In addition, the external quantum efficiency is as high as 32.1%. On the other hand, the response time of τrise and τfall is estimated to be 7.51 and 36.7 μs, respectively. Finally, an image sensor composed of a 8 × 8 PtTe2-based photodetector array was fabricated, which can record five near-infrared (NIR) images under 980 nm with a satisfying resolution. The result demonstrates that the as-prepared PtTe2 material will be useful for application in NIR optoelectronics.Controlling the handedness of dynamic helical nanostructures of supramolecular assemblies by external stimuli is of great fundamental significance with appealing morphology-dependent applications. Significantly, access to in situ chirality transformation of dynamic multistimuli-responsive systems can provide channels for real-time monitoring of the transfer processes in biological systems. However, efforts to achieve helix inversion in an all-gel-state and to comprehend the phenomena at a molecular scale are scarce. Herein, we introduce an example of supramolecular hydrogel in which graphene oxide (GO) incorporation leads to opposite helicity of the l-phenylalanine derivative (LPFEG) upon UV irradiation. The gelator modulates different degrees of packing that are responsible for the initial construction of right-handed nanofibers in GO surfaces and for the change in helix to preferred left-handedness in RGO surfaces caused by GO reduction. Specifically, LPFEG shows a mixture of right- and left-handed nanofibers with an appropriate exposure to UV light. A thermal-reversible transformation of chirality is also discovered in the supramolecular assemblies, allowing a dynamic and invertible flip of helicity upon heating and cooling. The morphology transformation makes the hybrid an ideal candidate for application in a precisely controlled drug delivery process. It can unexpectedly serve as a photosensitizer and a carrier for enantioselective absorption of specific chiral drugs enantiomer (l-dopa and S-naproxen sodium) and also exhibit on-demand drug release due to the helix reversal induced by light irradiation. Our results illustrate how the surface reactivity can direct the helical organization of adsorbed fibers, which in turn provide control over enantioselective absorption of chiral drug enantiomers, further giving rise to on-demand drug release due to handedness inversion upon UV irradiation.Concentrated wormlike micellar fluids form the basis for a vast array of formulated products, from liquid soaps and shampoos to drag reduction and drilling fluids. Typically, these systems are analyzed using bulk rheological measurements to determine their flow properties and cryo-microscopy to detect their nanostructure. Small-angle neutron scattering provides an opportunity to directly and nonperturbatively analyze nanostructure in situ but is complicated for concentrated systems by correlations from interparticle volume exclusion. Here, we use small-angle and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering to probe directly for the first time the nanostructure of concentrated wormlike micellar fluids composed of the widely used surfactant pair sodium laureth sulfate and cocamidopropyl betaine in aqueous electrolytes. Obtained data are analyzed using different approaches to determine scattering contributions from the wormlike particles themselves and interactions between them. It is found that approximating worms as locally rigid cylinders offers some insight into their aggregation dimensions at short length scales, and both volume exclusion and screened Coulombic interaction potentials describe interactions reasonably well. Using the semi-empirical polymer reference interaction site model (PRISM) gives excellent agreement with observed scattering, and physical insight obtained using this approach is discussed in detail. A drawback of this method is the significant complexity in coding the model in order to fit data, so to facilitate this for future researchers, we provide with this paper a fully operational, open-source code to utilize this model.Direct force measurements between negatively charged silica microparticles are carried out in suspensions of like-charged nanoparticles with atomic force microscopy (AFM). In agreement with previous studies, oscillatory force profiles are observed at larger separation distances. At smaller distances, however, soft and strongly repulsive forces are present. These forces are caused by double layer repulsion between the like-charged surfaces and can be quantitatively interpreted with the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) model. However, the PB model must be adapted to a strongly asymmetric electrolyte to capture the nonexponential nature of these forces. Thereby, the nanoparticles are modeled as highly charged co-ions, while the counter ions are monovalent. This model permits extraction of the effective charge of the nanoparticles, which is well comparable to the one obtained from electrophoresis. The PB model also explains the presence of a particle-free layer close to the interface.We have investigated the change in mean residence time of gaseous ions adsorbed on the surface of suspended carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNT-FETs) with and without native surface water layers that exists in atmospheric conditions. Devices were characterized electrically before and after dehydration by thermal, dry gas, and vacuum desiccation and in each scenario were found to have substantially higher mean ion residence times. It is proposed that water molecules native to the CNT surface in ambient conditions provide a reduction pathway for incoming gaseous ions, yielding hydronium ions (H3O+). This is supported by the appearance of frequent clustered readsorption events in the presence of surface water, caused by the rapid hopping of H+ between the device surface and the lowest water layer, which are not present in data collected from desiccated devices. After desiccation of the device, a thermal trial was conducted to determine the adsorption energy of N2+ ions on the CNT surface. This work has profound implications for our understanding of wetting in one-dimensional systems and the chemistry of ion chemisorption and solvation on the surfaces of materials in general.