Operationally, health equity is viewed as a technocratic matter, reflected in the widespread use of metrics to motivate and measure progress. These representations are shaped by Ethiopia's rapid expansion of health services into rural areas during the 2000s leading to the positive international attention and funding the country received for improved MNCH indicators. Expanding the coverage and efficiency of health service provision, especially in rural areas, is associated with economic productivity. Conclusion The metrication of health equity may detract from the fairness, justice, and morality underpinnings of the concept. The findings of this study point to the implications of global pressures in terms of maximizing health investments, and call into question how social, political, and economic determinants of health are addressed through broader development agendas.Utilizing the biopsychosocial model and the ecological systems theory, this disquisition explores on the risk factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The discourse shows the interconnectedness of biological, psychological, and social domains in expatiating on the COVID-19 pandemic. It calls for the need to strengthen the resilience of the global community in the face of health outbreaks such as COVID-19. It emphasizes on the perspectives that pandemics are managed before they emerge through building systems that are resilient. Thus, it appreciates the need for a therapeutic milieu as a building block to resilience. The article calls for the adoption of a developmental stance to analyzing health outbreaks and clinical issues. The adumbration shows the reciprocity effects of the health outbreak [macrocosms] and individual factors [microcosms]. To its end, the paper implies that COVID-19 is a call for integration toward effective health planning between social policy formulators, urban and rural planners, epidemiologists, development practitioners, clin