These mammal families consist of charismatic species, and most of their members are currently facing dramatic declines in population numbers. On the basis of these and other examples, we highlight the importance of captive zoo and other managed wildlife populations for species survival in a human dominated world. Without the possibility to study reproductive physiology in trained or habituated captive individuals, major advances made in wildlife ART during the past 20 years would not have been possible. This paper reviews the benefits and future challenges of large mammal conservation breeding and examines the role of assisted reproduction in such efforts. Oocyte pick up (OPU) coupled with IVP produce over 1 million cattle embryos per year and has been most successful in Bos indicus derived breeds that contain large numbers of antral follicles on their ovaries. More recently, this technology has been applied on a large scale to Bos taurus cattle, where hormone manipulation is generally employed to improve the developmental competence of the COCs. Hormone manipulation, and specifically the use of FSH priming before OPU, has been strategically used in the intensively managed dairy cow, where genomic evaluation and juvenile IVP can produce additional significant genetic gains. Nerve growth factor-β (NGF), initially recognized as a neurotrophin involved in regulating neuronal survival and differentiation, was also later revealed as a ubiquitous seminal plasma protein in mammals. In South American camelids, NGF was initially named ovulation-inducing factor and a dose-dependent luteotropic effect was also reported in llamas. Although NGF was present in the seminal plasma of bulls, the first studies only indicated a potential role on regulation of sperm physiology. The breakthrough discovery of NGF ability to induce ovulation in camelids led to a series of studies investigating the potential functions of NGF within the female reproductive system. In the bovine, a potential luteotropic effect of NGF was perceived as potential tool to overcome the current issues with early embryonic losses attributed at least in part to luteal insufficiency and failed maternal recognition of pregnancy. The aims of this review are to discuss recent advancements in the understanding of the biological roles of NGF in the bovine species. The insights of recent studies with NGF administered in cattle include enhancement of steroidogenesis, luteal formation, and function through increased release of LH, and downstream effect of increased expression of interferon-stimulated genes. In addition, a positive association with sire conception rates; the determination that is produced in the ampulla and vesicular glands of bulls and that is secreted into the sperm-rich fraction of the ejaculate; and the absence of improved post-thaw sperm motility, viability, acrosome integrity, or chromatin stability in ejaculated or epididymal derived sperm supplemented with purified NGF is also discussed. The objective of ovarian superstimulatory treatments in cattle is to obtain the maximum number of viable embryos by stimulating growth of antral follicles and ovulation of competent oocytes. While factors inherent to the donor animal are critical, an increased knowledge of ovarian physiology, gonadotropin biochemistry and the ability to manipulate ovarian function have provided alternatives for the design of simple and successful protocols for superovulation in cattle. Recent protocols have also been made more user-friendly and allowed for the grouping of donors for successful superovulation. Although the number of reports associating FSH profiles with superovulatory response is limited, studies designed to reduce the number of FSH treatments necessary to induce superstimulation may provide guidance for the development of optimized gonadotropin treatment protocols. Although high peak levels of circulating FSH following a single administration of Folltropin-V have been shown to be associated with a reduced superstimulatory response, the ideal treatment protocol would seem to be to increase circulating FSH levels to values comparable to those required for the induction of follicle wave emergence, and to maintain these levels for at least 72 h (or 36 h for superstimulation prior to ovum pick-up) to allow follicles to reach an ovulatory size and acquire the capacity to ovulate. The bidirectional communication between the oocyte and the companion somatic cells in the follicular environment is known to be mediated by either a direct communication via gap junction or transzonal projections or indirectly through endocrine, paracrine and autocrine signaling factors. Extracellular vesicles (EVs), which are found in various biological fluids, including follicular fluid (FF) are known to play important roles in mediating the communication between the oocyte and the surrounding somatic cells through shuttling bioactive molecules to facilitate follicular growth and oocyte maturation. As vesicles in the extracellular space are known to reflect the physiological status of the donor or the releasing cells, molecules carried by the EVs in the follicular environment could be markers of the internal and external stressors. EVs exhibit greater degree of heterogeneity in their size, biogenesis and the bioactive molecule they carry. The process of biogenesis of EVs is known to be regulated by several proteins associated with the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) proteins. The type of EVs and surface proteins markers vary according to the type of protein involved in their biogenesis. EVs are recently reported to play indispensable role in promoting cell-to-cell communication during follicular growth. Recent advancements in EV research opened the possibilities to load EVs with specific molecules like miRNA, siRNA, CRISPR-cas9 complex and protein, which showed a new horizon for their application in therapeutics. The present review explores the biogenesis, the role and the future prospects of EVs with a special emphasis given to follicular growth and oocyte maturation. Copyright © 2020.