Should You Buy Or Adopt a Pet? You might consider adopting a pet from an animal rescue group or shelter if seeking to add a pet to your family. This is a lot less expensive than purchasing an animal from a breeder or pet store. Adopting a pet is an amazing experience. You can learn about the pet's history and receive support throughout the initial phase of familiarization. 1. Save a life Every year, millions of abandoned, lost and stray animals are rescued by shelters, where many of them are put to death due to overpopulation. When you adopt a pet, you are directly saving the life of the animal. In addition, when adopt, you are making room for another animal that is homeless in the shelter, thereby saving multiple lives with one simple act of compassion. If you choose to adopt a pet, you're preventing unnecessary killing of millions healthy and loving animals each year. of these pets are killed due to a lack of space in shelters that are crowded and the number of euthanized animals could be reduced dramatically when more people consider adopting instead of buying the pet from breeders. Adopting a pet isn't just an excellent option to find the perfect pet but it's also a wonderful method to help save the lives of numerous other pets. This is a win-win situation for everyone! 2. Save the home you want to keep Millions of animals end up in shelters each year, where they are usually put to death because there isn't enough space. Adopting a pet is directly impacting that overpopulation and saving the life of a pet. Adoption also provides shelters with the resources they need and helps them continue their important work while breaking the cycle of overpopulation of pets. While purchasing a pet may assist in assisting breeders who adhere to responsible breeding practices Most pets sold in stores come f