CONCLUSIONS This research first demonstrates that sensory nerve-deficient microenvironment impairs tooth haemostasis by inducing apoptosis of DPSCs via activin B/SMAD2/3 signalling. Our study provides the evidence for the crucial role of sensory nerve in tooth homeostasis. © 2020 The Authors. Cell Proliferation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.In the telencephalon of adult zebrafish, the inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (id1) gene is expressed in radial glial cells (RGCs), behaving as neural stem cells (NSCs), during constitutive and regenerative neurogenesis. Id1 controls the balance between resting and proliferating states of RGCs by promoting quiescence. Here, we identified a phylogenetically conserved cis-regulatory module (CRM) mediating the specific expression of id1 in RGCs. Systematic deletion mapping and mutation of conserved transcription factor binding sites in stable transgenic zebrafish lines reveal that this CRM operates via conserved smad1/5 and 4 binding motifs under both homeostatic and regenerative conditions. Transcriptome analysis of injured and uninjured telencephala as well as pharmacological inhibition experiments identify a crucial role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling for the function of the CRM. Our data highlight that BMP signals control id1 expression and thus NSC proliferation during constitutive and induced neurogenesis. ©2020 The Authors. Stem Cells published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AlphaMed Press 2020.Uncovering the genomic basis of repeated adaption can provide important insights into the constraints and biases that limit the diversity of genetic responses. Demographic processes such as admixture or bottlenecks affect genetic variation underlying traits experiencing selection. The impact of these processes on the genetic basis of adaptation remains, however, largely unexamined empirically. We here test repeatability in phenotypes and genotypes along parallel climatic clines within the native North American and introduced European and Australian Ambrosia artemisiifolia ranges. To do this, we combined multiple lines of evidence from phenotype-environment associations, FST -like outlier tests, genotype-environment associations and genotype-phenotype associations. We used 853 individuals grown in common garden from 84 sampling locations, targeting 19 phenotypes, >83k SNPs and 22 environmental variables. We found that 17-26% of loci with adaptive signatures were repeated among ranges, despite alternative demographic histories shaping genetic variation and genetic associations. Our results suggest major adaptive changes can occur on short timescales, with seemingly minimum impacts due to demographic changes linked to introduction. These patterns reveal some predictability of evolutionary change during range expansion, key in a world facing ongoing climate change, and rapid invasive spread. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Preventing periodontal diseases (PD) and maintaining the structure and function of teeth are important goals for personal oral care. To understand the heterogeneity in patients with diverse PD patterns, we develop a Bayesian repulsive biclustering method that can simultaneously cluster the PD patients and their tooth sites after taking the patient- and site-level covariates into consideration. BAREB uses the determinantal point process prior to induce diversity among different biclusters to facilitate parsimony and interpretability. Since PD progression is hypothesized to be spatially referenced, BAREB factors in the spatial dependence among tooth sites. In addition, since PD is the leading cause for tooth loss, the missing data mechanism is nonignorable. Such nonrandom missingness is incorporated into BAREB. For the posterior inference, we design an efficient reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler. Simulation studies show that BAREB is able to accurately estimate the biclusters, and compares favorably to alternatives. For real world application, we apply BAREB to a dataset from a clinical PD study, and obtain desirable and interpretable results. A major contribution of this article is the Rcpp implementation of our methodology, available in the R package BAREB. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a genodermatosis caused by heterozygous germ line variations in the NF1 gene. A second-hit NF1 aberration results in the formation of café-au-lait macules, cutaneous neurofibroma and plexiform neurofibroma (PNF). Mosaic NF1 (mNF1), caused by a postzygotic NF1 mutation, is characterized by localized or generalized NF1-related manifestations. Although NF1 and mNF1 are associated with pigmentary skin lesions, clinically recognizable melanocytic nevi that developed over PNF have not been reported. Here, we report the first case of multiple melanocytic nevi that developed on a giant café-au-lait macule and PNF. The PNF had biallelic NF1 deletions, a whole deletion of NF1 and a novel intragenic deletion involving exons 25-30. The deletions were not detected in the blood, which resulted in the diagnosis of mNF1. Furthermore, the nevus cells had not only biallelic NF1 deletions but also NRAS Q61R, a common mutation found in congenital melanocytic nevi. These analyses revealed the coexistence of the two different mosaic diseases, mNF1 and congenital melanocytic nevi. For a diagnosis of cases with atypical NF1-like symptoms, genetic analyses using blood and lesional tissues are useful and aid in genetic counseling. © 2020 Japanese Dermatological Association.The morphology of hemolymph circulatory systems has been studied in many arthropod groups over the past decades. In most cases, however, the focus of these studies has been the vascular system, while its counterpart, the lacunar system, has often been neglected. To further understanding of the interrelationships between these two complementary subsystems, we investigated both, the hemolymph vascular system and the hemolymph lacunar system, of the decapod Penaeus vannamei using 3D-imaging techniques (micro-computed tomography and confocal laser scanning microscopy) in combination with 3D reconstruction. Major parts of the vascular and lacunar system are described. Our insights into their morphology are used to derive functional conclusions for a model illustrating the interrelationships between the two subsystems. The morphology of and the functional interaction between the vascular and lacunar systems are discussed in the context of the debate on "open vs. closed circulatory systems." © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Morphology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.