or radon concentrationsin almost a third of the country is non-available. For an effective implementation of the Action plan, it makes sense to introduce radon risk mapping. Basing on the integrated assessment to conduct a comparative statistical analysis as of 2016 of thedemographic state of the areas of Ukraine that are recognized as those with the most intensive radiological con-tamination due to the Chornobyl NPP accident.Study object. The population of the regions of Ukraine with the most intensive radiological contamination due tothe Chornobyl NPP accident and the population of Ukraine as a whole (control). The data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and its regional offices were used asinformation base in this study. Integrated assessment of the demographic situation in a oblast was conducted basedon the calculations of the territorial indices and multidimensional average variable on each region. Demographic,mathematical-statistical, graphic, software-technological methods were used in this study. Radiologically contaminated regions of Ukraine differ significantly both by the number ofpopulation (from 5800 people in the Poliske region to 105100 people in the people in the Sarny region), and by the variability inthemedical and demographic indicators; bothone from another and compared to data for the country.The results of the calculations of 10 medical and demographic («positive» and «negative») territorial indices andmultidimensional average variable (P) as integrative assessment of the demographic state have revealed that thebest indicators of the demographic situation in 2016 were in Rokytne (P = 1.249) and Sarny (P = 1.112) regions ofthe Rivne oblast, while the worse indicators were in Kozelets (P = 0.363) and Ripky regions of the Chernihiv oblast.The demographic situation of the Olevsk region of the Zhytomyr oblast (P = 0.947)was the closest to the nationalaverage one. Poliske, Narodychi, Ovruch, Ivankiv and Korosten regions take intermediate position as comparedto theregions of Rivne and Chernihiv oblasts (P = 0.618-0.742). to identificate the main factors and assess their impact on the formation of radiation doses to the population of radioactively contaminated areas of Kyiv region at the current stage of the accident based on complexradiation and hygienic monitoring in the reference settlements in 2019. Comprehensive radiological and hygienic monitoring was carried out in eight settlementsof Kyiv region - villages of Ragivka, Lygovyky, Mar'yanivka, Zelena Poliana of Polis'kyi district and villages ofHornostaipil, Dytiatky , Pisky, Karpylivka of Ivankiv district. The content of incorporated 137Cs was determined withdirect measurement on whole body counters (WBC) samples of basic foodstuffs were collected to determine the content of radionuclides 90Sr and 137Cs, residents were interviewed about the levels of consumption of these products,and work was performed to estimate external radiation doses. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/z-ietd-fmk.html Mathematical, dosimetric, radiochemical methods areused in the work. There was a further decrease in annual doses of internal ron 1 mSv · year-1. The main factor that forms the dose of internal radiation of the residents of the surveyed state of emergency of Kyiv region is the intake of 137Cs in the body with forest products, primarily mushrooms. of this study was to determine the levels of radionuclides in the rescuers' bodies of the SES during firefighting in the exclusion zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant and to assess the dose of internal radiation dueto this receipt. From 06.04.2020 to 19.05.2020 in the State Institution «National Research Center forRadiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» (NRCRM) measurements of the contentof incorporated gamma radionuclides on whole body counters (WBC) operational class «Screener-3M» (Minimumdetected activity (MDA) is 300-500 Bq for 5 minutes of measurement at 137Cs) and expert high-sensitivity WBC (MDAis 20 Bq for 10 minutes of measurement at 137Cs). 470 people (523 measurements) in three groups of personnel ofthe SES of Ukraine who took part in the forest fire liquidation in the exclusion zone in the period from April 4 toMay 5, 2020 were examined. Mathematical and spectrometric methods are used in the work. In the vast majority (95 %) of the personnel of the SErsonnel of the SES of Ukraine in Cherkasyregion, which participated in the fire on April 19-24, 2020 (9 people) - 2.2 ± 0.6 μSv, in the group of personnel ofthe SES of Ukraine in the Kyiv region, which took part in the elimination of the forest fire in the exclusion zone onApril 4 - May 5, 2020 (42 people) - 4.4 ± 2.4 μSv. Maximum values of 5.1 μSv, 3.5 μSv, 11.8 μSv in the groups ofKyiv city, Cherkasy and Kyiv regions, respectively, which is much lower than the basic dose limit for the populationfrom man-made sources of 1000 μSv · year-1 according to the Law of Ukraine about protection of the person againstinfluence of ionizing radiation.In the dosimetry of ionizing radiation, the phantoms of the human body, which are used as a replacement for thehuman body in physical measurements and calculations, play an important, but sometimes underestimated, role.There are physical phantoms used directly for measurements, and mathematical phantoms for computationaldosimetry. Their complexity varies from simple geometry applied for calibration purposes up to very complex, whichsimulates in detail the shapes of organs and tissues of the human body. The use of physical anthropomorphic phantoms makes it possible to effectively optimize radiation doses by adjusting the parameters of CT-scanning (computed tomography) in accordance with the characteristics of the patient without compromising image quality. The useof phantoms is an indispensable approach to estimate the actual doses to the organs or to determine the effectivedose of workers - values that are regulated, but cannot be directly measured.The article contains an overview of types, designs and the fields of application of anthropomorphic heterogeneousphysical phantoms of a human with special emphasis on their use for validation of models and methods of computational dosimetry.