BACKGROUND Associative plasticity, the neurophysiological bases of Hebbian learning, has been implied in the formation of the association between sensory and motor representations of actions in the Mirror Neuron System; however, such inductor role still needs empirical support. OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS We have assessed whether Paired Associative Stimulation (PAS), known to activate Hebbian associative plasticity, can induce the formation of atypical (absent in normal conditions), visuo-motor associations, reshaping motor resonance. METHODS Healthy participants underwent a novel PAS protocol (mirror-PAS, m-PAS), during which they were exposed to repeated pairings of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) applied over the right primary motor cortex (M1), time-locked with the view of index-finger movements of the right (ipsilateral) hand. In a first experiment, the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) between visual-action stimuli and TMS pulses was varied. Before and after each m-PAS session, motor resonance was assessedoperties of the human Mirror Neuron System. BACKGROUND Studies examining the contribution of contralesional brain regions to motor recovery after stroke have revealed conflicting results comprising both supporting and disturbing influences. Especially the relevance of contralesional brain regions beyond primary motor cortex (M1) has rarely been studied, particularly concerning the temporal dynamics post-stroke. METHODS We, therefore, used online transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) interference to longitudinally assess the role of contralesional (right) frontoparietal areas for recovery of hand motor function after left hemispheric stroke contralesional M1, contralesional dorsal premotor cortex (dPMC), and contralesional anterior intraparietal sulcus (IPS). Fourteen stroke patients and sixteen age-matched healthy subjects performed motor tasks of varying complexity with their (paretic) right hand. Motor performance was quantified using three-dimensional kinematic data. All patients were assessed twice, (i) in the first week, and (ii) after more than three months post-stroke. RESULTS While we did not observe a significant effect of TMS interference on movement kinematics following the stimulation of contralesional M1 and dPMC in the first week post-stroke, we found improvements of motor performance upon interference with contralesional IPS across motor tasks early after stroke, an effect that persisted into the later phase. By contrast, for dPMC, TMS-induced deterioration of motor performance was only evident three months post-stroke, suggesting that a supportive role of contralesional premotor cortex might evolve with reorganization. CONCLUSION We here highlight time-sensitive and region-specific effects of contralesional frontoparietal areas after left hemisphere stroke, which may influence on neuromodulation regimes aiming at supporting recovery of motor function post-stroke. BACKGROUND Despite its potential to revolutionize the treatment of memory dysfunction, the efficacy of direct electrical hippocampal stimulation for memory performance has not yet been well characterized. One of the main challenges to cross-study comparison in this area of research is the diversity of the cognitive tasks used to measure memory performance. OBJECTIVE We hypothesized that the tasks that differentially engage the hippocampus may be differentially influenced by hippocampal stimulation and the behavioral effects would be related to the underlying hippocampal activity. METHODS To investigate this issue, we recorded intracranial EEG from and directly applied stimulation to the hippocampus of 10 epilepsy patients while they performed two different verbal memory tasks - a word pair associative memory task and a single item memory task. RESULTS Hippocampal stimulation modulated memory performance in a task-dependent manner, improving associative memory performance, while impairing item memory performance. In addition, subjects with poorer baseline cognitive function improved much more with stimulation. iEEG recordings from the hippocampus during non-stimulation encoding blocks revealed that the associative memory task elicited stronger theta oscillations than did item memory and that stronger theta power was related to memory performance. CONCLUSIONS We show here for the first time that stimulation-induced associative memory enhancement was linked to increased theta power during retrieval. These results suggest that hippocampal stimulation enhances associative memory but not item memory because it engages more hippocampal theta activity and that, in general, increasing hippocampal theta may provide a neural mechanism for successful memory enhancement. BACKGROUND According to the neurocognitive model of addiction, the development and maintenance of drug addiction is associated with cognitive control deficits, as well as decreased activity of prefrontal regions, especially the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). This study investigated how improving executive functions (EFs) impacts methamphetamine-use disorder, which has been less explored compared to craving, but might be a central aspect for the therapeutic efficacy of DLPFC stimulation in drug addiction. METHODS We assessed the efficacy of 10 repeated sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the DLPFC on executive dysfunctions in methamphetamine-use disorder, and its association with craving alterations. 39 of 50 initially recruited individuals with methamphetamine-use disorder who were in the abstinent-course treatment were randomly assigned to "active" and "sham" stimulation groups in a randomized, double-blind parallel-group study. They received active (2 mA, 20 min) or shamsociated with reduced craving. Repeated DLPFC stimulation in order to improve executive control could be a promising approach for therapeutic interventions in drug addiction. However, the observed findings require further confirmation by studies that measure relapse/consumption of the respective substances over longer follow-up measurements. BACKGROUND No consensus exists in the clinical transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) field as to the best method for targeting the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) for depression treatment. Two common targeting methods are the Beam F3 method and the 5.5 cm rule. OBJECTIVE Evaluate the anatomical reliability of technician-identified DLPFC targets and obtain consensus average brain and scalp MNI152 coordinates. METHODS Three trained TMS technicians performed repeated targeting using both the Beam F3 method and 5.5 cm rule in ten healthy subjects (n = 162). Average target locations were plotted on 7T structural MRIs to compare inter- and intra-rater reliability, respectively. RESULTS (1) Beam F3 inter- and intra-rater reliability was superior to 5.5 cm targeting (p = 0.0005 and 0.0035). (2) The average Beam F3 location was 2.6±1.0 cm anterolateral to the 5.5 cm method. CONCLUSIONS Beam F3 targeting demonstrates greater precision and reliability than the 5.5 cm method and identifies a different anatomical target.