The attention of the world is focused on the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. There is s general awareness that certain population groups are at greater risk. However, some other populations may be transparent and may not be receiving the attention they warrant. We focused on those with intellectual disability explaining why they are vulnerable during the current pandemic and require special attention. The attention of the world is focused on the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. There is s general awareness that certain population groups are at greater risk. However, some other populations may be transparent and may not be receiving the attention they warrant. We focused on those with intellectual disability explaining why they are vulnerable during the current pandemic and require special attention.Development of new insulins aims to mimic in a better way the natural physiology of this hormone secreted by the pancreas. Rapid insulin analogues have proven a better capacity to reduce postprandial glycaemic peaks after eating. Nevertheless, these molecules are still quite inaccurate to limit glycaemic excursions after the meals. This reality is often described by patients using continuous glucose monitoring systems. So, there is undeniably a place for even more rapid insulins. The ones named «ultra-rapid insulin» tend to better control hyperglycaemia after meals thanks to more favourable profiles regarding pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Ultra-rapid lispro (URLi) Lyumjev®, is the new ultra-rapid insulin available in Belgium. This review aims to describe its advantages compared to some other rapid insulins thanks to data obtained from trials in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.Protrusio acetabuli is a clinical entity with variable clinical presentation consisting of a medial deviation of the acetabulum in the pelvic direction. Qualified as a silent deformity in view of its asymptomatic nature until the onset of early degenerative changes, the patient will present with progressive joint pain and stiffness until the development of secondary osteoarthritis. In view of the potentially destructive primary causes associated with the development of secondary protrusion acetabuli, the radiological demonstration of this pathology in young patients cannot be neglected and should lead to the investigation of the underlying pathologies associated with this anomaly. This entity must generate regular clinical and radiological monitoring, and potentially multidisciplinary approach in the event of the appearance of diagnostic criteria for Marfan syndrome, which may vary over time and across individuals.The writer rebels in a mood ticket on the dictatorship of the complementary examinations at the expense of the clinical approach. She comments on the multiple reasons, medical and medicolegal, which in the 21st century still encourages a good history taking and a good clinical examination.This review is devoted to all health professionals in order to raise awareness of the psychopathological consequences of forced migration on the mental health of children. First, we will talk about the psychological consequences of immigration in a global way, and then we will discuss about some specific situations. We will finish with prevention and care of these vulnerable children.Pregnancy leads to many physiological changes, particularly in the thyroid. This implies that the reference values of the thyroid parameters may change according to the trimesters of the pregnancy and that the management of pregnant women differs. Establishing reference values is not easy and can be done in several ways. In our study, we review the reference values of TSH and FT4 of pregnant women followed up at Liege University Hospital compared to control women. This has been achieved using retrospective data from our laboratory. We show that the small decrease in the TSH reference values in pregnant women is barely visible in a small cohort. Our FT4 values confirm what the literature shows, i.e. a slight increase during the first trimester. We emphasize the difficulty and the relevance of making reference values for pregnant women.Since the introduction of laparoscopy and mini-invasive techniques, gynaecological surgery has largely evolved. However, post-operative recommendations still remain very restrictive with poor evidence from literature. The survey, performed by the GGOLFB surgical working group, shows that the post-operative advices to the patients are very heterogeneous for the sick leave period as for more specific advices like the period of disallowance of sexual intercourse, bathing and weightlifting. It is nevertheless fundamental to prescribe clear and precise advices to patients, from the first pre-operative consultation on, which will substantially improve the perception of their recovery and promote a return to their normal activity under good conditions. It is not necessary to be too restrictive concerning certain activities in the post-operative period, neither to give too long periods of work incapacity because it may have a negative impact on their quality of life. This survey and the data from literature helped our surgical taskforce group to propose and develop harmonised recommendations on recovery and work incapacity after gynaecological surgery, taking into account the actual surgical practice in 2020.The use of cannabis is most often associated with that of tobacco. While the addictive power of cannabis is low, that of tobacco is high. The regular use of both tobacco and cannabis is at the origin of the increase in dependence on each substance, which makes stopping this double consumption often difficult. This combined use can cause somatic and mental complications. Practitioners should identify this dual use, advise stopping and offer their help after a careful evaluation of both consumptions and their causes. The management includes psychotherapeutic support; If the efficacy of medications to aid stopping cannabis has not been proven to aid in stopping cannabis, nicotine replacement therapy can limit withdrawal syndrome, craving and improve patients' adherence to monitoring.The mobilization of practitioners in the management of patients and the development of effective cannabis cessation pharmacotherapies are essential.