Treadmill Electricity Although treadmills don't consume the same amount of electricity as other appliances like air dryers and washing machines but they do contribute to the overall energy consumption of your home. To make the best choice it is important to know how treadmills consume energy. Find the treadmill's wattage ratings in its user manual or on the label. Then multiply the wattage by the number of hours you use it each week. Origins Treadmill electricity is part of your power consumption when you are using fitness equipment. of the motor and how fast you work out are two aspects that determine the amount of energy it uses. You can lower the amount of energy that your treadmill consumes by shutting it off when you're not working out and ensuring it is maintained regularly for optimal performance. You can also reduce your treadmill's energy consumption by running on an inclined slope instead of flat. Treadmills have a long tradition of being used both for recreation and work. They were originally used as a method of punishment for prisoners sentenced to hard labor, who would constantly walk on a large hamster wheel to provide power to machines that ground grain or powered water pumps. However despite their utilitarian ancestry the early models were not without faults. For example, prisoners often died of heat stroke and other health issues as a consequence of the exhausting work required on machines. Modern treadmills are not just utilitarian machines. They can produce energy while being used. The treadmills like the Verde from SportsArt harness the kinetic energy that is created as you walk or run on the treadmill and convert it into electricity that can be stored in the form of a battery. When the battery is fully charged it can be used to power small appliances such as lighting or a fan. The type of treadmill you choose will impact the amount of energy it requi