sistance in A549 cells. However, co-transfection with WNT2B partially enhanced CDDP resistance, compared with the mimic alone. In conclusion, RPPH1 promoted NSCLC progression and lung cancer cell resistance to CDDP through miR-326 and WNT2B.Studies of cervical cancer (CC) have reported that microRNA-16-1 (miR-16-1), which is an oncomiR, is increased in the tissues and cell lines of CC. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association of miRNA-16-1 expression level with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the presence of squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL) and the integration of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) DNA. The current study analyzed 80 samples obtained from women by liquid-based cytology, which revealed that 20 were negative for SIL (NSIL) and without HPV, 20 were low-grade SIL (LSIL), 20 were high-grade SIL (HSIL), and 20 were diagnosed as SCC with HR-HPV. The genotyping of the viral DNA was conducted via an INNO-LiPA-HPV array, the expression of miR-16-1 was determined by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR, and the physical state of the HR-HPV was ascertained by in situ hybridization with amplification with tyramide. A total of eight HR-HPV genotypes were distinguished; the most frequent of these being HPV16, followed by multiple infection with HR-HPV (including HPV16). The mixed state of the HR-HPV was observed in 60 and 65% of LSIL and HSIL cases, respectively, while an integrated HR-HPV state was identified in 90% of cases with SCC. The expression level of miR-16-1 increased according to the grade of SIL, and cases with HSIL exhibited a significantly higher miR-16-1 expression level compared with women with NSIL (P less then 0.001; Table II). It can therefore be determined that the expression of miR-16-1 effects cellular proliferation, due to the viral integration of various HR-HPV genotypes in unique infection or in multiple infection. Thus, the overexpression of miR-16-1 could be monitored in women with LSIL, in order to discard a major lesion.Over the past decade, a number of studies have demonstrated the resistance of cancer cells to conventional drugs and have recognized this as a major challenge in cancer therapy. While attempting to understand the underlying mechanisms of chemoresistance, several studies have suggested that the presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in tumors is one of the major pathways contributing toward resistance. Chemoresistance leads to cancer treatment failure and worsens the prognosis of patients. Natural herbal compounds are gaining attention as an alternative treatment strategy for cancer. These compounds may be effective against chemoresistant cells either alone or synergistically alongside conventional drugs, sensitizing cancer cells and enhancing the therapeutic efficacy. BRM270 is a natural compound made from seven herbal plant (Saururus chinensis, Citrus unshiu Markovich, Aloe vera, Arnebia euchroma, Portulaca oleracea, Prunella vulgaris var. lilacina and Scutellaria bacicalensis) extracts used in Asian traditional medicine and has the potential to target CSCs. Several studies have demonstrated the positive effects of BRM270 against chemoresistant cancer and its synergy alongside existing cancer drugs, including paclitaxel and gefitinib. These effects have been observed against various cancer types, including resistant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), glioblastoma, multi-drug resistant osteosarcoma, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer and hepatocarcinoma. The present review discusses the effects of BRM270 treatment against CSC-associated chemoresistance in common types of cancer.Adult undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver (UESL) is an aggressive malignant tumor. As UESL is rare, the literature predominantly includes case reports, with a limited number of small case series. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presentation, treatment modalities and outcomes of this rare tumor. The present study includes a case series of adult UESL and a systematic review. A single-institution case series of adult UESL were retrospectively analyzed, and a systematic review of adult UESL was performed by searching MEDLINE, Web of Science, EMBASE, the Google Scholar database and the Cochrane Library. For all identified adult UESL cases, the demographic variables, treatments and survival were analyzed. Three female adult patients with UESL (median age, 21 years) were successfully treated by complete tumor resection, with or without adjuvant chemotherapy, at Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital between 2015 and 2018. Of these patients, two are currently alive (follow-up, 9 and 41 months), and one died after pulmonary recurrence 17 months post-diagnosis. The present systematic review identified 108 cases of adult UESL. Among all 111 analyzed cases, the median overall and disease-free survival rates were as follows 1-year, 72 and 67%; 3-year, 56 and 40%; and 5-year, 47 and 35%, respectively. Treatment strategies combining complete tumor resection and chemotherapy promoted improved overall and disease free survival time compared with radical tumor resection alone. The present analysis included one of the largest case series of UESL in adults, and is the first such study to present survival rates. The results of the present study confirmed that survival was improved by treatment strategies combining complete tumor resection and chemotherapy.Although tumor thrombus (TT) infringement of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and right atrium (RA) is rarely observed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the prognosis for this condition is extremely poor, with a median survival time of several months, given that the condition is often diagnosed at an advanced tumor stage or combined with multiple systemic metastases. Furthermore, there is no established effective treatment for the condition. However, some investigators insist that active treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy (systemic or intra-arterial), radiation therapy, best supportive care or a combination of these, may help prolong overall survival time in these patients. The management of patients with advanced HCC and a TT extending into the RA and IVC is extremely difficult and risky. To this end, the present review assessed the literature on the clinical features and treatments of this condition in recent years, with the aim of providing assistance for clinical work.