No effective strategy has been found so far to control the emission of microplastics. The purpose of this article is to review the available control strategies, as well as barriers to developing them. Based on the estimations in the available literature, decomposition of larger plastics, clothes washing and tire abrasion play an essential part in the total emission rate of microplastics into the ocean. Nonetheless, there is no corresponding information regarding the soil, and more information is needed to prioritize the emission sources of microplastics more preciously. Generally, there have been two approaches for the management of the microplastic issues, including the substitution of non-plastic materials for plastic ones in products such as personal care products, and microplastic removal from wastewater. The former is in its infancy and has commenced only in a few developed countries. Existing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as the other approach can transfer a significant portion of the microplastics into the sludge. The result is that the final destination of these microplastics can be the soil. Since there is little information on how serious the impact of microplastics is on the soil as compared with water, the currently used WWTPs cannot be considered as a final remedy. Furthermore, there has been not been any specifically designed techniques to remove microplastics from wastewater efficiently and economically.With the use of different multivariate statistical analysis methods, spatio-temporal fluctuations in the water parameters of Tiru reservoir located at the Marathwada drought-prone area of Maharashtra, India, have been analysed and reported in this case study. Tiru reservoir, situated on the tributary of the Godavari River, was regularly monitored at five different sites from August 2017 to January 2019 for the estimation of 20 water quality parameters. Various multivariate methods such as pattern reorganisation using cluster analysis (CA), factor analysis/principal component analysis (FA/PCA), and discriminant analysis (DA) were used for handling complex datasets. CA extracted three different clusters from five sampling sites with similar water quality characteristics. FA/PCA extracted thirteen factors (65% of 20 measured) required to explain 74% of the data variability and identified the factors accountable for variation in water quality and also evaluated the prevalence of each cluster on the overall dissimilarity at five different sampling sites. Discriminant analysis extracted a total of 16 parameters with 97.7% right assignations. Varifactors (VFs) acquired by factor analysis recommended that the water quality parameters accounted for variation were linked to two groups. The first group included water quality parameters like T, DO, SDD, turbidity, TDS, PA, and MA, whereas the second group covered most of the nutrients Cl-, silicates, PP, TP, NO3-N, NO2-N, and NH3-N; hardness; and CHL-a and mainly entered the reservoir during surface runoff from agriculture fields and the surrounding area containing domestic as well as animal waste. Thus, the present work showed the efficiency of multivariate methods for the assessment of spatial as well as a temporal variation in the water quality of a small reservoir.Evaluate the effect of heavy metals (HM) on sentinel organisms such as vascular plants represent a model to estimate toxic hazard due to environmental pollution. In the present study, the plant Robinsonecio gerberifolius was used to evaluate the toxic effects of the HM contained in the leaves of plants that were exposed to 4 different sites in Mexico city and its metropolitan area, during the rainy and dry seasons in the period 2017-2019. The comet assay to evaluate genotoxicity revealed an increase with respect to control (p less then 0.05), in 2nd and 8th week of exposure, in all 4 study sites and in both seasons, more significant in the rainy period. An increase in the induction of oxidative stress was also observed in the exposed leaves from the 4 study sites when compared with the control; in some cases, the increases were significant (p less then 0.05). In general, α- and ß-carotenoids were increased at 8th week of exposure, in all plants exposed in both seasons, while miR398 increased in plants exposed in 2 study sites (p less then 0.05). Finally, toxic HM like aluminum, vanadium, and cadmium, increased significantly in the rainy season, while lead increased in the dry season. We conclude that R. gerberifolius can be considered a sentinel plant for evaluating the presence and general toxic effects caused by the presence of toxic HM that have been documented in the atmosphere of Mexico City and its metropolitan area.The occurrence, distribution, sources, and ecological risks of organochlorine pesticides in Dongting Lake of China were investigated. The average concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in 22 surface water samples and 14 sediment samples were 90.07 ng/L and 80.65 ng/g dw, respectively. Sixteen types of OCPs, dominated by HCHs, DDTs and heptachlor, were detected in the Dongting Lake. The relationships of OCP residues between Dongting Lake and its tributary rivers have been discussed and the hydraulic connections with the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) were also considered. Results showed that the shortage of runoff, earlier dry season, and reduction of sediment deposition extremely deteriorated the hydraulic conditions, magnified the water cycle, and restrained the self-purification of OCPs. The ∑OCPs in surface water were concentrated in the inlets of Yangtze River, Lishui River, Zishui River, Yuanshui River, and Xiangjiang River. Moreover, the ∑OCPs in the outlet of the Yangtze River also maintained a high level, indicating that OCPs posed adverse effects on the Yangtze River. Risk assessments of OCPs in the surface water of Dongting Lake were estimated according to available water quality guidelines and health risk assessment models. The results indicated that OCPs in the surface water of Dongting Lake were safe for aquatic organisms and human health. In addition, sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) were also applied to evaluate the potential ecotoxicological risks of OCPs in sediments. The results presented that contaminants of γ-HCH; o,p'-DDD; and dieldrin in sediment had adverse effects on benthic organisms, indicating that fundamental solutions should be proposed to control OCP contamination in Dongting Lake.