Particle size-fraction analysis revealed that as much as 85% of the particles detected in the studied compartment constitute PM2.5.The impacts of sea-level rise (SLR) are likely to be the greatest for ecosystems that exist at the land-sea interface, where small changes in sea-level could result in drastic changes in habitat availability. Rocky intertidal ecosystems possess a number of characteristics which make them highly vulnerable to changes in sea-level, yet our understanding of potential community-scale responses to future SLR scenarios is limited. Combining remote-sensing with in-situ large-area imaging, we quantified habitat extent and characterized the biological community at two rocky intertidal study locations in California, USA. We then used a model-based approach to estimate how a range of SLR scenarios would affect total habitat area, areal extent of dominant benthic space occupiers, and numerical abundance of invertebrates. Our results suggest that SLR will reduce total available rocky intertidal habitat area at our study locations, leading to an overall decrease in areal extent of dominant benthic space occupiers, and a reduction in invertebrate abundances. As large-scale environmental changes, such as SLR, accelerate in the next century, more extensive spatially explicit monitoring at ecologically relevant scales will be needed to visualize and quantify their impacts to biological systems.Bryozoans are small benthic colonial animals; their colonies consist of zooids which are composed of a cystid and polypide. According to morphological and molecular data, three classes of bryozoans are recognized Phylactolaemata, Gymnolaemata and Stenolaemata. Bryozoans are active suspension feeders and their feeding apparatus, the lophophore, is fringed with a single row of ciliated tentacles. In gymnolaemates, the lophophore is bell-shaped and its tentacles may be equal in length (equitentacled lophophores) or some tentacles may be longer than others (obliquely truncated lophophores). In encrusting colonies, polypides with obliquely truncated lophophores usually border specific sites of excurrent water outlets (colony periphery and chimneys) where depleted water has to be removed. It is known that during colony astogeny, colony-wide water currents rearrange new chimneys are formed and/or location of the chimneys within a given colony changes with time. Such rearrangement requires remodeling of the lophophorng colony astogeny. For the first time deuterosome-like structures were revealed during kinetosome biogenesis in the prospective multiciliated epithelial cells in invertebrates. Tentacle regeneration experiments in Electra pilosa demonstrated that among all epidermal cell types, only non-ciliated cells at the abfrontal tentacle surface are responsible for wound healing. Ciliated cells on the frontal and lateral tentacle surfaces are specialized and unable to proliferate, not even under wound healing. Tentacle regeneration in E. pilosa is very slow and similar to the morphallaxis type. We suggest that damaged tentacles recover their length by a mechanism similar to normal growth, powered by proliferation of cells both within ciliated pits and the oral region.The upper Permian Naobaogou Formation has been the goal of recent contributions that notably increased the knowledge of its terrestrial vertebrate fauna and unravelled a hidden late Permian therocephalian diversity in China. Two very different species of therocephalians have been documented in the Naobaogou Formation and they were recovered as basal akidnognathids in cladistic analyses. In this contribution we describe Caodeyao liuyufengi gen. et sp. nov., represented by a partial skull and mandible, and a humerus. The new taxon features a short, high snout and a wide temporal opening with the coronoid process of the mandible separated by a wide space medially to the zygomatic arch. The latter feature is only recognized in the Russian therocephalian Purlovia maxima and it is also characteristic of non-mammaliaform cynodonts. Phylogenetic analysis indicates a close relationship of the new Chinese taxon with Purlovia maxima, producing a monophyletic Laurasian group in therocephalian phylogeny. With the representation of three different species, the Naobaogou Formation is now the most prolific unit documenting therocephalian late Permian diversity in China.We investigated survival and cause-specific mortality for a mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) population during a period when the puma (Puma concolor) population was growing in the Black Hills, South Dakota, 2006-2018. We obtained survival data from 47 adult goats (n = 33 females, n = 14 males). Annual survival varied from 0.538 (95% CI [0.285-0.773]) to 1.00 (95% CI [1.00-1.00]) and puma predation was the primary cause-specific mortality factor over a 12-year period. Cumulative hectares of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) disturbance was a covariate of importance (w i = 0.972; β = 0.580, 95% CI [0.302-0.859]) influencing survival. To our knowledge, this is the first account of puma being the primary mortality factor of mountain goats over a long-term study. The Black Hills system is unique because we could examine the expanded realized niche of puma in the absence of other large carnivores and their influence on mountain goats. We hypothesize that puma were being sustained at higher densities due to alternate prey sources (e.g., white-tailed deer; Odocoileous virginianus) and this small population of mountain goats was susceptible to predation by one or several specialized puma in the Black Hills. However, we also hypothesize a changing landscape with increased tree mortality due to insect infestation provided conditions for better predator detection by goats and increased survival. Alternatively, open canopy conditions may have increased understory forage production potentially increasing mountain goat survival but we did not evaluate this relationship. Survival and mortality rates of mountain goats should continue to be monitored as this small population may be highly susceptible to population declines due to slow growth rates.