The goal of this study is to establish a Chinese version of the End-of-Life Decision Making and Associated Staff Stress Questionnaire to assess its reliability and validity. A sample of 119 Intensive Care Unit physicians and 485 nurses in China completed the questionnaire, along with questionnaires assessing motional exhaustion subscale, Stress Overload Scale, and other variables associated with end-of-life decision. Seven factors obtained via exploratory factor analysis could explain 70.61% of the total variance. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated an acceptable model fit with Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) being .078 and Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) being .066. Validity evidence based on relationships with other variables was provided by positive or negative correlations between the questionnaire subscales and emotional exhaustion, stress overload, and other variables associated with end-of-life decision. The average content validity index was .96. The Cronbach's α and test-retest reliability was outstanding. The Chinese version of the End-of-Life Decision Making and Associated Staff Stress Questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the facilitators and hinders to facilitate the end-of-life decision-making, communication and the associated pressure perceived by relevant Intensive Care Unit medical staff among the Chinese population. The Chinese version of the End-of-Life Decision Making and Associated Staff Stress Questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the facilitators and hinders to facilitate the end-of-life decision-making, communication and the associated pressure perceived by relevant Intensive Care Unit medical staff among the Chinese population. CollaboRATE is a 3-item self-report measure of the patient experience of shared decision-making (SDM) process. The objective of this study is to assess the psychometric properties of CollaboRATE in community mental health care. A cross-sectional study was conducted at a Community Mental Health Center of the Canary Islands Health Service. Two hundred and fifty consecutive psychiatric outpatients were invited to participate. Of those, 191 accepted (76.40% of response rate) and completed the CollaboRATE, the Control Preferences Scale (CPS), and a form with sociodemographic and clinical variables. Exploratory factor analysis ratified the unidimensionality of the measure. High internal consistency was found (α Cronbach = .95, Guttman's λ = .93, and ω = .95). Strong positive correlations ( < .0001) were found between the CollaboRATE and the CPS. Only 39.80% of respondents gave the best possible score on CollaboRATE. This study provides evidence for the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the CollaboRATE as a measure of SDM. The measure is quick to complete and feasible for use in outpatient mental health care. At present, a significative number of psychiatric outpatients are not involved in SDM. The use of this measure in psychiatric routine care can be a key tool in assessing and implementing SDM. This study provides evidence for the reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the CollaboRATE as a measure of SDM. The measure is quick to complete and feasible for use in outpatient mental health care. At present, a significative number of psychiatric outpatients are not involved in SDM. The use of this measure in psychiatric routine care can be a key tool in assessing and implementing SDM.Dysmorphic concern are excessive preoccupation about one or several physical characteristics perceived as defects, usually unnoticeable by others. This study was intended to explore the relationship between Instagram use and dysmorphic concerns through appearance-related comparisons, ideas of reference and problems with emotion regulation, and find out whether this relationship is moderated by gender. The sample was comprised of 796 participants (  = 22.49;  = 3.56; 54% women). The results showed a non-significant direct effect between Instagram use and dysmorphic concerns. However, the relationship between these variables was statistically significant through appearance-related comparisons, ideas of reference about "laughing, commenting" and difficulties in emotion regulation. Gender did not moderate any relationship. Men and women who made the most use of Instagram were equally vulnerable to dysmorphic concerns when they tended to compare their appearance with other users, had problems regulating their emotions, and showed interpretative biases related to the belief that others could make comments about them or laugh at them because of their imperfections. The implications of the study are discussed. Men and women who made the most use of Instagram were equally vulnerable to dysmorphic concerns when they tended to compare their appearance with other users, had problems regulating their emotions, and showed interpretative biases related to the belief that others could make comments about them or laugh at them because of their imperfections. The implications of the study are discussed.Loneliness is a mental health issue emerging over the life course. This study examines the latent structure of adult loneliness in a non-Western society and its association with adverse adolescence experiences (AAEs) as well as feeling lonely during middle school, high school, and college. A cohort sample living in Northern Taiwan (  = 2,289) was analyzed from adolescence to adulthood. The de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale operationalized loneliness by a three-cluster model to present the latent structure of loneliness emotional, serious emotional, and severe emotional/social loners. AAEs (e.g., abuse, neglect, and dysfunctional family) were measured by seven items. Multivariate multinomial logistic regression models were used to explore the longitudinal effects of AAEs and feeling lonely reported during middle school, high school, and college on adult loneliness. AAEs and feeling lonely during adolescence were significantly associated with serious emotional loneliness and severe emotional/social loneliness during adulthood, even after adjusting for the individual's characteristics.