No statistically significant difference was detected across the three time points on students' manual dexterity skills. Measurement of writing kinematics allows to report and document variations in children's writing during intervention. This pilot study discusses these findings and their implications for the field on early childhood acquisition of foundational skills for handwriting. It also proposes potential topics for future research on this field.Parent training programs (PTPs) have been used extensively in Anglo-Saxon countries, but less so in Southern Europe. Several characteristics of families have been linked to effective parenting and positive development of children, but few studies have examined the social determinants of the effectiveness of PTPs. The Parenting Skills Program for families (PSP) is a PTP from Spain. This study aimed to identify the social characteristics (sex, age, country of birth, marital status, educational level, and employment status) of parents that determine the success of the PSP in relation to social support, parenting skills, parental stress, and negative behaviors among children. A quasi-experimental study with a prepost design with no control group was used. We conducted a survey before (T0) and after the intervention (T1). Sample size was 216. We fit multiple logistic regression models. Parenting skills increased more among parents with a lower educational level. Parents' stress decreased more among parents who had a lower educational level, were unemployed, and were men. Social support increased among parents who were younger, unemployed, or non-cohabiting. We found no significant differences in the effect on children's negative behaviors according to the social factors evaluated. The PSP is effective for socioeconomically diverse families, but the success differs according to the parents' social profile. Unlike most previous studies, the results were better among more socially disadvantaged people, highlighting the potential of this kind of intervention for reducing the social inequality gap between groups.A theoretical study of the effect of the substituent Z on the gas phase acidity of substituted benzoic acids ZC6H4COOH in terms of density functional theory descriptors (chemical potential, softness and Fukui function) is presented. The calculated gas phase ΔacidG° values obtained were close to the experimental ones reported in the literature. The good relationship between the ΔacidG° values and the electronegativity of ZC6H4COOH and its fragments, suggested a better importance of the inductive than polarizability contributions. The balance of inductive and resonance contributions of the substituent in the acidity of substituted benzoic acids showed that the highest inductive and resonance effects were for the -SO2CF3 and -NH2 substituents in the para- and ortho-position, respectively. The Fukui function confirmed that the electron-releasing substituent attached to the phenyl ring of benzoic acid decreased the acidity in the trend ortho > meta > para, and the electron-withdrawing substituent increased the acidity in the trend ortho less then meta less then para.Astrocyte syncytial isopotentiality is a physiological mechanism resulting from a strong electrical coupling among astrocytes. We have previously shown that syncytial isopotentiality exists as a system-wide feature that coordinates astrocytes into a system for high efficient regulation of brain homeostasis. Neuronal activity is known to regulate gap junction coupling through alteration of extracellular ions and neurotransmitters. However, the extent to which epileptic neuronal activity impairs the syncytial isopotentiality is unknown. Here, the neuronal epileptiform bursts were induced in acute hippocampal slices by removal of Mg2+ (Mg2+ free) from bath solution and inhibition of γ-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA) receptors by 100 µM picrotoxin (PTX). The change in syncytial coupling was monitored by using a K+ free-Na+-containing electrode solution ([Na+]p) in the electrophysiological recording where the substitution of intracellular K+ by Na+ ions dissipates the physiological membrane potential (VM) to ~0 mV in the recorded astrocyte. However, in a syncytial coupled astrocyte, the [Na+]p induced VM loss can be compensated by the coupled astrocytes to a quasi-physiological membrane potential of ~73 mV. After short-term exposure to this experimental epileptic condition, a significant closure of syncytial coupling was indicated by a shift of the quasi-physiological membrane potential to -60 mV, corresponding to a 90% reduction of syncytial coupling strength. Consequently, the closure of syncytial coupling significantly decreased the ability of the syncytium for spatial redistribution of K+ ions. Altogether, our results show that epileptiform neuronal discharges weaken the strength of syncytial coupling and that in turn impairs the capacity of a syncytium for spatial redistribution of K+ ions.The melting behavior of nascent poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) was investigated by way of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It is well known that the melting temperature of nascent PTFE is about 344 ∘ C, but reduces to 327 ∘ C for once molten material. In this study, the melting temperature of nascent PTFE crystals was found to strongly depend on heating rate, decreasing considerably for slow heating rates. In addition, during isothermal experiments in the temperature range of 327 ∘ C less then T less then 344 ∘ C, delayed melting of PTFE was observed, with complete melting only occurring after up to several hours. The melting kinetics of nascent PTFE were analyzed by means of the isoconversional methodology, and an apparent activation energy of melting, dependent on the conversion, was determined. The compensation effect was utilized in order to derive the pre-exponential factor of the kinetic model. The numerical reconstruction of the kinetic model was compared with literature models and an Avrami-Erofeev model was identified as best fit of the experimental data. The predictions of the kinetic model were in good agreement with the observed time-dependent melting of nascent PTFE during isothermal and constant heating-rate experiments.