Community adherence to current control measures is one of the vital factors that determines the success of controlling the spread of COVID-19. This adherence depends on the knowledge and attitude of a community toward COVID-19 and their precautionary measures against the disease. This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of the community from the Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia, toward COVID-19 and their precautionary measures against the disease. The descriptive cross-sectional study involved an online sample of participants from the Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia, who were recruited based on a nonprobability convenience sampling method from April to May 2020. The self-administered online questionnaire comprised four parts the first included the demographic details of the participants; the second consisted of 11 closed-ended questions that assessed the participants' knowledge of COVID-19; the third contained six closed-ended questions that assessed the participants' overall attitude toward COVID-19y measures against COVID-19, which is associated with obtaining information about the virus from the Ministry of Health website. This study confirms that residents of the Aseer Region have high knowledge of, demonstrate a positive attitude toward, and use appropriate precautionary measures against COVID-19, which is associated with obtaining information about the virus from the Ministry of Health website. High prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities (PCs) has been widely documented in caustic substance ingestion cases. However, their effect on the clinical features and prognostic outcomes remains unclear due to the paucity of discussion. We report on detailed clinical courses with long-term multifaceted outcomes and review the association between caustic ingestion and each specific PC. The retrospective chart review included 396 adults (median follow-up, 16.6 months) with and 377 without (control group) PCs treated between 1999 and 2018 at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. All PCs were diagnosed/confirmed by psychiatrists through face-to-face interviews. The PCs predicted serious esophagogastroduodenoscopy grading, higher rates of admission/surgery/intensive care unit stay, increments of systemic/gastrointestinal complications, and poorer 5-year overall survival rates. The poor survival among patients with PCs was highly consistent with their baseline characteristics. Significantly advanced age, more non-PCs, alcoholism, illicit drug abuse, and baseline unhealthy status resulted in statistically higher risks of severe complications and limited recovery. PCs changed clinical patterns and had critical roles in the survival outcomes of caustic injury victims. Clinical awareness achieves benefit by limiting injuries in mild cases or allowing emergent interventions in severe cases. Future studies based on worldwide populations are essential for realizing geographic differences. PCs changed clinical patterns and had critical roles in the survival outcomes of caustic injury victims. Clinical awareness achieves benefit by limiting injuries in mild cases or allowing emergent interventions in severe cases. Future studies based on worldwide populations are essential for realizing geographic differences. Access to essential health care is one of the major factors associated with maternal mortality. In developing countries, improving women's access to health care has significantly reduced maternal death. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the determinants of access to health care among women in East African countries based on 2008 to 2017 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs). This study used secondary data from 2008 to 2017 DHSs of 12 East African countries. A two-level mixed-effects logistic regression analysis was employed to determine the variables associated with women's access to maternal health care. The adjusted odds ratios (AORs), 95% CI, and P-value were computed. Variables with P<0.05 were considered as determinants of access to maternal health care. A total of 148,483 study participants were included in this study. Women who accessed health care were 64,218 (42.91%) in the region. The study revealed that access to women's health care was positively associated with factors; being educaplanned pregnancy were the predictors of access to health care. Therefore, there should be a common strategy to enhance the accessibility of health service utilization among women in the region and financial support for the poor that enables women to use health services. For better health care access, increasing the awareness of women and their partners about the significance of utilization of healthcare service focusing on uneducated persons are crucial activities. is a common enteric parasite of controversial pathogenic roles in human diseases. Although the prevalence of infections has been investigated in a diverse range of populations, there is little knowledge on the molecular epidemiology and risk factors of infections among general populations in southeastern China. A total of 507 individuals were randomly selected in Yunnan province, China from July 2016 to March 2017. Stool specimens were sampled for detection of sp. using PCR assay, and the risk factors of infections were identified. isolates were subtyped, and the associations of infections and subtypes with clinical manifestations were examined. The overall detection rate of sp. was 9.47% (95% 7.13-12.44%). Toilet type ( = 3.248, 95% CI 1.245-8.473), anemia ( = 2.601, 95% 1.245-8.473) and type of daily drinking water ( = 3.11, 95% 1.557-6.213) were identified as risk factors of infections; however, infections showed no associations with clinical symptoms. Four ections. ST3 is the dominant subtype of Blastocystis sp. characterized, and ST1 correlates with anemia. Improving hygiene conditions, developing healthy lifestyles and intensifying health education programs are strongly recommended to reduce the prevalence and transmission potential of Blastocystis infections. The value of identifying and targeting population demographics at high risk of stroke based on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) with electronic health records (EHRs) in Shanghai is largely undiscovered. To test the hypothesis that establishing an evidence-based support system composed of PROs integrated with EHRs could be effective at identifying individuals at high risk of suffering from stroke. The patients included in this study joined the hypertensive patient management system from 2014 to 2018. We merged the Hypertension Patients Management Database and the Diabetes Mellitus Patients Management Database of Shanghai Jiading district, then kept the hypertension patients with or without diabetes. We subsequently performed a screen analysis utilizing EHRs to target the population with any risk factor for stroke, namely, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, smoking and physical inactivity. We also calculated the distribution of each risk factor and the combinations of risk factors. In the Jiading District of Shanghai, 46,580 hypertensive patients with complete baseline information joined the hypertensive patient management system from 2014 to 2018.