Novel approaches to biomarker discovery that are currently being investigated include combination biomarkers, host 'sepsis signatures' based on differential gene expression, site-specific biomarkers, biomechanical assays, and incorporation of new and pre-existing host biomarkers into machine learning algorithms. To date, no single reliable independent biomarker of infection exists. Whilst new approaches to biomarker discovery hold promise, their clinical utility may be limited if previous mistakes that have afflicted sepsis biomarker research continue to be repeated. To date, no single reliable independent biomarker of infection exists. Whilst new approaches to biomarker discovery hold promise, their clinical utility may be limited if previous mistakes that have afflicted sepsis biomarker research continue to be repeated.Speech sound disorders affect 10% of preschool and school-age children, adversely affecting their communication, academic performance, and interaction level. Effective pronunciation training requires prolonged supervised practice and interaction. Unfortunately, many children have limited or no access to a speech-language pathologist. Computer-assisted pronunciation training has the potential for being a highly effective teaching aid; however, to-date such systems remain incapable of identifying pronunciation errors with sufficient accuracy. We propose a system that combines a multi-target architecture with weighted finite-state transducers to first segment and then analyze an utterance in terms of its phonological features. We analyze a corpus of 90 children aged 4-7 and find differences between the typically developing and the speech disordered groups.This paper compares how Muslim youth identify with traditional values in two disadvantaged areas a banlieue of Paris and a barrio of Madrid. Research has revealed divergent forms of identification with Islam and tradition. In Les Bosquets (Paris), where the predominating context is one of ethnic segregations, a lack of civic participation, isolation from the city center, and increasing inequalities and Islamophobia, youth are exhibiting an ambivalent return to traditional values and building a new proud, combative and collective Islam. In the case of Madrid, young people distinguish between human/religious and traditional values while ignoring the latter values when they interfere with individual interests. Islam here is individual and compatible with a collective feeling of neighborhood, one built within a context of ethnic diversity, a less intense feeling of Islamophobia, greater accessibility to the cosmopolitan urban center, and dense networks of civil society that encourage local participation.The study has attempted to study the impact of COVID-19 on downside stock market risk in the G-20 nations using Vaue-at-Risk models. The findings of the study suggest that all the G-20 nations have experienced very high level of risk during Global Financial Crisis and COVID-19 as all the countries' stock markets are critical during these two periods, but the magnitude of risk is found to be highest during COVID-19 period compared to other regimes in most of the countries. However, one shocking revelation is that China is found to be on safe zone having very less market risk, whereas all other countries are found to be critical.Since the Corona virus is expected to create a paradigm shift of so called new normal, contemplation of imperatives needed to adapt to the post Covid-19 world is in order. In the case of Nigeria, the already troubled small and medium business (SME) sector and branding of small businesses require attention. Departing from the strict marketing perspective it is typically understood, branding is construed as a function of the overall state of a society in this article. As such, three foundational requirements, namely, technological, socio-economic, and educational imperatives, are identified as society wide policies that must be re-imagined and implemented consistently for SMEs in Nigeria to have strong basis for their branding as well as their emergence as competitive brands post Covid-19. A wide range of secondary sources such as reports, articles in the field of marketing, branding and small business branding, and contemporary global and national developments are integrated in advancing the position of this article.Water quality impairment by elevated sediment loss is a pervasive problem for global water resources. Sediment management targets identify exceedance or the sediment loss 'gap' requiring mitigation. In the UK, palaeo-limnological reconstruction of sediment loss during the 100-150 years pre-dating the post-World War II intensification of agriculture, has identified management targets (0.20-0.35 t ha-1 yr-1) representing 'modern background sediment delivery to rivers'. To assess exceedance on land for grazing ruminant farming, an integrated approach combined new mechanistic evidence from a heavily-instrumented experimental farm platform and a scaling out framework of modelled commercial grazing ruminant farms in similar environmental settings. Monitoring (2012-2016) on the instrumented farm platform returned sediment loss ranges of 0.11-0.14 t ha-1 yr-1 and 0.21-0.25 t ha-1 yr-1 on permanent pasture, compared with between 0.19-0.23 t ha-1 yr-1 and 0.43-0.50 t ha-1 yr-1and 0.10-0.13 t ha-1 yr-1and 0.25-0.30 t ha-1 yr-1 on pasture with scheduled plough and reseeds. Excess sediment loss existed on all three farm platform treatments but was more extensive on the two treatments with scheduled plough and reseeds. Excessive sediment loss from land used by grazing ruminant farming more strategically across England, was estimated to be up to >0.2 t ha-1 yr-1. Modelled scenarios of alternative farming futures, based on either increased uptake of interventions typically recommended by visual farm audits, or interventions selected using new mechanistic understanding for sediment loss from the instrumented farm platform, returned minimum sediment loss reductions. On the farm platform these were 2.1 % (up to 0.007 t ha-1 yr-1) and 5.1 % (up to 0.018 t ha-1 yr-1). More strategically, these were up to 2.8 % (0.014 t ha-1 yr-1) and 4.1 % (0.023 t ha-1 yr-1). Conventional on-farm measures will therefore not fully mitigate the sediment loss gap, meaning that more severe land cover change is required.