The topic of fertility preservation in patients with a lymphoproliferative disease offers new aspects of debate, due to the introduction of novel chemotherapeutic regimens and small molecules in the clinical landscape. Cancer related infertility is mostly dependent on gonadotoxic treatments and fertile female patients are today addressed to the oocyte cryopreservation or to ovarian cortex fragment cryopreservation. These methods present advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in the present review, together with the options for male patients. The recent discovery of functional ovarian stem cells (OCSs) in woman ovarian cortex, opens new avenues offering a innovative procedure for fertility preservation through as model of regenerative medicine. Here, we review the gonadotoxic potential of "classical" chemotherapeutic treatments as well as of "novel" targeted therapies actually employed for lymphoproliferative neoplasms in young patients and revisit both the today available and future chances to preserve and restore fertility after the cancer healing.At the moment, little treatment options are available for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The absence of the dystrophin protein leads to a complex cascade of pathogenic events in myofibres, including chronic inflammation and oxidative stress as well as altered metabolism. The attention towards dietary supplements in DMD is rapidly increasing, with the aim to counteract pathology-related alteration in nutrient intake, the consequences of catabolic distress or to enhance the immunological response of patients as nowadays for the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. By definition, supplements do not exert therapeutic actions, although a great confusion may arise in daily life by the improper distinction between supplements and therapeutic compounds. For most supplements, little research has been done and little evidence is available concerning their effects in DMD as well as their preventing actions against infections. Often these are not prescribed by clinicians and patients/caregivers do not discuss the use with their clinical team. Then, little is known about the real extent of supplement use in DMD patients. It is mistakenly assumed that, since compounds are of natural origin, if a supplement is not effective, it will also do no harm. However, supplements can have serious side effects and also have harmful interactions, in terms of reducing efficacy or leading to toxicity, with other therapies. It is therefore pivotal to shed light on this unclear scenario for the sake of patients. This review discusses the supplements mostly used by DMD patients, focusing on their potential toxicity, due to a variety of mechanisms including pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic interactions and contaminations, as well as on reports of adverse events. This overview underlines the need for caution in uncontrolled use of dietary supplements in fragile populations such as DMD patients. A culture of appropriate use has to be implemented between clinicians and patients' groups.Preeclampsia is characterized by the emergence of hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and it threatens both maternal and fetal lives if it proceeds unabated. Despite numerous studies, thus far the only fundamental therapy for preeclampsia is termination of pregnancy, leading to preterm birth. Furthermore, preeclamptic women are reported to be at risk for cardiovascular diseases for 10 years after delivery. Therefore, preventative and therapeutic strategies for preeclampsia are required. Recently, statins have been reported to improve the regeneration of vascular endothelium, and pravastatin has attracted attention as a potential preventative or therapeutic candidate for preeclampsia. Pravastatin has been demonstrated to have preventative effects in preeclampsia model mice, and a large volume of human data from pregnant women taking statins supports the safety of these drugs. Moreover, small clinical trials have reported that pravastatin has strong preventative or therapeutic effects on preeclampsia and it has the potential to improve the prognosis of pregnant women, fetuses and neonates affected by this condition.Appropriate human trophoblast lineage specification and differentiation is crucial for the establishment of normal placentation and maintenance of pregnancy. However, due to the lack of proper modeling systems, the molecular mechanisms of these processes are still largely unknown. Much of the early studies in this area have been based on animal models and tumor-derived trophoblast cell lines, both of which are suboptimal for modeling this unique human organ. Recent advances in regenerative and stem cell biology methods have led to development of novel in vitro model systems for studying human trophoblast. These include derivation of human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells and establishment of methods for the differentiation of these cells into trophoblast, as well as the more recent derivation of human trophoblast stem cells. In addition, advances in culture conditions, from traditional two-dimensional monolayer culture to 3D culturing systems, have led to development of trophoblast organoid and placenta-on-a-chip model, enabling us to study human trophoblast function in context of more physiologically accurate environment. In this review, we will discuss these various model systems, with a focus on human trophoblast, and their ability to help elucidate the key mechanisms underlying placental development and function. This review focuses on model systems of human trophoblast differentiation, including advantages and limitations of stem cell-based culture, trophoblast organoid, and organ-on-a-chip methods and their applications in understanding placental development and disease.Cancer is a genetic disease that involves the gradual accumulation of mutations. Human tumours are genetically unstable. However, the current knowledge about the origins and implications of genomic instability in this disease is limited. Understanding the biology of cancer requires the use of animal models. Here, we review relevant studies addressing the implications of genomic instability in cancer by using the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model system. We discuss how this invertebrate has helped us to expand the current knowledge about the mechanisms involved in genomic instability and how this hallmark of cancer influences disease progression.