Two of the 10 rats that showed HFD-induced irregular estrous cycles showed profound suppression of LH pulse frequency and the number of ARC Kiss1-expressing cells, whereas the other females showed normal LH pulses and ARC Kiss1 expression. Our finding shows that suppression of ARC Kiss1 expression might be the initial pathological change of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in HFD-fed male rats, while the obese-related infertility in the female rats may be mainly induced by KNDy-independent pathways. Taken together, ARC kisspeptin neurons in male rats may be susceptible to HFD-induced obesity compared with those in female rats.Steroids are polycyclic compounds and are broadly exist in the natural world and display various biological activities. Many steroidal compounds have been used as traditional medicines, for example, antibacterial and few as hormone like medication. The introduction of heterocycle or heteroatom in the steroidal moiety has a significant biological impact. These derivatives have widespread biological activities such as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and antimicrobial. The present article is a brief review of the recent development of synthesis and biological activities of pregnenolone derivatives.In this paper we develop a class of models to study a population and resource dynamical system in which the decision to give birth is based on a rational far-sighted cost-benefit analysis on what the future of the resource level will be. This leads to consider a system in which a time forward population/resource dynamical system is coupled with a time backward Bellman's equation (which models the choice of having a child). We construct, from a population model with food consumption, an example, to study the change in time of the fertility rate when a catastrophic change in resource is announced at a given moment, when a birth control policy is announced and we compare these two announcements in cas