Although access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among children and young people living with HIV has increased in recent years, adherence to medication and viral suppression remain challenges. Evidence of benefits of support groups is growing and reflects a range of models and approaches. Since 2014, hospital-linked psychosocial support groups for children and young people living with HIV, known as Kids Clubs, have been established throughout Haiti. The program provides safe spaces for them to meet with peers, supports medication adherence, delivers health and life skills education, and facilitates linkages with clinic visits and social services. This study describes program enrollment and participant engagement, ART adherence and viral suppression among participants, and other outcomes attributed to the program by participants, caregivers, and program implementers. Our mixed methods study included quantitative analysis of program monitoring data on rollout and attendance, and medication adherence and viraeen successful in scaling HIV support services to highly vulnerable children and young people through peer-based groups, and program participation has led to a range of benefits. Efforts to innovate, evaluate, and scale support strategies for vulnerable young populations must be accelerated in order to ensure that they survive, thrive, and reach their full potential. The Kids Club program has been successful in scaling HIV support services to highly vulnerable children and young people through peer-based groups, and program participation has led to a range of benefits. Efforts to innovate, evaluate, and scale support strategies for vulnerable young populations must be accelerated in order to ensure that they survive, thrive, and reach their full potential. Patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) are occasionally positive for anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs). Differences between ILDs secondary to microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) and isolated ANCA-positive idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) remain unclear. The aim of this study was to explore the differences in clinical features and outcomes between MPA-associated ILDs and isolated ANCA-positive IIPs. We reviewed 1338 ILDs patients with available ANCA results and retrospectively analysed 80 patients who were ANCA-positive. MPA-associated ILDs (MPA-ILDs group) and isolated ANCA-positive IIPs (ANCA-IIPs group) were compared. Among 80 patients with ANCA-positive ILDs, 31 (38.75%) had MPA-ILDs, and 49 (61.25%) had isolated ANCA-positive IIPs. Compared with ANCA-IIPs group, patients in MPA-ILDs group had a higher proportion of fever (p = 0.006) and higher neutrophil count (p = 0.011), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (p < 0.001) and C-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.005). Multivariablatment should be considered in the management of ILDs patients positive for ANCAs. Gall bladder cancer (GBC) is the fifth most common malignancy in the gastrointestinal system and the most common malignancy of the biliary system. GBC is a very aggressive malignancy having a 5year survival rate of 19%. Giant Gall Bladder (GGB) is an uncommon condition that can result from cholelithiasis or chronic cholecystitis and rarely with malignancy. A 65year old lady presented with vague abdominal pain for 12years and right abdominal lump of size 20 × 8 cms was found on examination. CT scan showed a circumferentially irregularly thickened wall (2.5cm) of gall bladder indicative of malignancy. Per-operatively a GB of size 24 × 9 cm was noted and patient underwent radical cholecystectomy. It was surprise to find such a giant malignant GB with preserved planes. Histopathology, it was well differentiated adenocarcinoma of gall bladder of Stage II (T2a N0 M0). It is known that mucocoele of GB can attain large size, however chronic cholecystitis will lead to a shrunken gall bladder rather than an enlarged one. A malignant GB of such size and resectable is rare without any lymph node involvement or liver infiltration. Few cases of giant benign gall bladder have been reported in literature, however this appears to be the largest resectable gall bladder carcinoma reported till date as per indexed literature. Giant GB is an uncommon finding. They are mostly benign, however malignant cases can occur. Radiological findings may suggest features of malignancy and define extent of disease. Prognosis depends on stage of disease and resectability, irrespective of size. Giant GB is an uncommon finding. They are mostly benign, however malignant cases can occur. Radiological findings may suggest features of malignancy and define extent of disease. Prognosis depends on stage of disease and resectability, irrespective of size. Some viruses play a key role in the disturbance of the digestive system. The common viruses which cause infectious diarrhoea (gastroenteritis) include astrovirus, caliciviruses, coronavirus and torovirus which are single-stranded RNA viruses. Influenza A virus (H1N1) also causes diarrhoea in addition to being associated with respiratory symptoms. In preliminary studies, Newtonia hildebrandtii and N. buchananii leaf extracts had good antibacterial activity against some bacteria implicated in causing diarrhoea. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-influenza activity of two Newtonia species extracts and the isolated compound (myricitrin). N. hildebrandtii and N. buchananii acetone, and MeOH DCM (methanol-dichloromethane) leaf and stem extracts, and an antibacterial compound myricetin-3-o-rhamnoside (myricitrin), isolated from N. buchananii, were evaluated for their antiviral efficacy against influenza A virus (IAV) PR8/34/H1N1 as a model organism. The MTT and hemagglutination assays were used to as and development on Newtonia hildebrandtii, Newtonia buchananii and myricitrin to address diarrhoea and related conditions caused by viruses in both human and veterinary medicine. Further work needs to be conducted on the activity of the extracts and the purified compound on other viruses of importance which have similar symptoms to influenza virus such as the coronavirus which led to a recent global pandemic. Data from this study support further research and development on Newtonia hildebrandtii, Newtonia buchananii and myricitrin to address diarrhoea and related conditions caused by viruses in both human and veterinary medicine. Further work needs to be conducted on the activity of the extracts and the purified compound on other viruses of importance which have similar symptoms to influenza virus such as the coronavirus which led to a recent global pandemic.