Importantly, we find that background mutation(s) in the strain may be the actual cause for the phenotypic differences that we observed and cep-1 may not be directly involved in genetic DR-mediated longevity assurance in worms. Identifying these mutation(s) may reveal a novel regulator of longevity required specifically by genetic modes of DR.The intestinal fatty acid binding protein (FABP) is a small protein expressed along the small intestine that bind long-chain fatty acids and other hydrophobic ligands. Several lines of evidence suggest that, once in the nucleus, it interacts with nuclear receptors, activating them and thus transferring the bound ligand into the nucleus. Previous work by our group suggests that FABP2 would participate in the cytoplasm-nucleus translocation of fatty acids. Because the consensus NLS is absent in the sequence of FABP2, we propose that a 3D signal could be responsible for its nuclear translocation. The results obtained by transfection assays of recombinant wild type and mutated forms of Danio rerio Fabp2 in Caco-2 cell cultures, showed that lysine 17, arginine 29 and lysine 30 residues, which are located in the helix-turn-helix region, would constitute a functional non-classical three-dimensional NLS.The adhesion G-protein coupled receptor Adgrg6 (formerly Gpr126) is instrumental in the development, maintenance and repair of peripheral nervous system myelin. The prion protein (PrP) is a potent activator of Adgrg6 and could be used as a potential therapeutic agent in treating peripheral demyelinating and dysmyelinating diseases. We designed a dimeric Fc-fusion protein comprising the myelinotrophic domain of PrP (FT2Fc), which activated Adgrg6 in vitro and exhibited favorable pharmacokinetic properties for in vivo treatment of peripheral neuropathies. While chronic FT2Fc treatment elicited specific transcriptomic changes in the sciatic nerves of PrP knockout mice, no amelioration of the early molecular signs demyelination was detected. Instead, RNA sequencing of sciatic nerves revealed downregulation of cytoskeletal and sarcomere genes, akin to the gene expression changes seen in myopathic skeletal muscle of PrP overexpressing mice. These results call for caution when devising myelinotrophic therapies based on PrP-derived Adgrg6 ligands. While our treatment approach was not successful, Adgrg6 remains an attractive therapeutic target to be addressed in other disease models or by using different biologically active Adgrg6 ligands.The COVID-19 has emerged as an epidemic, causing severe pneumonia with a high infection rate globally. To better understand the pathogenesis caused by SARS-CoV-2, we developed a rhesus macaque model to mimic natural infection via the nasal route, resulting in the SARS-CoV-2 virus shedding in the nose and stool up to 27 days. Importantly, we observed the pathological progression of marked interstitial pneumonia in the infected animals on 5-7 dpi, with virus dissemination widely occurring in the lower respiratory tract and lymph nodes, and viral RNA was consistently detected from 5 to 21 dpi. During the infection period, the kinetics response of T cells was revealed to contribute to COVID-19 progression. Our findings implied that the antiviral response of T cells was suppressed after 3 days post infection, which might be related to increases in the Treg cell population in PBMCs. Moreover, two waves of the enhanced production of cytokines (TGF-α, IL-4, IL-6, GM-CSF, IL-10, IL-15, IL-1β), chemokines (MCP-1/CCL2, IL-8/CXCL8, and MIP-1β/CCL4) were detected in lung tissue. Our data collected from this model suggested that T cell response and cytokine/chemokine changes in lung should be considered as evaluation parameters for COVID-19 treatment and vaccine development, besides of observation of virus shedding and pathological analysis. Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL) is an indolent mature B-cell-neoplasm with involvement of the bone marrow. At least 90% of LPLs carry MYD88-L265P mutation and some of them (~10%) transform into diffuse large B-cell-lymphoma (DLBCL). Over the past 15 years we have collected 7 cases where the both LPL and DLBCL were diagnosed in the same patient. Clinical records, analytical data and histopathological specimens were reviewed. FISH studies on paraffin-embedded tissue for MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 genes were performed, as well as MYD88-L265P mutation and IGH rearrangement analysis by PCR. A mutational study was done by massive next generation sequencing (NGS). There were 4 women and 3 men between 36-91 years of age. Diagnoses were made simultaneously in 4 patients. In two cases the LPL appeared before the DLBCL and in the remaining case the high-grade component was discovered 5 years before the LPL. In 6 cases both samples shared the MYD88-L265P mutation. IGH rearrangement analysis showed overlapping features in two of 6 cases tested. Mutational study was evaluable in three cases for both samples showing shared and divergent mutations. These data suggest different mechanisms of DLBCL development in LPL patients. These data suggest different mechanisms of DLBCL development in LPL patients.Containment measures have been applied in several countries in order to limit the diffusion of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. The scope of this study is to analyze the evolution of the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic throughout Italy and factors associated to the different way it spread in the Italian Regions, starting from the day that the first indigenous cases were detected through day 81 (6 days after the end of the strict lockdown). Data were obtained from daily reports and are represented as number (and percentage) of cases/100,000 persons. A lockdown with movement restrictions, especially across Regions, was declared at day 20. At day 81, 219,070 cases (363/100,000 persons) were diagnosed. A regression analysis based on the Gompertz model predicts a total number 233,606 cases (386/100,000 persons) at the end of the epidemic. The 21 areas, divided into Italian Regions and autonomous Provinces, showed a wide range in the frequency of cases at day 81 (58-921, median 258/100,000 persons) and total predicted cases (58-946, median 267/100,000 persons).