The world of cardiac imaging is proposing to physicians an ever-increasing spectrum of options and tools with the disadvantages of patients presently submitted to multiple, sequential, time-consuming, and costly diagnostic procedures and tests, sometimes with contradicting results. In the last two decades, the CCTA has evolved into a valuable diagnostic test in today's patient care, changing the official existing guidelines and clinical practice with a pivotal role to exclude significant CAD, in the referral of patients to the Cath-Lab, in the follow-up after coronary revascularization, and finally in the cardiovascular risk stratification.In contrast to the significant advances in our understanding of the mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) populations in bone marrow (BM), little is known about the MSCs that are resident in the synovial joint and their possible roles in the tissue homeostasis, chronic inflammation as well as in repair. Neural crest is a transient embryonic structure, generating multipotential MSC capable of migrating along peripheral nerves and blood vessels to colonize most tissue types. In adult, these MSC can provide functional stromal support as a stem cell niche for lymphocyte progenitors for instance in the BM and the thymus. Critically, MSC have major immunoregulatory activities to control adverse inflammation and infection. These MSC will remain associated to vessels (perivascular (p) MSC) and their unique expression of markers such as myelin P0 and transcription factors (e.g. Gli1 and FoxD1) has been instrumental to develop transgenic mice to trace the fate of these cells in health and disease conditions. Intriguingly, recent investigations of chronic inflammatory diseases argue for an emerging role of pMSC in several pathological processes. In response to tissue injuries and with the release of host cell debris (e.g. alarmins), pMSC can detach from vessels and proliferate to give rise to e