Equilibria, or fixed points, play an important role in dynamical systems across various domains, yet finding them can be computationally challenging. Here, we show how to efficiently compute all equilibrium points of discrete-valued, discrete-time systems on sparse networks. Using graph partitioning, we recursively decompose the original problem into a set of smaller, simpler problems that are easy to compute, and whose solutions combine to yield the full equilibrium set. This makes it possible to find the fixed points of systems on arbitrarily large networks meeting certain criteria. This approach can also be used without computing the full equilibrium set, which may grow very large in some cases. For example, one can use this method to check the existence and total number of equilibria, or to find equilibria that are optimal with respect to a given cost function. We demonstrate the potential capabilities of this approach with examples in two scientific domains computing the number of fixed points in brain networks and finding the minimal energy conformations of lattice-based protein folding models.Dynamic visual noise (DVN) selectively impairs memory for some types of stimuli (e.g., colors, textures, concrete words), but not for others (e.g., matrices, Chinese characters, simple shapes). According to the image definition hypothesis, the key difference is whether the stimulus leads to images that are ill-defined or well-defined. The former will be affected because the addition of noise quickly reduces the usefulness of the image in supplying information about the item's identity. The image definition hypothesis predicts that fonts should lead to ill-defined images and therefore should be affected by DVN, and although three previous studies appear to show this result, they lack a key control condition and report only proportion correct. Two experiments reassessed whether DVN affects memory for fonts, but, unlike the previous studies, both included a static visual noise condition and both were analyzed using signal detection measures. There was no evidence that DVN affected memory for font information, thus disconfirming a prediction of the original version of image definition hypothesis. We suggest a revised version that focuses on redintegration can explain the results.Complex scenes from standardized stimuli databases such as the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) are organized dimensionally rather than discretely. Further, the potentially unique function of socially relevant scenes is often overlooked. This study sought to identify discrete categories of complex scenes from the IAPS and to explore if there were qualitative features that make the emotional content of some social scenes identifiable with higher levels of agreement. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/unc0379.html One hundred and three participants (53.4% female, mean age 24.4) judged 118 IAPS scenes as reflecting fear, happy, sad, or neutral. A second judgment study was conducted with a separate group of participants (N = 117; 79.2% female; mean age 30.41) to further characterize valid affective scenes across the full range of basic emotions. Sixty images received agreement on their emotional category from >70% of judges and were considered valid. IAPS identifier codes for these images are available for reference (along with the supplementary material from the second judgment study), organized by emotional and social content. An incidental observation was such that compared to nonsocial scenes, lower agreement rates were observed for social scenes across the board. Qualitative features of social scenes that were classified into emotional categories based on higher levels of agreement are discussed.The effect of anger on acceptance of false details was examined using a three-phase misinformation paradigm. Participants viewed an event, were presented with schema-consistent and schema-irrelevant misinformation about it, and were given a surprise source monitoring test to examine the acceptance of the suggested material. Between each phase of the experiment, they performed a task that either induced anger or maintained a neutral mood. Participants showed greater susceptibility to schema-consistent than schema-irrelevant misinformation. Anger did not affect either recognition or source accuracy for true details about the initial event, but suggestibility for false details increased with anger. In spite of this increase in source errors (i.e., misinformation acceptance), both confidence in the accuracy of source attributions and decision speed for incorrect judgments also increased with anger. Implications are discussed with respect to both the general effects of anger and real-world applications such as eyewitness memory.Previous research on inattentional blindness (IB) has focused almost entirely on the visual modality. This study extends the paradigm by pairing visual with auditory stimuli. New visual and auditory stimuli were created to investigate the phenomenon of inattention in visual, auditory, and paired modality. The goal of the study was to assess to what extent the pairing of visual and auditory modality fosters the detection of change. Participants watched a video sequence and counted predetermined words in a spoken text. IB and inattentional deafness occurred in about 40% of participants when attention was engaged by this difficult (auditory) counting task. Most importantly, participants detected the changes considerably more often (88%) when the change occurred in both modalities rather than just one. One possible reason for the drastic reduction of IB or deafness in a multimodal context is that discrepancy between expected and encountered course of events proportionally increases across sensory modalities.ILeVO (fluopyram) is a fungicide seed treatment for soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) that also has nematicidal activity. ILeVO is sold with a base of insecticide Poncho (clothianidin), nematode-protectant VOTiVO (Bacillus firmus), and Acceleron fungicides (metalaxyl, fluxapyroxad, and pyraclostrobin). Yield and reproduction of the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) (Heterodera glycines) on soybean plants grown from seed treated with ILeVO plus the base were compared with those treated with only the base in 27 small-plot experiments and 12 strip-trial experiments across Iowa from 2015 to 2017. To increase the likelihood that yield results were related to effects on SCN, data were used only from 26 small-plot experiments and 12 strip trials in which symptoms of SDS were low or nonexistent. An SCN reproductive factor (RF) was calculated for each experimental unit by dividing the SCN population density at harvest by the population density at planting. ILeVO significantly reduced SCN RF by 50% in one strip-trial experiment and by 36 to 60% in four small-plot experiments but yields were not increased by ILeVO in any of those five experiments.