Focusing on regions of particularly increased or decreased recombination in specific maps, we identified several enriched gene ontologies in these regions and speculate about their local adaptive relevance. These data are contributing to an increasing comparative effort to gain an understanding of the intra-specific variability of recombination rates and their evolutionary role in honey bees and other social insects.Presence of intraoral pathology especially in neonates poses a great challenge during airway management. Epignathus is a rare form of teratoid tumour that arises from the oropharyngeal region. We hereby report a case of a 7-day-old neonate who presented with feeding difficulty secondary to swelling arising from the hard palate. Surgical excision was decided to overcome feeding difficulty and to enable the child to thrive better. In view of anticipated difficult airway, the child was induced with sevoflurane, maintaining spontaneous breathing and intubated with Airtraq optical laryngoscope size 0. The further intraoperative and postoperative period was uneventful. Spinal anaesthesia induced hypotension (SAIH) and bradycardia may prove deleterious to both parturient and baby, hence vasopressors play a vital role in their management. Recent studies on norepinephrine as rescue vasopressor during subarachnoid block (SAB) enlighten its role for SAIH. This randomised double-blind trial was conducted to compare the effect of intermittent intravenous boluses of norepinephrine and frequently used mephentermine for management of SAIH in caesarean section (CS) to prove whether norepinephrine produces comparable effects or superior to mephentermine. After approval from Institutional Ethics Committee and registration in Clinical Trials Registry India (CTRI/2019/06/019652), 256 parturients posted for elective CS under SAB were randomly allocated into Group-N and Group-M ( = 84) using chit system, who received boluses of intravenous norepinephrine 8μg and mephentermine 6mg for SAIH, respectively. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR), Response%, Apgar score and maternal complications were analysed. The changes in SBP and DBP were comparable in both the groups. It was significantly low after SAB compared to baseline and significantly high compared to 1 hypotensive value in both the groups throughout the study period (<0.0001). HR was comparable for initial 10 min, thereafter it was significantly high in Group-M (<0.0001) till 40 min. Response% after the first bolus was significantly high in Group-N (59.30n ± 29.21 vs 39.78 ± 25.6; = <0.0001). Intravenous norepinephrine is better than mephentermine with respect to high response% and stable maternal HR although both are equally effective in maintaining blood pressure following SAIH during elective CS. Intravenous norepinephrine is better than mephentermine with respect to high response% and stable maternal HR although both are equally effective in maintaining blood pressure following SAIH during elective CS. Anaesthesiologists have been in the forefront of managing patients of the novel coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) globally. The rearrangement of duties of anaesthesiology professionals and trainees along with the enforced containment measures like cessation of gatherings (for classroom teaching), cancellation of large number of elective cases and restricted number of procedures that are being performed have adversely affected the training of anaesthesiology postgraduate students across the country. An electronic survey to assess the effect of the measures taken by hospitals due to COVID-19 on postgraduate teaching was undertaken using a validated questionnaire. We used snowball sampling, and the survey invitation with the web link was shared through freeware WhatsApp. The participation in the survey was voluntary and anonymity was maintained. Data obtained from the responses was collated and analysed. A total of 595 anaesthesiology postgraduate students (males = 298, females = 297) responded to the surving anaesthesiologists. Optimal intra-operative fluid therapy in renal transplantation (RT) is essential to ensure adequate graft function while preventing fluid overload related complications. This RCT was to compare the intraoperative goal directed fluid therapy (GDFT) based either on corrected flow time (CFT), measured by trans oesophageal Doppler (TED) or on the stroke volume variation (SVV), by FloTrac in patients undergoing living donor RT. This prospective, randomised controlled trial (RCT) was done on 60 end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, American Society of Anaesthesiologists(ASA) grade III-IV, age 18 to 65 years of either sex, scheduled for living donor RT under general anaesthesia. They were randomly divided into two groups TED group ( = 30) and FloTrac™ group ( = 30) and administered GDFT, based upon CFT (TED) and SVV (FloTrac™). The primary outcome was to compare the total fluid and number of fluid boluses administered intraoperatively, while the secondary outcomes were to compare any postoperative complicoperative complications.This paper presents a batteryless heartbeat detection system-on-chip (SoC) powered by human body heat. An adaptive threshold generation architecture using pulse-width locked loop (PWLL) is developed to detect heartbeats from electrocardiogram (ECG) in the presence of motion artifacts. The sensing system is autonomously powered by harvesting thermal energy from human body heat using a thermoelectric generator (TEG) coupled to a low-voltage, self-starting boost converter and integrated power management system. The SoC was implemented in a 0.18 μm CMOS process and is fully functional with a minimum input power of 20 μW, provided by a portable TEG at 20 mV with a ~0.5 °C temperature gradient. The complete system demonstrates motion-adaptive, power-autonomous heartbeat detection for sustainable healthcare using wearable devices.Protein storage and transport is essential to deliver therapies (biologics), enzymes for biotechnological applications, and underpins fundamental structural and molecular biology. To enable proteins to be stored and transported it is often essential to freeze them, requiring cryoprotectants such as glycerol or trehalose. Here we explore the mechanisms by which poly(vinyl alcohol), PVA, a potent ice recrystallisation inhibitor protects proteins during freeze/thaw to enable solvent-free cryopreservation with a focus on comparing mixing, verses polymer-protein conjugation. A panel of poly(vinyl alcohol)s are investigated including commercial, well-defined (from RAFT), and PVA-protein conjugates, to map out PVA's efficacy. Enzymatic activity recovery of lactate dehydrogenase was found to correlate with post-thaw aggregation state (less aggregated protein had greater activity), which was modulated by PVA's ice recrystallisation inhibition activity. This macromolecular cryoprotectant matched the performance of glycerol, but at lower additive concentrations (as low as 1 mg.