A pair of Fusarium water piping significant oxidases with good activity on aryl alcohols. Copyright © 2020 Author(s).The symptoms associated with COVID-19 are mainly characterized by a triad composed of fever, dry cough and dyspnea. However, digestive symptoms have also been reported; at first considered as infrequent, they in fact seem to affect (to some extent) more than half of patients. The symptoms are mainly manifested by anorexia, diarrhea, nausea and/or vomiting and abdominal pain. Even though prognosis is associated with lung injury, digestive symptoms seem significantly more frequent in patients presenting with severe COVID-19 infection. Digestive forms, which may be isolated or which can precede pulmonary symptoms, have indeed been reported, with diarrhea as a leading clinical sign. The main biological abnormalities that can suggest COVID-19 infection at an early stage are lymphopenia, elevated CRP and heightened ASAT transaminases. Thoraco-abdominal scan seems useful as a means of on the one hand ruling out digestive pathology not connected with coronavirus and on the other hand searching for pulmonary images coson SAS. All rights reserved.INTRODUCTION The COVID-19 pandemic imposed a drastic reduction in surgical activity in order to respond to the influx of hospital patients and to protect uninfected patients by avoiding hospitalization. However, little is known about the risk of infection during hospitalization or its consequences. The aim of this work was to report a series of patients hospitalized on digestive surgery services who developed a nosocomial infection with SARS-Cov-2 virus. METHODS This is a non-interventional retrospective study carried out within three departments of digestive surgery. The clinical, biological and radiological data of the patients who developed a nosocomial infection with SARS-Cov-2 were collected from the computerized medical record. RESULTS From March 1, 2020 to April 5, 2020, among 305 patients admitted to digestive surgery services, 15 (4.9%) developed evident nosocomial infection with SARS-Cov-2. There were nine men and six women, with a median age of 62 years (35-68 years). All patients had co-morbidities. The reasons for hospitalization were surgical treatment of cancer (n = 5), complex emergencies (n = 5), treatment of complications linked to cancer or its treatment (n = 3), gastroplasty (n = 1), and stoma closure (n = 1). The median time from admission to diagnosis of SARS-Cov-2 infection was 34 days (5-61 days). In 12 patients (80%), the diagnosis was made after a hospital stay of more than 14 days (15-63 days). At the end of the follow-up, two patients had died, seven were hospitalized with two of them on respiratory assistance, and six patients were discharged post-hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS The risk of SARS-Cov-2 infection during hospitalization or following digestive surgery is a real and potentially serious risk. Measures are necessary to minimize this risk in order to return to safe surgical activity. © 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.The aim of this work is to investigate quench induced precipitation during continuous cooling in aluminium wrought alloys EN AW-7150 and EN AW-6082 using in situ synchrotron wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS). While X-ray diffraction is usually an ex situ method, a variety of diffraction patterns were recorded during the cooling process, allowing in situ analysis of the precipitation process. The high beam energy of about 100 keV allows the beam to penetrate a bulk sample with a 4 mm diameter in a quenching dilatometer. Additionally, the high intensity of a synchrotron source enables sufficiently high time resolution for fast in situ cooling experiments. Reaction peaks could be detected and compared with results from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) by this method. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/turi.html A methodology is presented in this paper to evaluate WAXS data in a way that is directly comparable to DSC-experiments. The results show a high correlation between both techniques, DSC and WAXS, and can significantly improve continuous cooling precipitation diagrams. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by National Institute for Materials Science in partnership with Taylor & Francis Group.Covid-19 is neither the first nor the last viral epidemic which societies around the world are, were and will be affected by. Which lessons should be taken from the current pandemic situation? The Covid-19 disease is still not well characterised, and many research teams all over the world are working on prediction of the epidemic scenario, protective measures to populations and sub-populations, therapeutic and vaccination issues, amongst others. Contextually, countries with currently low numbers of Covid-19-infected individuals such as Tunisia are intended to take lessons from those countries which already reached the exponential phase of the infection distribution as well as from those which have the exponential phase behind them and record a minor number of new cases such as China. To this end, in Tunisia, the pandemic wave has started with a significant delay compared with Europe, the main economic partner of the country. In this paper, we do analyse the current pandemic situation in this country by studying the infection evolution and considering potential protective strategies to prevent a pandemic scenario. The model is predictive based on a large number of undetected Covid-19 cases that is particularly true for some country regions such as Sfax. Infection distribution and mortality rate analysis demonstrate a highly heterogeneous picture over the country. Qualitative and quantitative comparative analysis leads to a conclusion that the reliable "real-time" monitoring based on the randomised laboratory tests is the optimal predictive strategy to create the most effective evidence-based preventive measures. In contrast, lack of tests may lead to incorrect political decisions causing either unnecessary over-protection of the population that is risky for a long-term economic recession, or under-protection of the population leading to a post-containment pandemic rebound. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/turi.html Recommendations are provided in the context of advanced predictive, preventive and personalised (3P) medical approach. © The Author(s) 2020.