The European earwig, Forficula auricularia (L.) (Dermaptera Forficulidae), is regarded as an important beneficial in many orchard environments but has the potential to be a plant pest in other systems, including to grain crops. Due to its agricultural importance, the lifecycle of F. auricularia has been widely studied in North America and Europe. However, much less is known in the southern hemisphere, including Australia where F. auricularia has been present for over 170 years. To elucidate the lifecycle of F. auricularia, we monitored five sites in grain-growing areas of southern Australia using two different trap types. Adults were found year-round, but most prevalent from late-spring to mid-winter. First instars were typically found from mid to late winter. Second, third and fourth instars occurred from winter through to late spring. The seasonal development of F. auricularia in Australia may be much earlier than observed in comparable North American studies. Degree day modelling highlights variation i and development. They also suggest a phenotypic capacity of this species to adapt different phenology after introduction into a novel environment. Wild-type transthyretin (ATTRwt) amyloidosis is the most common systemic amyloidosis in Western countries and manifests mainly as progressive restrictive cardiomyopathy. To study the prevalence of ATTR deposits in ligament tissue in patients undergoing surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis and to assess whether these deposits are associated with cardiac amyloidosis. A total of 250 patients, aged 50-89 (57% women), none with known cardiovascular disease, were included. Ligaments were investigated microscopically for amyloid. ATTR type was determined by immunohistochemistry and fibril type by Western blot. The amount of amyloid was graded 0-4. All patients with grade 3-4 ATTR deposits were offered cardiac investigation including ECG, cardiac ultrasound, plasma NT-proBNP and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), including modern tissue characterization. Amyloid was identified in 221 of the samples (88.4%). ATTR appeared in 93 samples (37%) of whom 42 (17 women and 25 men) were graded 3-4; all had fibril type A amentum flavum may be an early manifestation of systemic ATTR disease.Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood infest strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne, Rosaceae) fields from nearby crop fields and surrounding vegetation and cause injury to plants by feeding on young leaf tissues. Greenhouse and field studies were conducted to determine the short-range movement of S. dorsalis to assess the risk of an early S. dorsalis population to spread to adjacent plants. In a greenhouse, 25 potted strawberry plants were arranged in two concentric rows around a central plant, where plants in inner rows were 20 cm, and those in the outer rows were 40 cm from the central plant. In the field, 20 strawberry plants were arranged in two beds (90 cm apart), ten in each bed, and five plants in each row, with plants 30 cm apart. White sticky cards were placed at 60-120 cm from the central plant. Fifty S. dorsalis adults were released on a centrally located plant, and the numbers of S. dorsalis adults and larvae and feeding injury were recorded for 9-17 d on adjacent plants and sticky cards. Results showed that significantly more S. dorsalis adults and larvae remained on the initially infested plant compared to adjacent plants, although few adults were found up to 120 cm on sticky cards. The rate of spread of feeding injury was low with slight bronzing injury ( less then 10% injury) on adjacent plants by 14-17 d. Since most S. dorsalis remained on initially infested plants for at least 2 wk, it is feasible to delay management actions and 'rescue' plants around a plant with minor injury symptoms.Achiral building blocks forming achiral structures is a common occurrence in nature, while chirality emerging spontaneously from an achiral system is usually associated with important scientific phenomena. We report on the spontaneous chiral symmetry-breaking phenomena upon the topographic confinement of achiral lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals in periodically arranged micrometer scale air pillars. The anisotropic fluid arranges into chiral domains that depend on the arrangement and spacing of the pillars. We characterize the resulting domains by polarized optical microscopy, support their reconstruction by numerical calculations, and extend the findings with experiments, which include chiral dopants. Well-controlled and addressed chiral structures will be useful in potential applications like programmable scaffolds for living liquid crystals and as sensors for detecting chirality at the molecular level.Klinefelter syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder with at least one extra X chromosome in males resulting in male hypogonadism, androgen deficiency and impaired spermatogenesis. It is associated with an increased risk of certain malignancies; including leukemia, breast cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and mediastinal germ cell tumors, however, testicular tumors are rare in men with Klinefelter syndrome. Testicular epidermoid cysts are rare benign tumors affecting the testes. We report a case of bilateral testicular epidermoid cysts in a 30-year-old man known to have Klinefelter syndrome. He had an incidental finding of bilateral hard irregular-surfaced testes during routine assessment for testosterone replacement therapy. Biochemical investigation confirmed primary hypogonadism and ultrasound imaging demonstrated bilateral solid testicular masses with no blood flow seen within the lesions. The patient went on to have a right-sided radical orchiectomy with left-side sparing. The histology revealed features in keeping with that of a testicular epidermoid cyst with no evidence of malignancy. The patient was commenced on testosterone replacement therapy. This case emphasizes the importance of routine physical examination of the male external and internal genitalia when considering testosterone replacement therapy. Psychiatric disorders in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and their caregivers play an important role in patients' treatment and follow-up. Our study aimed to examine the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms among patients with PD and their caregivers, demographic risk factors, and the influence of severity and manifestations of PD on psychiatric distress. We included 125 patients with PD and 125 of their primary caregivers in this descriptive cross-sectional study. The severity of PD was evaluated according to the Hoehn and Yahr severity scale from the Movement Disorder Society-Sponsored Revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale. PD patients and their caregivers completed the Symptom Checklist-25 to determine the presence of psychiatric distress. Also, demographic factors, including age, high level of education, occupation, residence, and cigarette smoking, were assessed in the PD patients and their caregivers. The prevalence of psychiatric distress was 47.2% for PD patients and 18.4% for caregivers.