Cognitive and psychoemotional impairment after traumatic brain injury is often underrated, especially after mild injury. Even subtle problems can considerably interfere with routine functioning. They require precise psychotherapeutic diagnostics and adequate neuropsychological treatment. Early detection and documentation of the initial symptoms and initiation of further steps are mandatory, also and particularly during first-line surgical management.Clioquinol (5-chloro-7-indo-8-quinolinol), a chelator and ionophore of copper/zinc, was extensively used as an amebicide to treat indigestion and diarrhea in the mid-1900s. However, it was withdrawn from the market in Japan because its use was epidemiologically linked to an increase in the incidence of subacute myelo-optic neuropathy (SMON). SMON is characterized by the subacute onset of sensory and motor disturbances in the lower extremities with occasional visual impairments, which are preceded by abdominal symptoms. Although pathological studies demonstrated axonopathy of the spinal cord and optic nerves, the underlying mechanisms of clioquinol toxicity have not been elucidated in detail. In the present study, a reporter assay revealed that clioquinol (20-50 µM) activated metal response element-dependent transcription in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Clioquinol significantly increased the cellular level of zinc within 1 h, suggesting zinc influx due to its ionophore effects. On the other hand, clioquinol (20-50 µM) significantly increased the cellular level of copper within 24 h. Clioquinol (50 µM) induced the oxidation of the copper chaperone antioxidant 1 (ATOX1), suggesting its inactivation and inhibition of copper transport. The secretion of dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) and lysyl oxidase, both of which are copper-dependent enzymes, was altered by clioquinol (20-50 µM). Noradrenaline levels were reduced by clioquinol (20-50 µM). Disruption of the ATOX1 gene suppressed the secretion of DBH. This study suggested that the disturbance of cellular copper transport by the inactivation of ATOX1 is one of the mechanisms involved in clioquinol-induced neurotoxicity in SMON. Acute elbow dislocations are complex injuries that predispose to chronic instability and pain. The ideal treatment strategy is part of controversial discussion and evidence-based recommendations for the treatment could not be concluded from the literature. The purpose of the present study was to assess current epidemiological data, injury pattern, and the changing trend for treatment. This study presents a retrospective review of 72 patients ≥ 18years of age who were treated in our level I trauma centre with acute elbow dislocations from 2014 to 2018. The data were acquired by analysis of the institution's database, and radiological examinations. The average age of the patients was 48.5years (range 18-86). The ratio of male to female patients was 1.91. A fall onto the outstretched arm (42%) was the most common injury mechanism. By classification, 42% of the elbow dislocations were simple, and 58% complex. A total of 85% of patients underwent surgery including 73% of the simple elbow dislocations due to remaining instability or non-congruency of the reduced elbow. The indication for surgical treatment correlated merely with the grade of instability and displacement, but not with age. Acute elbow dislocations need identification of the precise injury pattern and instability after reduction of the elbow joint. To achieve a congruent and stable joint, we recommend primary surgical repair as first-line treatment for patients with unstable simple and complex elbow dislocation independent of age. Acute elbow dislocations need identification of the precise injury pattern and instability after reduction of the elbow joint. To achieve a congruent and stable joint, we recommend primary surgical repair as first-line treatment for patients with unstable simple and complex elbow dislocation independent of age. Health literacy is an area of growing research and clinical interest, necessitating short, accurate measures of this complex construct. Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT) measures prose, document, and quantitative literacy by self-administration on a touchscreen computer. The objective of this study was to assess the validity of a short form of Health LiTT and to identify a meaningful cutoff score for adequate health literacy. A subsample of 137 participants from the Literacy and Cognitive Function among Older Adults study completed a 10-item Health LiTT short form and three interviewer-administered health literacy measures Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA), Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM), and Newest Vital Sign (NVS). Convergent validity was assessed by correlating scores for all measures, and known-groups validity was assessed by comparing mean Health LITT scores across TOFHLA levels (inadequate, marginal, adequate). Irties of a valid and reliable short form of the flexible, technologically advanced Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology measure, as well as a cutoff score to note adequate versus marginal/inadequate health literacy. The Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) is a multidimensional generic questionnaire developed to capture a wide range of health literacy needs. There is a need for validation evidence for the Norwegian version of the HLQ (N-HLQ). The present study tested an initial version of the Norwegian HLQ by exploring its utility and construct validity among a group of nursing students. A pre-test survey was performed in participants (N = 18) who were asked to consider every item in the N-HLQ (44 items across nine scales). The N-HLQ was then administered to 368 respondents. Scale consistency was identified and extracted in a series of factor analyses (principal component analysis [PCA] with oblimin rotation) demanding a nine-dimension solution performed on randomly drawn 50% of the samples obtained by bootstrapping. Correlations between the nine factors obtained in the 13-factor PCA and the scale scores computed by the scale scoring syntaxes provided by the authors of the original HLQ were estimated. The pre-test survey did not result in the need to rephrase items.