When applied to HBV, BIS2TreeAnalyzer highlights diversified viral solutions by discovering thirty-seven positions coevolving with residues known to be associated with drug resistance and located on the four Pol domains. These results suggest a sequential mechanism of emergence for some mutational patterns. They reveal complex combinations of positions involved in HBV drug resistance and contribute with new information to the landscape of HBV evolutionary solutions. The computational approach is general and can be applied to other viral sequences when compensatory mutations are presumed. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.Normative databases of optical coherence tomography (OCT) metrics, such as retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and macular thickness, are critical to clinical use of OCT imaging. In order to accurately represent the range of normal variation in patient populations, these normative databases must themselves be adequately diverse. Thus far, diversity in OCT normative databases has largely been defined as racial diversity. However, this has largely been based on self-reported "race," which is inconsistent and generally not scientifically rigorous as a form of categorization. Moreover, there is a great deal of variation even within any single racial group, suggesting that other drivers of variation, such as geography or socioeconomic status, may be more important metrics for diversity. Finally, race itself is a proxy for the biological variation that must be represented in such samples, and as such racial diversity does not itself inherently equate to adequate biologic diversity. As clinical use of OCT continues to grow, including to international settings, it is increasingly important that normative databases built into OCT systems accurately represent the populations to which they are applied. Race is not an ideal sole or even primary means of assessing sample diversity in this cont