Thus, efficient phagosomal bacterial killing is a result of tightly balanced activity between two processes.Chondrichthyan (cartilaginous fish) occupies a key phylogenetic position and is important for investigating evolutionary processes of vertebrates. However, limited whole genomes impede our in-depth knowledge of important issues such as chromosome evolution and immunity. Here, we report the chromosome-level genome of white-spotted bamboo shark. Combing it with other shark genomes, we reconstructed 16 ancestral chromosomes of bamboo shark and illustrate a dynamic chromosome rearrangement process. We found that genes on 13 fast-evolving chromosomes can be enriched in immune-related pathways. And two chromosomes contain important genes that can be used to develop single-chain antibodies, which were shown to have high affinity to human disease markers by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We also found three bone formation-related genes were lost due to chromosome rearrangements. Our study highlights the importance of chromosome rearrangements, providing resources for understanding of cartilaginous fish diversification and potential application of single-chain antibodies.Reports indicate an association between COVID-19 and anosmia, as well as the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virions in the olfactory bulb. To test whether the olfactory neuroepithelium may represent a target of the virus, we generated RNA-seq libraries from human olfactory neuroepithelia, in which we found substantial expression of the genes coding for the virus receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) and for the virus internalization enhancer TMPRSS2. We analyzed a human olfactory single-cell RNA-seq dataset and determined that sustentacular cells, which maintain the integrity of olfactory sensory neurons, express ACE2 and TMPRSS2. ACE2 protein was highly expressed in a subset of sustentacular cells in human and mouse olfactory tissues. Finally, we found ACE2 transcripts in specific brain cell types, both in mice and humans. Sustentacular cells thus represent a potential entry door for SARS-CoV-2 in a neuronal sensory system that is in direct connection with the brain.Magnetic guidance shows promise as a strategy for improving the delivery and performance of cell therapeutics. However, clinical translation of magnetically guided cell therapy requires cell functionalization protocols that provide adequate magnetic properties in balance with unaltered cell viability and biological function. Existing methodologies for characterizing cells functionalized with magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) produce aggregate results, both distorted and unable to reflect variability in either magnetic or biological properties within a preparation. In the present study, we developed an inverted-plate assay allowing determination of these characteristics using a single-platform approach, and applied this method for a comparative analysis of two loading protocols providing highly uniform vs. uneven MNP distribution across cells. MNP uptake patterns remarkably different between the two protocols were first shown by fluorimetry carried out in a well-scan mode on endothelial cells (EC) loaded with BODIPY558/568-labeled MNP. Using the inverted-plate assay we next demonstrated that, in stark contrast to unevenly loaded cells, more than 50% of uniformly functionalized EC were captured within 5 min over a broad range of MNP doses. Furthermore, magnetically captured cells exhibited unaltered viability, substrate attachment, and proliferation rates. Conducted in parallel, magnetophoretic mobility studies corroborated the markedly superior guidance capacity of uniformly functionalized cells, confirming substantially faster cell capture kinetics on a clinically relevant time scale. Taken together, these results emphasize the importance of optimizing cell preparation protocols with regard to loading uniformity as key to efficient site-specific delivery, engraftment, and expansion of the functionalized cells, essential for both improving performance and facilitating translation of targeted cell therapeutics.Current surgical approaches to radical prostatectomy are associated with high rates of erectile dysfunction and incontinence. These complications occur secondary to the disruption of surrounding healthy tissue, which is required to expose the prostate. The urethra offers the least invasive access to the prostate, and feasibility has been demonstrated of enucleating the prostate with an endoscope using Holmium laser, which can itself be aimed by concentric tube robots. However, the transurethral approach to radical prostatectomy has thus far been limited by the lack of a suitable means to perform an anastomosis of the urethra to the bladder after prostate removal. Only a few intraluminal anastomotic devices currently exist, and none are small enough to pass through the urethra. In this paper we describe a new way to perform an anastomosis in the small luminal space of the urethra, harnessing the dexterity and customizability of concentric tube manipulators. We demonstrate a successful initial proof-of-concept anastomosis in an anthropomorphic phantom of the urethra and bladder.In this report, we present results on the electrocatalytic activity of conducting polymers [polyaniline (PANI) and polypyrrole (PPy)] toward the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The electropolymerization of the polymers and electrolysis conditions were optimized for H2O2 production. On flat glassy carbon (GC) electrodes, the faradaic efficiency (FE) for H2O2 production was significantly improved by the polymers. Rotating disc electrode (RDE) studies revealed that this is mainly a result of blocking further H2O2 to the water reduction pathway by the polymers. PPy on carbon paper (CP) significantly increased the molar production of H2O2 by over 250% at an average FE of above 95% compared to bare CP with a FE of 25%. Thus, the polymers are acting as catalysts on the electrode for the ORR, although their catalytic mechanisms differ from other electrocatalysts. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may have altered emergency workflows established to optimize the outcome of patients with large-vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke. We here analyzed workflow time intervals and functional outcomes of LVO patients treated with endovascular thrombectomy (ET) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. We compared the frequency, pre- and intrahospital workflow time intervals, rates of reperfusion, and functional outcome of patients admitted from March 1st to May 31st 2020 with patients admitted during the same time interval in 2019 to 12 university and municipal hospitals across Germany (  = 795). The number of LVO patients treated with ET between March to May 2020 was similar when compared to the same interval in 2019. Direct-to-center patients and patients admitted through interhospital transfer in 2020 showed similar pre- and intrahospital workflow time intervals compared to patients admitted in 2019, except for a longer door-to-groin time in patients admitted through interhospital transfer in 2020 (47 min vs 38 min,  = 0.