For more than 20 years, physiologists have observed a morning-to-evening increase in human muscle strength. Recent data suggest that time-of-day differences are the result of intrinsic, nonneural, muscle factors. We evaluate circadian clock data sets from human and mouse circadian studies and highlight possible mechanisms through which the muscle circadian clock may contribute to time-of-day muscle strength outcomes.Blood pressure follows a daily rhythm, dipping during nocturnal sleep in humans. Attenuation of this dip (nondipping) is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Renal control of sodium homeostasis is essential for long-term blood pressure control. Sodium reabsorption and excretion have rhythms that rely on predictive/circadian as well as reactive adaptations. We explore how these rhythms might contribute to blood pressure rhythm in health and disease.Circadian rhythm exerts a critical role in mammalian health and disease. A malfunctioning circadian clock can be a consequence, as well as the cause of several pathophysiologies. Clinical therapies and research may also be influenced by the clock. Since the most suitable manner of revealing this rhythm in humans is not yet established, we discuss existing methods and seek to determine the most feasible ones.Precision medicine relies on data and biospecimens from participants who willingly offer their personal information on the promise that this act will ultimately result in knowledge that will improve human health. Drawing on anthropological framings of the "gift," this paper contextualizes participation in precision medicine as inextricable from social relationships and their ongoing ethical obligations. Going beyond altruism, reframing biospecimen and data collection in terms of socially regulated gift-giving recovers questions of responsibility and care. As opposed to conceiving participation in terms of donations that elide clinical labo