The anomalies of supercooled water may be explained by an underlying liquid-liquid phase transition (LLPT) between high- and low-density states. Recently, its observation at 185 K was inferred using solutions containing aqueous ionic liquids at a solute mole fraction of x=0.156 [Woutersen et al., Science 359, 1127 (2018)10.1126/science.aao7049]. We employ x-ray diffraction, calorimetry, and dilatometry on these hydrazinium trifluoroacetate solutions at x=0.00-0.40 to show that the transition at 185 K is not related to a genuine LLPT of water. Continuous densification upon compression, continuous changes of halo position, and absence of thermal signatures for a high- to low-density transition rule out the possibility of an LLPT for x≥0.13. The data show that employing sophisticated solutions adds a layer of complexity that hampers extrapolation of the LLPT concept from one- to two-component systems. The possibility of an LLPT can only be probed for pure water or sufficiently dilute aqueous solutions.Two scalar fields characterizing respectively pseudo-Hölder exponents and local energy transfers are used to capture the topology and the dynamics of the velocity fields in areas of lesser regularity. The present analysis is conducted using velocity fields from two direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations in a triply periodic domain. A typical irregular structure is obtained by averaging over the 213 most irregular events. Such structure is similar to a Burgers vortex, with nonaxisymmetric corrections. A possible explanation for such asymmetry is provided by a detailed time-resolved analysis of birth and death of the irregular structures, which shows that they are connected to vortex interactions, possibly vortex reconnection.In the textbook formulation of dry friction laws, static and dynamic friction (stick and slip) are qualitatively different and sharply separated phenomena. However, accurate measurements of stick-slip motion generally show that static friction is not truly static but characterized by a slow creep that, upon increasing tangential load, smoothly accelerates into bulk sliding. Microscopic, contact-mechanical, and phenomenological models have been previously developed to account for this behavior. In the present work, we show that it may instead be a systemic property of the measurement apparatus. Using a mechanical model that exhibits the characteristics of typical setups of measuring friction forces-which usually have very high transverse stiffness-and assuming a small but nonzero misalignment angle in the contact plane, we observe some fairly counterintuitive behavior Under increasing longitudinal loading, the system almost immediately starts sliding perpendicularly to the pulling direction. Then the friction force vector begins to rotate in the plane, gradually approaching the pulling direction. When the angle between the two becomes small, bulk sliding sets in quickly. Although the system is sliding the entire time, macroscopic stick-slip behavior is reproduced very well, as is the accelerated creep during the "stick" phase. The misalignment angle is identified as a key parameter governing the stick-to-slip transition. Numerical results and theoretical considerations also reveal the presence of high-frequency transverse oscillations during the "static" phase, which are also transmitted into the longitudinal direction by nonlinear processes. Stability analysis is carried out and suggests dynamic probing methods for the approaching moment of bulk slip and the possibility of suppressing stick-slip instabilities by changing the misalignment angle and other system parameters.Active Brownian engines rectify energy from reservoirs composed of self-propelling nonequilibrium molecules into work. We consider a class of such engines based on an underdamped Brownian particle trapped in a power-law potential. The energy they transform has thermodynamic properties of heat only if the nonequilibrium reservoir can be assigned a suitable effective temperature consistent with the second law and thus yielding an upper bound on the engine efficiency. The effective temperature exists if the total force exerted on the particle by the bath is not correlated with the particle position. In general, this occurs if the noise autocorrelation function and the friction kernel are proportional as in the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. But even if the proportionality is broken, the effective temperature can be defined in restricted, fine-tuned, parameter regimes, as we demonstrate on a specific example with harmonic potential.We analyze the performance of a quantum Otto cycle, employing a time-dependent harmonic oscillator as the working fluid undergoing sudden expansion and compression strokes during the adiabatic stages, coupled to a squeezed reservoir. First, we show that the maximum efficiency that our engine can achieve is 1/2 only, which is in contrast with earlier studies claiming unit efficiency under the effect of a squeezed reservoir. Then, in the high-temperature limit, we obtain analytic expressions for the upper bound on the efficiency as well as on the coefficient of performance of the Otto cycle. The obtained bounds are independent of the parameters of the system and depend on the reservoir parameters only. Additionally, with a hot squeezed thermal bath, we obtain an analytic expression for the efficiency at maximum work which satisfies the derived upper bound. Further, in the presence of squeezing in the cold reservoir, we specify an operational regime for the Otto refrigerator otherwise forbidden in the standard case. Finally, we find the cost of creating a squeezed state from the thermal state and show that in order to harvest the benefits of squeezing, it is sufficient to squeeze only one mode of the reservoir in resonance with the transition frequency of the working fluid. Further, we show that when the cost of squeezing is included in the definition of the operational efficiency of the engine, the advantages of squeezing fade away. Still, being purely quantum mechanical fuel in nature, squeezed reservoirs are beneficial in their own way by providing us with more compact energy storage medium or offering effectively high-temperature baths without being actually too hot.