Objective This study aims to determine the relationship between communication and disposition toward the implementation of the No Smoking Area policy. Method The design of this study was cross-sectional study approach. Total samples are 196 respondents. Data collection obtained by a questionnaire, observations, and in-depth interviews, as well as secondary data obtained through literature review. Univariate and bivariate analysis are done to analyze data. Result communication in the implementation of the No Smoking Area policy at the Maros Regent Office was generally good. For transmission factors found 58.5% of respondents said good and the remaining 41.5% said it was not good. Conclusion The good communication had no relation to the successful implementation of the No Smoking Area policy at the Maros Regent Office, while a good disposition had a relationship with the successful implementation of the No Smoking Area policy at the Maros Regent Office.Objective The aims of this study was to determine the effect of giving 14 days of African leaf herbal tea to FBG levels of prediabetes teachers. Method A quasi-experimental study using the non-randomized pretest posttest method. There were 30 samples. Levels of FBG, Anthropometry and Recall 24-hours collected had been divided into 3 study groups are dose of 2 grams (group I), 4g (group II) and controls. Result 5.3% decreases in FBG levels of group I, 5.6% in group II, and 0.5% increase in FBG levels of control group. There was no significant difference in FBG levels before and after intervention in group I (p=0.057), group II (p=0.252), and control group (p=0.928). Conclusion Consumption of 4g of African leaf herbal tea for 14 days reduces FBG best. It is recommended to consume African leaf herbal tea to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with prediabetes.Objective Compare the effect of Moringa oleifera (MO) leaf extract and iron tablets on pregnant women on low birth weight. Methods This study used a Randomized Double-Blind design controlled by using a sample of non-anemic pregnant women. Birth weight was measured using a digital scale electrically after delivery. Analysis of data using two independent samples t-test. Results Overall, there were no significant different between intervention and control group in terms of birth weight (3104.57±52 vs. 3022.29±53g), birth length (48.06±2.4 vs. 48.68±2.6cm), and head circumference (33.72±1.50 vs. 33.55±1.47cm). The number of low birth weight infants in the intervention group of 8.6% and 11.4% of control. There is no difference in birth weight between the intervention with the control group (p=0.365). Conclusion M. oleifera (MO) leaf extract supplement has similar effect to iron folate supplement in terms of low birth weight incidence. It is recommended for the government to use MO supplement, as local source supplement, replacing iron-folic supplement in improving pregnancy outcomes. A further study is necessary to see the effect of MO supplement to other pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and child mortality.Objective This study aims to analyze the effect of the principles of good corporate governance on the satisfaction of inpatients in the Happy General Hospital of Makassar City. Method This study is a cross-sectional study. There are 83 samples calculated using the Slovin formula. Data were analyzed by Chi-square test. Results The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between the principle of independence (p=0.000) and the principle of fairness (p=0.000) to the satisfaction of inpatients. Conclusion It is recommended that hospitals maintain and further improve service quality as well as the need for an assessment of patient satisfaction which later becomes a reference material in evaluating hospital activities and programs.Objective This study aimed to analyze the implementation of accreditation policy in Mamuju district health center. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/trastuzumab-emtansine-t-dm1-.html Methods The study design is descriptive analysis-exploratory qualitative approach by observation, interview and literature study. The research informants selected by purposive sampling. This study variables using the theory of policy implementation which includes communication, resources, bureaucratic structure and disposition. Results The communication mechanism has not been implemented in a planned and structured, limited resource capabilities where the lack of appropriate competence in health workers, lack of health facilities and unavailability of budget standardized accreditation, but the information provided is in accordance with their authority. The bureaucratic structure has been executed where the SOP accreditation and the accreditation team formation structured. There are commitment and support from Local Government in implementing policies but still lack of commitment in the provision of resources. Conclusion The communication and resource capabilities need to be improved.Objective Stunting (dwarf) is a problem of chronic malnutrition, in which the children have smaller length or height for age. From the basic health research (Riskesdas) in 2018, the prevalence of stunting in the national scope was 30.8% and in Sigi is still above the national rate of 36.4%. This study aims to determinants the risk factor for stunting in the Kinovaro Sigi Health Center, Central Sulawesi. Methods This study is a survey analytic method, with a cross sectional. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The research data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. Results The relationship between risk factor of immunization history and incidence of stunting events showed p-value=0.036 (OR 0.189 with 95% CI, 0.036-0.996), exclusive breastfeeding history showed p-value=0.002 (OR 0.082 with 95% CI, 0.015-0.448), history of infectious diseases showed p-value=0.005 (OR 9.375 with 95% CI, 1.748-50.286), and history of LBW showed p-value=0.037 (OR 5.294 with 95% CI, 1.004-27.927). Conclusion These risk factors are related to the incidence of stunting and contribute 56.9% in influencing the occurrence of stunting.Objective This study aimed to determine the factors associated with stunting base on modeling inferential analysis. Methods This systematic review was conducted using the 2015 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The computerized bibliographic databases searched were Scopus, PubMed, and Google Schoolar. The included studies were rated using eight quality-appraisal criteria derived from the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist sample size, sampling methodology, response rate, outcome measures, statistical analyses, control for confounding, study limitation, and ethical consideration. As many as 12 of 5690 articles met our inclusion criteria for review. Results The most consistent factors associated with childhood stunting were low mother's education, increasing child's age, male sex, poor household, prolonged breastfeeding duration, low birth weight, mother's age ( less then 20 years), drinking water source (unimproved), low mother's BMI ( less then 18.