In addition, the comparison of density imaging data also confirmed the accuracy of the fast simulation method.FANT is the acronym of Enhanced Thermal Neutron Source (Fuente Ampliada de Neutrones Térmicos, in Spanish). This is a parallelepiped box of high-density polyethylene moderator and an isotopic neutron source. The moderator has a cylindrical irradiation chamber where a rather uniform thermal neutron flux is obtained. The FANT design was previously optimized and the neutron spectra were estimated by Monte Carlo calculations with the MCNP6.1 code. To check the characteristics of the FANT thermal neutron field, measurements have been performed at the reference point inside the irradiation chamber with a Bonner sphere spectrometer holding a small 6LiI(Eu) thermal neutron detector. To unfold the neutron spectrum BUNKIUT with UTA4 response matrix and NSDann Ver 4.0 codes were used. Some issues have been found and recommendations are made about the use of large BSS inside narrow spaces, and about the capacity of NSDann code to unfold these kind of spectra. However, the results confirm that the moderation process in FANT is very effective and allows obtaining useful thermal neutron fluence rates.This manuscript describes a highly sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the determination of dasotraline in human plasma. Dasotraline and the internal standard (IS) d4-13C4-dasotraline were extracted from the 0.500-mL plasma pre-mixed with 0.20-mL of 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate solution by a 3-mL of hexane containing 0.7 % sec-butyl alcohol. The organic extract, after dried down, was reconstituted in 150 μL acetonitrile containing 0.1 % formic acid. Forty (40) μL of the resulted sample was injected into LC-MS/MS for analysis. Chromatographic separation was on a Betasil Silica column. MS/MS detection was by monitoring m/z 275→159 and 283→160 for dasotraline and IS, respectively. Peak a