These converging crises have laid bare decades of neoliberal and neoconservative policies and ideologies, undergirded as they have been by racial capitalism, for their fundamental uncaringness. In this paper, we argue that this pandemic not only made a wider population more acutely aware of the necessity and importance of the need to care and for caring labors, but also that we stand at the precipice of potentiality--of producing a more caring society. To frame our argument, we draw on Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Margaret Lock's (1987) framework of three bodies-individual, social, and political-to unpack the multi-scalar entanglements in the differential impacts of COVID-19, questions of care, and their articulation in the current political-economic context.Preventing infectious disease has often been the primary rationale for public investment in sanitation. However, broader aspects of sanitation such as privacy and safety are important to users across settings, and have been linked to mental wellbeing. The aim of this study is to investigate what people most value about sanitation in low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique, to inform a definition and conceptual model of sanitation-related quality of life. Our approach to qualitative research was rooted in economics and applied the capability approach, bringing a focus on what people had reason to value. We undertook 19 in-depth interviews and 8 focus group discussions. After eliciting attributes of "a good life" in general, we used them to structure discussion of what was valuable about sanitation. We applied framework analysis to identify core attributes of sanitation-related quality of life, and used pile-sorting and triad exercises to triangulate findings on attributes' relative importance. The five core attributes identified were health, disgust, shame, safety, and privacy. We present a conceptual model illustrating how sanitation interventions might improve quality of life via changes in these attributes, and how changes are likely to be moderated by conversion factors (e.g. individual and environmental characteristics). The five capability-based attributes are consistent with those identified in studies of sanitation-related insecurity, stress and motives in both rural and urban areas, which is supportive of theoretical generalisability. Since two people might experience the same toilet or level of sanitation service differently, quality of life effects of interventions may be heterogeneous. Future evaluations of sanitation interventions should consider how changes in quality of life might be captured.Immunological pregnancy complications are a main challenge in reproductive medicine. Mechanisms regulating the adaptation of the maternal immune system to pregnancy are incompletely understood and therapeutic options limited. Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are immune-modulatory cells expanding during healthy pregnancy and seem to play a crucial role for maternal-fetal tolerance. Recent studies showed that exosomes produced by MDSC have immune-modulatory effects corresponding to their parental cells under different pathological conditions. Here, we investigated immunological effects of exosomes of GR-MDSC during pregnancy. Isolated GR-MDSC exosomes from peripheral blood of pregnant women were tested for functionality in different in vitro assays. We show that GR-MDSC exosomes exhibited profound immune-modulatory effects such as suppression of T-cell proliferation, T helper 2 (Th2)-cell polarization, induction of regulatory T-cells and inhibition of lymphocyte cytotoxicity. Our results confirm that MDSC-derived exosomes functionally correspond to their parental cells and identify them as an interesting therapeutic target for immunological pregnancy complications.Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) is a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous group of inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by basal ganglia iron deposition. Mutations in Pantothenate Kinase 2 (PANK2) are major genetic causes for patients with NBIA. The location of PANK2 in the mitochondria suggests mutant PANK2 causing mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of NBIA. Here, we used the Sendai virus delivery system to generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a female patient having compound heterozygous mutations in PANK2. This cellular model could provide a platform for pathophysiological studies of NBIA in the future.KISCOi001-A is a healthy feeder-free and fully characterized human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line cultured under xeno-free and defined conditions. The cell line is generated from normal human foreskin fibroblasts with non-integrating episomal plasmid vectors encoding OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, NANOG, LIN28, nontransforming L-MYC and dominant negative p53. The generated iPS cells are transgene-free and their pluripotency is confirmed by the expression of stem cell markers and capacity to differentiate into the cells of ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm while their identity and karyotype stability is confirmed with Genomic assays.Floating-harbor syndrome, are mainly caused by heterozygous truncating mutations in SRCAP. To our best knowledge, the mutation (c.452_453del) located in the fifth exon of SRCAP, has not been reported yet. Herein, an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line was generated from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of an infant with floating-harbor syndrome accompanied with dilated cardiomyopathy through Sendaivirus-mediated reprogramming. These iPSCs have excellent cellular features, including stable amplification, pluripotent markers expression, and spontaneous differentiation into three germ layers, and a normal karyotype. These iPSCs provide a suitable cell model to study the mechanism of Floating-harbor syndrome.The long QT syndrome type 3 (LQT3) is currently the 3rd most prevalent of the 15 known types of LQT syndrome. Cardiac events in LQT3 are less frequent than LQT1 and LQT2, but more likely to be fatal. LQT3 is caused by mutation in gene SCN5A, which codes for the Nav1.5 Na+ channel. Herein, we have generated a human embryonic stem cell line (WAe009-A-48) carrying a LQTS related mutation in SCN5A (WAe009-A-48). The WAe009-A-48 line maintained stem cell like morphology, pluripotency, normal karyotype and could differentiate into all three germ layers in vivo.