Acinetobacter baumannii is a prevalent pathogen that can rapidly acquire resistance to antibiotics. Indeed, multidrug-resistant A. baumannii is a major cause of hospital-acquired infections and has been recognised by the World Health Organization as one of the most threatening bacteria to our society. Resistance-nodulation-division (RND) type multidrug efflux pumps have been demonstrated to convey antibiotic resistance to a wide range of pathogens and are the primary resistance mechanism employed by A. baumannii. A component of an RND pump in A. baumannii, AdeT1, was previously demonstrated to enhance the antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli. Here, we report the results of experiments which demonstrate that wild-type AdeT1 does not confer antimicrobial resistance in E. coli, highlighting the importance of verifying protein production when determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) especially by broth dilution. Nevertheless, using an agar-based MIC assay, we found that propionylation of Lys280 on AdeT1 renders E. coli cells more resistant to erythromycin.Glucosamine-6-Phosphate synthase enzyme has been targeted for development of better and safe preservative due to its role in microbial cell wall synthesis. In recent year's demand of preservatives for the food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals have increased. Although, the available synthetic preservatives have associated unwanted adverse effects, soa chain of naringin derivatives were schemed synthesized and judged for antioxidant, antimicrobial, preservative efficacy, stability study and topical evaluation. Molecular docking resulted with excellent dock score and binding energy for compound 7, compound 6 and compound 1 as compared to standard drugs. Resultant data of antimicrobial activity revealed compound 7as most potent antimicrobial compound for P. mirabilis, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, E. coli, C. albicans, and A. niger, respectively, as compared to the standard drugs. The preservative efficacy test of compound 7 in White Lotion USP showed the log cfu/mL value within prescribed limit of USP standard. Compound 7 stabilize the White lotion USP from microbial growth for a period of six months under accelerated storage condition. Compound 7 was further evaluated for toxicity by using the Draize test in rabbits and showed no sign of eye and skin irritation. The outcome demonstrated that synthesized naringin compounds showed glorious antioxidant, antimicrobial, preservative efficacy, stable and safe as compared to standards.Chlamydia psittaci (order Chlamydiales) is a globally distributed zoonotic bacterium that can cause potentially fatal disease in birds and humans. Parrots are a major host, yet prevalence and risk factors for infection in wild parrots are largely unknown. Additionally, recent research suggests there is a diverse range of novel Chlamydiales circulating in wildlife. We therefore sampled seven abundant parrot species in south-eastern Australia, taking cloacal swabs and serum from n = 132 wild adults. We determined C. psittaci and Chlamydiales prevalence and seroprevalence, and tested for host species, sex, geographical and seasonal differences, and temporal changes in individual infection status. Across all species, Chlamydiales prevalence was 39.8% (95% CI 31.6, 48.7), C. psittaci prevalence was 9.8% (95% CI 5.7, 16.3) and C. gallinacea prevalence was 0.8% (95% CI 0.1, 4.5). Other Chlamydiales species were not identified to species level. We identified two C. psittaci strains within the 6BC clade, which is highly virulent in humans. Seroprevalence was 37.0% (95% CI 28.5, 46.4). Host species (including crimson rosellas, galahs, sulphur-crested cockatoos and blue-winged parrots) differed in seroprevalence and Chlamydiales prevalence. Galahs had both highest Chlamydiales prevalence (54.8%) and seroprevalence (74.1%). Seroprevalence differed between sites, with a larger difference in males (range 20-63%) than females (29-44%). We reveal a higher chlamydial prevalence than previously reported in many wild parrots, with implications for potential reservoirs, and transmission risks to humans and other avian hosts.Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) is a shrub native to Amazon rainforests that's of commercial interest as its seeds contain 35-60% edible oil (dry weight). This oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils due to its high polyunsaturated fatty acid content and favourable ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. De novo transcriptome assembly and comparative analyses were performed on sacha inchi seeds from five stages of seed development in order to identifying genes associated with oil accumulation and fatty acid production. Of 30,189 unigenes that could be annotated in public databases, 20,446 were differentially expressed unigenes. A total of 14 KEGG pathways related to lipid metabolism were found, and 86 unigenes encoding enzymes involved in α-linolenic acid (ALA) biosynthesis were obtained including five unigenes encoding FATA (Unigene0008403), SAD (Unigene0012943), DHLAT (Unigene0014324), α-CT (Unigene0022151) and KAS II (Unigene0024371) that were significantly up-regulated in the final stage of seed development. A total of 66 unigenes encoding key enzymes involved in the synthesis of triacylglycerols (TAGs) were found, along with seven unigenes encoding PDCT (Unigene0000909), LPCAT (Unigene0007846), Oleosin3 (Unigene0010027), PDAT1 (Unigene0016056), GPDH (Unigene0022660), FAD2 (Unigene0037808) and FAD3 (Unigene0044238); these also proved to be up-regulated in the final stage of seed development.Non-healing wounds have placed an enormous stress on both patients and healthcare systems worldwide. Severe complications induced by these wounds can lead to limb amputation or even death and urgently require more effective treatments. Electrospun scaffolds have great potential for improving wound healing treatments by providing controlled drug delivery. Previously, we developed fibrous scaffolds from complex carbohydrate polymers [i.e. chitin-lignin (CL) gels]. However, their application was limited by solubility and undesirable burst drug release. Here, a coaxial electrospinning is applied to encapsulate the CL gels with polycaprolactone (PCL). Presence of a PCL shell layer thus provides longer shelf-life for the CL gels in a wet environment and sustainable drug release. Antibiotics loaded into core-shell fibrous platform effectively inhibit both gram-positive and -negative bacteria without inducting observable cytotoxicity. Therefore, PCL coated CL fibrous gel platforms appear to be good candidates for controlled drug release based wound dressing applications.