314 kPa-1 are simultaneously achieved by the optimized hybrid dielectric. The design is also applicable for triboelectric tactile sensors, which realizes the similar linear behavior of output voltage and enhanced sensitivity. With the high pressure-resolution across a broad range, potential applications such as healthcare monitoring in diverse scenarios and control command conversion via a single sensor are demonstrated.The flexible, transparent, and low-weight nature of ferroelectric polymers makes them promising for wearable electronic and optical applications. To reach the full potential of the polarization-enabled device functionalities, large-scale fabrication of polymer thin films with well-controlled polar directions is called for, which remains a central challenge. The widely exploited Langmuir-Blodgett, spin-coating, and electrospinning methods only yield polymorphous or polycrystalline films, where the net polarization is compromised. Here, an easily scalable approach is reported to achieve poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) P(VDF-TrFE) thin films composed of close-packed crystalline nanowires via interface-epitaxy with 1T'-ReS2 . Upon controlled thermal treatment, uniform P(VDF-TrFE) films restructure into about 10 and 35 nm-wide (010)-oriented nanowires that are crystallographically aligned with the underlying ReS2 , as revealed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Piezoresponse force microscopy studies confirm the out-of-plane polar axis of the nanowire films and reveal coercive voltages as low as 0.1 V. Reversing the polarization can induce a conductance switching ratio of >108 in bilayer ReS2 , over six orders of magnitude higher than that achieved by an untreated polymer gate. This study points to a cost-effective route to large-scale processing of high-performance ferroelectric polymer thin films for flexible energy-efficient nanoelectronics.A monolithic ternary logic transistor based on a vertically stacked double n-type semiconductor heterostructure is presented. Incorporation of the organic heterostructure into the conventional metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) architecture induces the generation of stable multiple logic states in the device; these states can be further optimized to be equiprobable and distinctive, which are the most desirable and requisite properties for multivalued logic devices. A systematic investigation reveals that the electrical properties of the device are governed by not only the conventional field-effect charge transport but also the field-effect charge tunneling at the heterointerfaces, and thus, an intermediate state can be finely tuned by independently controlling the transition between the onsets of these two mechanisms. The achieved device performance agrees with the results of a numerical simulation based on a pseudo-metal-insulator-metal model; the obtained findings therefore provide rational criteria for material selection in a simple energetic perspective. The operation of various ternary logic circuits based on the optimized multistate heterojunction transistors, including the NMIN and NMAX gates, is also demonstrated.After 2020, with Chinese baby boomers growing old, more and more working people will step into retirement. What kind of influence retirement behaviour will have on the mental health of the older adults and whether the existing findings of retirement on the mental health of the older adults are applicable to China's current conditions? The answers are related to the improvement of the well being of older adults and future policy orientation. Based on the China Family Tracking Survey data in 2016 and 2018, the paper employed the Ordinary Least Squares, Two Stage Least Squares, and Propensity Score Matching methods to investigate the effect of retirement on the mental health of older adults in China. Results show that retirement can significantly reduce the depression and has a positive impact on the their mental health, and no chronic diseases, poor economic status and shorter education years are conducive to improve mental health of the elderly. Further, the mechanisms differ between the sexes that while exercise is a positive mediator for both sexes, reading and family dinners are positive mediators for men but not for women.Methods used to derive water quality regulations for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances (PBTs) in the United States have evolved substantially over the past 50 yr, leveraging current understandings and assumptions about the nature and magnitude of partitioning and accumulation of substances in water, sediments, and organisms. In the United States and across the world, environmental regulations continue to evolve into more refined water quality criteria protective of aquatic life and human health. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pexidartinib-plx3397.html The present review provides historical context on the establishment of aquatic life and human health water quality criteria in the United States by compiling information from regulatory agencies and peer-reviewed literature on methods used to characterize and quantify bioaccumulation of substances in aquatic organisms and humans. Primary data needs and assumptions for various methods, as well as their application in setting criteria by the US Environmental Protection Agency over the past half century, are highlighted. Our review offers an important retrospective on the data and methods used to derive water quality criteria for PBTs and provides commentary on the future of US criteria development. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;001-12. © 2021 SETAC.The current study examined patterns of Black adolescent boys' socioemotional competence (SEC) in the midst of racial (in)congruence of their neighborhood and school contexts and the associations of these patterns with self- and teacher-reported social adjustment. Data collected from 417 Black adolescent boys in 7th-11th grade were analyzed using a multilevel class analysis to derive student-level classes of SEC and neighborhood racial composition and school-level classes of school racial composition. Class associations with social adjustment were examined via analysis of variance and analysis of covariance among a subsample of 258 Black males. Four patterns of SEC-neighborhood racial composition and two patterns of school racial composition were identified; the former were associated with self- and teacher-reported social adjustment. Interactive patterns of SEC-neighborhood racial composition classes and school racial composition classes were associated with teachers' reports of negative social adjustment. Study findings suggest that considering SEC within racialized contexts is important for understanding Black adolescent boys' adjustment.