principle 2). We adapt neuron cable theory to develop an analytical solution for maximum BBB polarization sensitivity. Electrical current crosses between the brain parenchyma (interstitial space) and capillaries, producing BBB electric fields (E ) that are >400x of the average parenchyma electric field (Ē ), which in turn modulates transport across the BBB. Specifically, for a BBB space constant (λ ) and wall thickness (d ), the analytical solution for maximal BBB electric field (E ) i capacity or interstitial fluid clearance. Whereas the spatial profile of EBRAIN is traditionally assumed to depend only on macroscopic anatomy, principle 2 suggest a central role for local capillary ultrastructure-which impact forms of neuromodulation including deep brain stimulation (DBS), spinal cord stimulation (SCS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and transcranial electrical stimulation (tES)/transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Currently, weight loss remains the main management strategy for NAFLD, but the weight loss intention and methods remain poorly characterized. We analysed data about the perception of weight status, intention and methods to lose weight amongst 3,822 persons with NAFLD (United States Fatty Liver Index≥30) from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2014. Only 53.9% of people with NAFLD intended to lose weight, 91.8% with perception of overweight and 8.2% with normal weight perception. Persons with perception of overweight or overweight/obese status were four times more likely to try to lose weight (adjusted odds ratios 3.9 and 4.2, respectively, both P<0.0001). Younger age, women, higher educational level, Hispanic and blacks (versus whites) were significant independent factors associated with weight loss intention. Notably, ≤10% attended weight loss programme. Metabolic equivalent of task hours per week was significantly higher in whites who exercised to lose weight (vs. no exercise, P=0.003) but not in other racial/ethnic groups. Interestingly, calorie intake was similar between those who dieted versus not (2056 vs. 1970kcal/day, P=0.11). About 30% reported≥10-lb weight loss, with 50% higher odds of success for men but there was no difference by race/ethnicity. Overweight or obese perception was a key driver in weight loss activities but was inconsistent with actual weight status and varied by race/ethnicity and other sociodemographic factors. Weight loss programme is under-utilized and should take in account of weight perception training and culturally appropriate approach. Overweight or obese perception was a key driver in weight loss activities but was inconsistent with actual weight status and varied by race/ethnicity and other sociodemographic factors. Weight loss programme is under-utilized and should take in account of weight perception training and culturally appropriate approach.