promote healthy dietary intake behavior among college students in South Asia. To determine the appropriateness of empiric antibiotic therapy and the possible benefit of adding short-course gentamicin in septic shock patients with abdominal, urogenital, or an unknown focus. Secondary objectives were the effect of gentamicin addition on shock reversal and the incidence of a fungal infection. Microbiological cultures, antibiotic treatment, and antibiotic resistance patterns of the cultured microorganisms were recorded during the first 5 days of admission. Inappropriate antibiotic therapy was defined as a prescription within the first 24 h that did not cover cultured bacteria during the first 5 days of admission and was determined in the overall group and in patients receiving adjunctive gentamicin (combination therapy) versus patients receiving monotherapy. Binomial logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the association of gentamicin addition with shock reversal. Of 203 septic shock patients, with abdominal (  = 143), urogenital (  = 27) or unknown (  = 33) focus, 1wering the threshold for administering adjunctive aminoglycoside and antifungal therapy should be considered. Standard cytotoxic induction chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) results in prolonged neutropenia and risk of infection. Romyelocel-L is a universal, allogeneic myeloid progenitor cell product being studied to reduce infection during induction chemotherapy. One hundred sixty-three patients with de novo AML (age ≥ 55 years) receiving induction chemotherapy were randomly assigned on day 0 (d0), of whom 120 were evaluable. Subjects received either romyelocel-L infusion on d9 with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) starting daily d14 (treatment group) or G-CSF daily alone on d14 (control) until absolute neutrophil count recovery to 500/µL. End points included days in febrile episode, microbiologically defin