ling tremor, distal rigidity, distal hypobradykinesia, dyskinesias, dystonia, and pain when compared to best medical treatment at baseline. Larger series are of course needed.Epileptogenicity following brain insult depends on various factors including severity of the resulting lesion and extent of brain damage. We report a 54-year-old female patient who developed medically refractory epilepsy resulting from the interplay of pre-existing and post-insult pathologies. She presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to a ruptured aneurysm and underwent clipping surgery. Seizures started 3 months post-operatively. MRI revealed cerebral ischemia and hemosiderin deposits in the left temporal lobes, and left hippocampal atrophy was suspected. As anti-seizure medications and vagus nerve stimulation failed to control her seizures, she underwent left temporal lobe resection and placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt for the post-operative complication of hydrocephalus. She remains seizure-free to date. Neuropathology revealed a previously undiagnosed focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) type 1a. Brain insult likely had a second hit effect in the late onset of epilepsy in this patient with pre-existing mild MCD, in whom secondary epilepsy can be attributed to the interplay of multiple underlying pathologies.Background People living with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) can experience considerable difficulties with movement, walking, balance, and oculomotor control. The role of exercises and physical activities in mitigating the motor and non-motor symptoms of PSP remains uncertain. Aims The aim of this study was to identify the perspectives and beliefs of health professionals about the benefits, enablers, and barriers to participation in exercise and physical activity across the course of disease progression of PSP. Methods Qualitative methods, within a phenomenological framework, were used to obtain nursing and allied health professional perspectives and recommendations. Focus group and in-depth interview questions were derived from a systematic review on exercise for PSP. Expert opinions also guided the interviews, which were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and de-identified. Two researchers independently conducted a thematic analysis. Results Nineteen health professionals participated from the disciplines of nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech pathology. Four main themes emerged (i) exercise and physical activities are important for living well with PSP; (ii) provision of information about the benefits of exercise and physical activities facilitates uptake; (iii) interdisciplinary teams work together to improve outcomes; and (iv) care partners can assist with the implementation of exercise and physical activities. Conclusion Health professionals advocated physical therapies for people living with PSP. The expectation is that structured exercises and physical activities can help to optimize health and well-being, enabling people to continue to participate in social roles. The actual merits of such interventions must now be tested in large-scale controlled clinical trials.Intracranial hemorrhage is one of the most feared complications following brain infarct. Ischemic tissues have a natural tendency to bleed. Moreover, the first recanalization trials using intravenous thrombolysis have shown an increase in mild to severe intracranial hemorrhage. Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage is strongly associated with poor outcomes and is an important factor in recanalization decisions. Stroke physicians have to weigh the potential benefit of recanalization therapies, first, with different risks of intracranial hemorrhage described in randomized controlled trials, and second with numerous risk markers that have been found to be associated with intracranial hemorrhage in retrospective series. These decisions have become quite complex with different intravenous thrombolytics and mechanical thrombectomy. This review aims to outline some elements of the pathophysiological mechanisms and classifications, describe most of the risk factors identified for each reperfusion therapy, and finally suggest future research directions that could help physicians dealing with these complications.Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered an important tool in the assessment of a child with cerebral palsy (CP), as it is abnormal in more than 80% of children with CP, disclosing the pathogenic pattern responsible for the neurological condition. MRI, therefore, is recommended as the first diagnostic step after medical history taking and neurological examination. With the advances in genetic diagnostics, the genetic contribution to CP is increasingly discussed, and the question arises about the role of genetic testing in the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. The paper gives an overview on genetic findings reported in CP, which are discussed with respect to the underlying brain pathology according to neuroimaging findings. Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) classifies neuroimaging findings in CP into five categories, which help to stratify decisions concerning genetic testing. Predominant white and gray matter injuries are by far predominant (accounting for around 50 and 20% of the findings). They are considered to be acquired. Here, predisposing genetic factors may play a role to increase vulnerability (and should especially be considered, when family history is positive and/or causative external factors are missing). In maldevelopments and normal findings (around 11% each), monogenic causes are more likely, and thus, genetic testing is clearly recommended. In the miscellaneous category, the precise nature of the MRI finding has to be considered as it could indicate a genetic origin.Background Atherosclerotic disease of the internal carotid artery (ICA) is a common reason for ischemic stroke. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is a common tool for evaluation of internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis. However, blooming artifacts caused by calcified plaques might lead to overestimation of the stenosis grade. Furthermore, the intracranial ICA is more vulnerable to calcification than other ICA segments. The proposed technique, dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) with a modified three-material decomposition algorithm may facilitate the removal of calcified plaques and thus increase diagnostic accuracy. Objectives The objective of the study is to assess the accuracy of the modified three-material decomposition algorithm for grading intracranial ICA stenosis after calcified plaque removal, with digital subtraction angiography (DSA) used as a reference standard. Materials and Methods In total, 41 patients underwent DECT angiography and DSA. The three-material decomposition DECT algorithm for calcium removal was applied.