rsing staff, time and clinical skill required to provide care for patients with obesity. Healthcare organisations should implement policies that ensure sufficient staffing in areas where care of patients with obesity is prevalent, and provide training for and workplace availability of bariatric equipment.This account of the moral status of the human fetus makes four interlocking claims, which together comprise the Fetal Life Moral Status Thesis (1) life as a human organism begins at the fetal stage of development; (2) the non-organismal life of the human embryo begins at fertilization; (3) the human fetus has intrinsic moral status as a human being; and (4) the human embryo has extrinsic moral status as a non-organismal human individual. The somatic integration definition of human life functions as a premise in two supporting arguments the Fetal Life Argument and the Fetal Moral Status Argument. These arguments are articulated, objections are considered, and the resulting account of the moral status of the human fetus is applied to the problem of abortion. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affected millions of people worldwide and caused disruptions at the global level including in healthcare provision. Countries of the WHO African region have put in place measures for the COVID-19 pandemic containment that may adversely affect blood system activities and subsequently reduce the supply and demand of blood and blood components. This study aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on blood supply and demand in the WHO African Region and propose measures to address the challenges faced by countries. A survey questionnaire was sent to all 47 countries in the WHO African Region to collect information on blood supply and demand for the first 5months of 2019 and 2020, respectively, and on COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma therapy in September 2020. Thirty-seven countries provided responses. The total number of blood dona