an areas (18.5 per 100 000 vs 12.4 per 100 000). In this cross-sectional study, suicide appears to be the most common cause of firearm injury death in the US, and most people who die from suicide never reach the hospital. These findings suggest that assaults and unintentional injuries account for most nonfatal and overall firearm injuries and for most of the injuries that are treated in hospitals. In this cross-sectional study, suicide appears to be the most common cause of firearm injury death in the US, and most people who die from suicide never reach the hospital. These findings suggest that assaults and unintentional injuries account for most nonfatal and overall firearm injuries and for most of the injuries that are treated in hospitals. Following the miniaturization of integrated circuitry and other computer hardware over the past several decades, DNA sequencing is on a similar path. Leading this trend is the Oxford Nanopore sequencing platform, which currently offers the hand-held MinION instrument and even smaller instruments on the horizon. This technology has been used in several important applications, including the analysis of genomes of major pathogens in remote stations around the world. However, despite the simplicity of the sequencer, an equally simple and portable analysis platform is not yet available. iGenomics is the first comprehensive mobile genome analysis application, with capabilities to align reads, call variants, and visualize the results entirely on an iOS device. Implemented in Objective-C using the FM-index, banded dynamic programming, and other high-performance bioinformatics techniques, iGenomics is optimized to run in a mobile environment. We benchmark iGenomics using a variety of real and simulated Nanopore sequencing datasets of viral and bacterial genomes and show that iGenomics has performance comparable to the popular BWA-MEM/SAMtools/IGV suite, without necessitating a laptop or server cluster. iGenomics is available open source (https// and for free on Apple's App Store (https// iGenomics is available open source (https// and for free on Apple's App Store (https// tetrapyrroles, including heme and bilins, are synthesized in plastids. Heme oxygenase (HO) catalyzes the oxidative cleavage of heme to the linear tetrapyrrole biliverdin as the initial step in bilin biosynthesis. Besides the canonical α-helical HO that is conserved from prokaryotes to human, a subfamily of non-canonical dimeric β-barrel HO has been found in bacteria. In this work, we discovered that the Arabidopsis locus AT3G03890 encodes a dimeric β-barrel protein that is structurally related to the putative non-canonical HO and is located in chloroplasts. The recombinant protein was able to bind and degrade heme in a manner different from known HO proteins. Crystal structure of the heme-protein complex reveals that the heme-binding site is in the interdimer interface and the heme iron is coordinated by a fixed water molecule. Our results identify a new protein that may function additionally in the tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathway. The Dutch Regional Euthanasia Review Committees (RTEs) reviewed and reported an increasing number of cases of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (EAS) requested by older people with multiple geriatric syndromes (MGS). Knowledge of the characteristics of cases of EAS for MGS is important to facilitate societal debate and to monitor EAS practice. To examine the accumulation of patient characteristics, geriatric syndromes, and other circumstances as reported in the case summaries of the RTEs that led to unbearable suffering associated with a request for EAS and to analyze the RTEs' assessments of these cases of EAS. A qualitative content analysis was conducted of all case summaries filed from January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2019, under the category MGS and published in a national open access database. These case summaries were selected by the RTEs from the total of 1605 reported cases of EAS in the category MGS. The RTEs published 53 cases (41 [77%] female) under the category MGS. A total of 28 psts that an accumulation of geriatric syndromes leading to a request for EAS is often intertwined with the social and existential dimension of suffering. This leads to a complex interplay of physical, psychological, and existential suffering that changes over time.Complex neural circuitry requires stable connections formed by lengthy axons. To maintain these functional circuits, fast transport delivers RNAs to distal axons where they undergo local translation. However, the mechanism that enables long-distance transport of RNA granules is not yet understood. Here, we demonstrate that a complex containing RNA and the RNA-binding protein (RBP) SFPQ interacts selectively with a tetrameric kinesin containing the adaptor KLC1 and the motor KIF5A. We show that the binding of SFPQ to the KIF5A/KLC1 motor complex is required for axon survival and is impacted by KIF5A mutations that cause Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) disease. Moreover, therapeutic approaches that bypass the need for local translation of SFPQ-bound proteins prevent axon degeneration in CMT models. Collectively, these observations indicate that KIF5A-mediated SFPQ-RNA granule transport may be a key function disrupted in KIF5A-linked neurologic diseases and that replacing axonally translated proteins serves as a therapeutic approach to axonal degenerative disorders.Vertebrate Hedgehog signals are transduced through the primary cilium, a specialized lipid microdomain that is required for Smoothened activation. Cilia-associated sterol and oxysterol lipids bind to Smoothened to activate the Hedgehog pathway, but how ciliary lipids are regulated is incompletely understood. Here we identified DHCR7, an enzyme that produces cholesterol, activates the Hedgehog pathway, and localizes near the ciliary base. We found that Hedgehog stimulation negatively regulates DHCR7 activity and removes DHCR7 from the ciliary microenvironment, suggesting that DHCR7 primes cilia for Hedgehog pathway activation. In contrast, we found that Hedgehog stimulation positively regulates the oxysterol synthase CYP7A1, which accumulates near the ciliary base and produces oxysterols that promote Hedgehog signaling in response to pathway activation. Our results reveal that enzymes involved in lipid biosynthesis in the ciliary microenvironment promote Hedgehog signaling, shedding light on how ciliary lipids are established and regulated to transduce Hedgehog signals.