In this study, there also was elucidation of biomarkers for the early identification and selection of donkeys with optimal semen freezability.We evaluated whether self-reports of worse cognition in older adults with normal cognitive function reflected actual memory decline, amyloid pathology, and subtle vulnerabilities in hippocampal function. We measured subjective cognitive decline (SCD) in 156 older participants from the Dallas Lifespan Brain Study. Functional hippocampal activation during encoding, measured with fMRI, and longitudinal memory change that was measured in the four years preceding the SCD measures were used to predict the magnitude of SCD. A subsample (N=105) also underwent 18F-Florbetapir PET imaging that measured amyloid burden. Results showed that increased SCD were associated with greater prior memory decline and amyloid deposition. Importantly, decreased hippocampal activation during encoding was a significant predictor of SCD, particularly in young-old adults below 69 years old, above and beyond prior memory change and amyloid deposition. These results indicate that multiple measures of neural and cognitive dysfunction are simultaneously associated with SCD. Moreover, SCD in younger seniors appears to reflect deficient hippocampal activity that increases their reports of poorer memory, independent of amyloid. This manuscript is part of the Special Issue entitled "Cognitive Neuroscience of Healthy and Pathological Aging" edited by Drs. M. N. Rajah, S. Belleville, and R. Cabeza. This article is part of the Virtual Special Issue titled COGNITIVE NEU-ROSCIENCE OF HEALTHY AND PATHOLOGICAL AGING. The full issue can be found on ScienceDirect at https// hydrothermal ecosystem is very unusual, yet little research has so far been conducted on meiofauna in hydrothermal zones. To identify the communities of both meiofauna and nematodes around the Onnuri Vent Field (OVF), we collected sediment from a hydrothermal zone in the OVF and deep-sea (DS) sediments (non-vent) outside the OVF. Sampling was conducted at seven stations using multiple corers on the Research Vessel ISABU in June 2018 and June-July 2019. The average densities of meiofauna ± standard deviation ranged from 21.7 ± 5.2 to 122.3 ± 45.0 individuals/10 cm2. The structure of the meiofaunal community differed between the OVF and DS. The two most dominant groups of meiofauna in both environments were nematodes and harpacticoids. Statistical analyses showed significant differences in the structure of the nematode community between OVF and DS. We also found that the richness, evenness, and diversity of nematodes in the OVF were lower than those in the DS.The role of ecophysiology in mediating marine biological pollution is poorly known. Here we explore how physiological plasticity to environmental stress can explain and predict the context-dependencies of invasive species impacts. We use the case of two sympatric skeleton shrimps, the invader Caprella scaura and its congener C. equilibra, which is currently replaced by the former on the South European coast. We compare their physiological responses to hyposalinity stress under suboptimal low and high temperature, while inferring on hypoxia tolerance. We use an energy-redox approach, analyzing mortality rate, the energetic balance and the consequent effects on the oxidative homeostasis. We found that decreased seawater salinity and/or oxygen levels can weaken biotic resistance, especially in females of C. equilibra, leading to periods of heightened vulnerability to invasion. Our approach provides mechanistic insights towards understanding the factors promoting invader impacts, highlighting the potential of ecophysiology for improving invasive species management.Nano-TiO2 and Galaxolide (HHCB) are continually released into the environment because they are common ingredients of personal care products. In this study, the effects of nano-TiO2 and HHCB, individually and as binary mixtures, on Raphanus sativus were investigated. Growth indices (germination rate, root length, and shoot elongation), random amplification of polymorphic DNA profiles of DNA damage in the seedling roots, and expression of genes related to DNA damage, repair, and the cell cycle were assessed. Radish germination was not affected by nano-TiO2 (5-200 mg L-1) but was inhibited by HHCB (≥50 mg L-1). Nano-TiO2 and HHCB both caused severe DNA damage, including DNA mismatch damage, DNA double-strand breaks, and chromosomal damage. The binary mixtures indicated antagonistic effects occurred, and 200 mg L-1 nano-TiO2 decreased the genetic toxicity of HHCB. Of the genes that were examined, MRE11 and WRKY40 were the most sensitive to nano-TiO2 and HHCB, indicating that these genes could be used as sensitive biomarkers for exposure of R. sativus to nano-TiO2 and HHCB. The results improve our understanding of the risks posed by nano-TiO2 and HHCB to R. sativus in particular and possibly to other plants.SARS-CoV-2 has caused a worldwide epidemic of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). Antibody drugs present an effective weapon for tens of millions of COVID-19 patients. Antibodies disrupting the interactions between the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 S protein and the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) effectively block SARS-CoV-2 cell entry into host cells. In order to rapidly develop more potent neutralizing antibodies, we utilized virtual scanning mutageneses and molecular dynamics simulations to optimize the antibody of P2B-2F6 isolated from single B cells of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. Two potent P2B-2F6 mutants, namely HV106R and HV106R/HP107Y, were found to possess higher binding affinities with the RBD domain of SARS-CoV-2 than others. Polar interactions are preferred near 106 and 107 paratope residues of the heavy chain. The mutations also increase the hydrogen-bonding network formed between the antibody and the RBD. Notably, the optimized antibodies possess potential neutralizing activity against the alarming SARS-CoV-2 variant of N501Y. This study provides insights into structure-based optimization of antibodies with higher affinity to the antigen. We hope that our proposed antibody mutants could contribute to the development of improved therapies against COVID-19.