Scientific rendering of the 3D4K-exoscope (Orbeye) inside microneurosurgery. The results thus suggest different computational mechanisms for MI-V and MI-K. The association between low alpha/beta desynchronization and V-MIQ scores and between theta changes and K-MIQ scores suggest a cognitive effort with greater cerebral activation in participants with lower V-MI ability. The association between information flow to prefrontal hub and K-MI ability suggest the need for a continuous update of information to support MI-related executive functions in subjects with poor K-MI ability.Exposure to environmental contaminants is a public health concern. However, pre-clinical studies that examine the impact of pesticides at low-dose and the long-term consequences are uncommon. Here, C57BL6/j male and female mice were daily fed from weaning and up to 12 months, corresponding to early-childhood into middle-age in humans, using chow pellets containing a cocktail of pesticides at tolerable daily intake levels. We found that 12 months of dietary exposure to pesticides was associated with a moderate perenchymal or perivascular astrogliosis in specific hippocampal sub-regions. The expression of platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta was modified at the perivascular level. Examination of Iba1+ microglial cells did not reveal sizeable changes. Concomitantly to astrogliosis, spontaneous spatial memory and sociability were modified in males at 12 months of dietary exposure to pesticides. Telemetry electrocorticograhic explorations ruled out the presence of epileptiform activity or theta-gamma wave modifications in these conditions. Long-term pesticides impacted the periphery where the hepatic P450 metabolic cytochromes Cyp4a14 and Cyp4a10 were significantly upregulated in male and female mice during the 12 months of exposure. The expression of β-oxidation genes, such as Acox1, Cpt1a and Eci, was also significantly increased in male and female mice in response to pesticides. Collectively, our results indicate that a life-long exposure to a pesticide cocktail elicits sex-dependent, spatio-temporally restricted brain modifications and significant activation of P450 pathways in the periphery. These brain-peripheral adjustments are discussed as time or age-dependent vulnerability elements.Cyclin E is a key factor for S phase entry, and deregulation of Cyclin E results in developmental defects and tumors. Therefore, proper cycling of Cyclin E is crucial for normal growth. Here we found that transcription factors Apontic (Apt) and E2f1 cooperate to induce cyclin E in Drosophila. Functional binding motifs of Apt and E2f1 are clustered in the first intron of Drosophila cyclin E and directly contribute to the cyclin E transcription. Knockout of apt and e2f1 together abolished Cyclin E expression. Furthermore, Apt up-regulates Retinoblastoma family protein 1 (Rbf1) for proper chromatin compaction, which is known to repress cyclin E. Notably, Apt-dependent up-regulation of Cyclin E and Rbf1 is evolutionarily conserved in mammalian cells. Our findings reveal a unique mechanism underlying the induction and subsequent decline of Cyclin E expression. Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is characterized by defective microbial killing due to mutations affecting subunits of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase complex. Definitive genetic identification of disease subtypes may be delayed or not readily available. Sought to investigate the role of intracellular staining of NADPH oxidase enzyme subunits in predicting the respective genetic defects in patients with CGD and carriers. Thirty-four patients with genetically inherited CGD, including 12 patients with X-linked CGD (gp91 deficiency due to cytochrome b-245, beta polypeptide [CYBB] mutations) and 22 patients with autosomal-recessive CGD (p22 , p47 , and p67 deficiency due to cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide [CYBA], neutrophil cytosolic factor 1 [NCF1] and NCF2 mutations, respectively) were recruited from different immunology centers and followed up prospectively. Dihydrorhodamine testing and NADPH oxidase subunit expression in white blood cells were determined by flow cytometry. gp91 and p22 defects, which result in simultaneous loss of both proteins due to their complex formation, were differentiated only by comparative analysis of patients' and mothers' intracellular staining. p47 and p67 protein expression was almost undetectable in patients compared with carrier mothers and healthy controls. The expression values of the respective subunits were found to be significantly higher in all controls as compared with carrier mothers, which in turn were higher than those of patients. Analysis of NADPH oxidase enzyme subunits by flow cytometry in patients and carriers is useful in the rapid prediction of the genetic defect of patients with CGD, thus guiding targeted sequencing and aiding in their early diagnosis. Analysis of NADPH oxidase enzyme subunits by flow cytometry in patients and carriers is useful in the rapid prediction of the genetic defect of patients with CGD, thus guiding targeted sequencing and aiding in their early diagnosis.The baboons (Papio sp.) exhibit marked interspecies variation in social behavior. The thesis presented here argues, first, that male philopatry is a crucial factor, arguably the crucial factor, underlying the other distinctive features (one-male units, multilevel society) shared by hamadryas and Guinea baboons, but not other species of Papio. The second suggestion is that male philopatry as a population norm was not an adaptation to a particular habitat or set of ecological circumstances but evolved in the common ancestor of hamadryas and Guinea baboons as a response to natural selection in the demographic context peculiar to the frontier of a rapidly expanding population. Other derived features of social structure (male-male tolerance, some facultative female dispersal) subsequently evolved to accommodate male philopatry. The mitochondrial genetic population structure of extant baboons preserves a footprint of the initial expansion of 'modern' Papio. Immediately after the expansion, male-philopatric, multilevel populations with a general physical and behavioral resemblance to Guinea baboons occupied the whole northern hemisphere range of the genus.