Compared to control group participants, intervention participants showed a baseline-to-follow-up decrease in anxiety, and more frequently used social media to discuss pain, prescription opioid use, coping strategies, places to seek help, and alternative therapies for pain. Both groups showed a baseline to follow-up decrease in COMM score. Preliminary results support the use an online community interventions as a low-cost tool to decrease risk for prescription opioid misuse and its complications. © 2020 The Authors.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02910.]. © 2019 The Author(s).Exposure to toxic heavy metal content in soil and inherent naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) needs to be monitored, especially after industrial accidents and remediation efforts. Just such an accident happened near Ajka city in Hungary; a large quantity of red mud flooded out from a reservoir. The afflicted area was remediated, and the red mud deposition technology was changed from a wet to a dry procedure. Concerns have been raised about potential hazards from airborne NORM dust in this area. The objectives of this study were to assess the use of explanted tobacco plants as an active biomonitoring system for airborne NORM dust and to reveal weather-related correlations of Po-210 in airborne dust. In 2011, 2012 and 2014, measurements were taken of the following at six monitoring sites in the polluted area and at eight sites in unpolluted areas soil and tobacco plant Po-210 isotope levels, airborne Rn-222, Ra-226 in soil, Th-232 and K-40 radioactivity concentrations. The transfer factors (TFs) of tobacco were calculated yearly for these isotopes. Association of data with local weather features was determined. In 2012 (the windiest and driest year), the mean Po-210 activity concentrations of tobacco samples in polluted areas were significantly higher than in 2011 and in 2014 (p = 0.044 and p = 0.024, respectively). The mean TF of samples in 2012 was also significantly higher in tobacco plants grown in the polluted area compared to ones grown in unpolluted areas (p = 0.020). These results presumably originate from red mud dust-particle adsorption on tobacco plant leaves. Tobacco plants are promising active bioindicators of airborne particulate pollution by Po-210 or other atmospheric NORM content. © 2020 The Authors.Credibility of social media travel information sources is one of the most debatable topics among scholars. This research is designed to address the trustworthiness of travel and tourism information sources of social media platforms. Cross-sectional research design and convenience sampling was applied. Statistical Package for Social Science version 23 was employed to compute mean, one sample T-test, independent sample T-test and one-way Analysis of variance. Eta squared was calculated to measure the effect size or magnitude of mean difference. The effective sample size is 310 visitors. The findings revealed that visitors had a positive perception towards the trustworthiness of social media travel information sources. Visitors with the age of 18-35 years have a higher level of agreement towards the trustworthiness of social media travel information sources. As the age of visitors increases, the mean scores marginally decreases where the lowest mean scores lay on visitors who are above 46 years. Limitations and managerial/industrial implications are detailed. © 2020 The Author(s).This study evaluates the potential use of archaeological otoliths of Genidens barbus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) as a tool to study fish behavior and hunter-gatherers procurement strategies on the North Patagonian coast. The studied samples come from the San Antonio archaeological locality dated at ca. 1000-800 14C yr BP (Late Holocene). To assess whether exposure to fire significantly affects the otolith SrCa and BaCa ratios, burned and unburned modern lapilli otoliths have been analyzed by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and no statistically significant differences were found between the results of both treatments. Core-to-edge chemical time series were carried out on ancient otoliths (ca. 1000 14C yr BP) in order to study the fish life history. Three amphidromous patterns were found for ancient samples. The capture environments and seasons inferred by the otolith edge chemistry and marginal increase, respectively, suggest a location in high salinity water (estuary and sea) in summer. Finally, to estimate the size of archaeological fish, a linear regression between total length and otolith length was constructed using 70 modern catfish otoliths. The size variability (358-610 mm) might indicate the use of non-selective capture techniques, probably nets, by hunter-gatherer groups. © 2020 The Authors.The problem of AC corrosion remains motivating for researchers because many factors influence the corrosion rate for buried pipelines due to the interference with overhead high voltage transmission lines (OHVTLs). Many researchers study the mechanisms of induced alternating current (AC) voltages, which are summarized as capacitive, inductive, and conductive coupling. In this work, only the induced AC voltage on the pipelines due to inductive coupling in steady-state conditions is studied. A holistic mathematical model for the pipelines, power lines, mitigation equipment for the induced voltage, and cathodic protection (CP) is illustrated. Potassium hydroxide polarization cells are electrically represented because these cells are considered the most common mitigation device for discharging the induced AC voltage from the pipeline to the soil. The overall model is implemented using MATLAB. The results show the profiles of induced AC voltage along the pipeline, the CP for the pipeline, the points of maximum voltage, and the influence of installing the AC mitigation units on the CP performance. © 2020 The Authors.Objectives Human cercarial dermatitis (HCD) is a water-borne zoonotic parasitic disease. Cercariae of the avian schistosomes of several genera are frequently recognized as the causative agent of HCD. Various studies have been performed regarding prevalence of bird schistosomes in different regions of the world. So far, no study has gathered and analyzed this data systematically. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis study was to determine the prevalence of avian schistosomes worldwide. Methods Data were extracted from six available databases for studies published from 1937 to 2017. Generally, 41 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were used for data extraction in this systematic review. Most of studies have been conducted on the family Anatidae. Results The overall prevalence of avian schistosomes was estimated to be 34.0% (95%CI, 28%-41%) around the world. Furthermore, results displayed that, Allobilharzia visceralis and Trichobilharzia spp. had the highest frequency and their prevalence in the birds was 50.