Culture can broadly be defined as "the values, norms, and assumptions that guide human action" (Wilson 2008, 14). In contrast with the broader civilian society, the experiences and environments within the military community create a unique cultural subset. The United States armed forces are unified by their primary mission to provide external defense, security, and protection, and each branch (Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard) shares a unique core set of values and norms. Because this culture is so complex and unique, it can sometimes be a challenge for many civilian professionals to work with this community, so having a strong competency in understanding military culture, as well as knowledge of specific conflicts and wars, one is not only able to begin to understand the lives and personalities of our soldiers but also able to recognize that this culture aids in survival. This paper will demonstrate and discuss the importance of competency in military culture when practicing music therapy or other interdisciplinary approaches within the process of group therapy with veterans. Other topics covered will include issues of social transmission as it relates to transitioning into civilian society; the importance of being a witness to veterans' stories; and facilitators' ethical responsibilities when working with this population.Spinal cord injury (SCI) leads to a general lack of sensory and motor functions below the level of injury and may promote deafferentation-induced brain reorganization. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been established as an essential tool in neuroscience research and can precisely map the spatiotemporal distribution of brain activity. Task-based fMRI experiments associated with the tongue, upper limbs, or lower limbs have been used as the primary paradigms to study brain reorganization following SCI. A review of the current literature on the subject shows one common trait while most articles agree that brain networks are usually preserved after SCI, and that is not the case as some articles describe possible alterations in brain activation after the lesion. There is no consensus if those alterations indeed occur. In articles that show alterations, there is no agreement if they are transient or permanent. Besides, there is no consensus on which areas are most prone to activation changes, or on the intensity and direction (increase vs. decrease) of those possible changes. In this article, we present a critical review of the literature and trace possible reasons for those contradictory findings on brain reorganization following SCI. fMRI studies based on the ankle dorsiflexion, upper-limb, and tongue paradigms are used as case studies for the analyses.With the implementation of the new Kidney Allocation System (KAS), there is increased reliance on a virtual crossmatch/histocompatibility risk assessment (vXM) for evaluating potential presence, as well as strength, of HLA antibodies against a potential donor. The accuracy of such an assessment depends on the precision in the identification of the recipient's antibody profile and the potential donor's HLA typing. While the development of the single antigen bead (SAB) multiplex assay has improved the sensitivity and specificity of HLA-antibody detection, several limitations of the assay (specific to certain sensitized patients) can complicate accurate interpretation of results. In this report, we focus on the "shared-epitope" phenomenon, a condition in which antibody strength can be underrepresented, or its presence completely missed, due to binding of the antibody to competing targets on multiple antigens (beads), effectively "diluting" the resulting MFI-readout. Here, we provide a relevant background to understand this phenomenon and present a couple of case studies illustrating how it can be investigated, leading to a more accurate histocompatibility consultation.As osteoporosis relies largely on self-managed prevention and adherence to long-term treatment regimens, it is imperative that those at risk understand the disease that they are attempting to prevent. Ambiguity regarding osteoporosis and reluctance to take anti-osteoporosis medication (AOM) as well as calcium was noted in Australian post-menopausal women. This may lead to underestimating women's own risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Introduction Fragility fractures caused by osteoporosis have been known to inflict significant personal and financial burden on individuals and society. As treatment of osteoporosis relies largely on self-managed prevention and adherence to long-term AOM regimens, it is imperative that women have a sound understanding of the disease that they are attempting to prevent. Much can also be gained from qualitatively exploring the level of osteoporosis knowledge particularly in post-menopausal women who are at greater risk of osteoporosis and fractures. This study thus aims to determine what post-menopausal Australian women know about osteoporosis and osteoporosis prevention. Method Six focus group sessions, using purposive sampling, were conducted with 23 female participants (mean age 68 years (range 62-83)). Women responded to a series of open-ended questions regarding their knowledge about osteoporosis. The audiotaped focus groups were transcribed verbatim and analysed using a thematic analysis framework. Results Three key themes were identified ambiguity about the nature of osteoporosis, ambiguity about osteoporosis prevention and reluctance to take AOM and calcium. Conclusion Ambiguity associated with risk and prevention may provide women with a false sense of security that they are adequately acting to prevent the disease. Underestimation of their risk of osteoporosis and fracture as well as reluctance associated with AOM may be barriers to osteoporotic fracture prevention.When an individual embodies an avatar, the latter's characteristics or stereotype can change the individual's behavior and attitudes; this is known as the Proteus effect. Here, we looked at whether the embodiment of an avatar resembling an elderly adult (seen from a first-person perspective and facing a virtual mirror) changed mentally represented physical activity in a motor imagery task performed by young adult participants (N = 52). To ensure that the impact of embodiment of an elderly avatar on the motor imagery task was not influenced by a potentially confounded stereotype assimilation effect (due to the mere presence of an avatar), a "young" avatar and an "elderly" avatar were always present together in the virtual environment-even though only one (the self-avatar) was embodied at a given time. We found that it took longer for the participants to perform the motor imagery task with the elderly self-avatar than with the young self-avatar. The more negative the participant's beliefs about motor activity in the elderly, the greater the observed effect of the avatar on motor imagery performance.