Moreover, abiotic stress alters chromatin remodeling dynamic in a way that directs the cell cycle arrest. We observed low DNA methylation patterns accompanied by dynamic histone modifications that favor chromatin decondensation. Also, the high expression of DNA topoisomerase 2, 6 family was detected as consequence of DNA damage. In conclusion, in response to salinity and drought stress, maize seedlings exhibit modulation of cell cycle progression, resulting in the cell cycle arrest through chromatin remodeling.The satyr of Greek mythology was half-man, half-goat, with an animal persona signifying immoderate sexual appetites. In biology, satyrization is the disruption of reproduction in matings between closely related species. Interestingly, its effects are often reciprocally asymmetric, manifesting more strongly in one direction of heterospecific mating than the other. Heterospecific matings are well known to result in female fitness costs due to the production of sterile or inviable hybrid offspring and can also occur due to reduced female sexual receptivity, lowering the likelihood of any subsequent conspecific matings. Here we investigated the costs and mechanisms of satyrization in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup of fruitflies. The results showed that D. simulans females experienced higher fitness costs from a loss of remating opportunities due to significantly reduced post-mating sexual receptivity than did D. melanogaster females, as a result of reciprocal heterospecific matings. Reciprocal tests of the effects of male reproductive accessory gland protein (Acp) injections on female receptivity in pairwise comparisons between D. melanogaster and five other species within the melanogaster species subgroup revealed significant post-mating receptivity asymmetries. This was due to variation in the effects of heterospecific Acps within species with which D. melanogaster can mate, and significant but nonas