Thus, CD57- NKG2C+ NK cells may represent a less differentiated, but readily expanding stage of the adaptive-like CD57+ NKG2C+ NK cells. Moreover, it is shown that NK cells have certain phenotypic plasticity and may both lose NKG2C expression and acquire it de novo during proliferation, induced by IL-2 and K562-mbIL21 feeder cells. Mediator is a conserved transcriptional co-activator that links transcription factors bound at enhancer elements to RNA Polymerase II. Mediator-RNA Polymerase II interactions can be sterically hindered by the Cyclin Dependent Kinase 8 (CDK8) module, a submodule of Mediator that acts to repress transcription in response to discrete cellular and environmental cues. The CDK8 module is conserved in all eukaryotes and consists of 4 proteins CDK8, CYCLIN C (CYCC), MED12, and MED13. In this study, we have characterized the CDK8 module of Mediator in maize using genomic, molecular and functional resources. The maize genome contains single copy genes for Cdk8, CycC, and Med13, and two genes for Med12. Analysis of expression data for the CDK8 module demonstrated that all five genes are broadly expressed in maize tissues, and change their expression in response to phosphate and nitrogen limitation. We performed Dissociation (Ds) insertional mutagenesis, recovering two independent insertions in the ZmMed12a gene, one of which produces a truncated transcript. Our molecular identification of the maize CDK8 module, assays of CDK8 module expression under nutrient limitation, and characterization of transposon insertions in ZmMed12a establish the basis for molecular and functional studies of the role of these important transcriptional regulators in development and nutrient homeostasis in Zea mays. Our molecular identification of the maize CDK8 module, assays of CDK8 module expression under nutrient limitation, and characterization of transposon insertions in ZmMed12a establish the basis for molecular and functional studies of the role of these important transcriptional regulators in development and nutrient homeostasis in Zea mays.The olfactory epithelia arise from morphologically identifiable structures called olfactory placodes. Sensory placodes are generally described as being induced from the ectoderm suggesting that their development is separate from the coordinated cell movements generating the central nervous system. Previously, we have shown that the olfactory placodes arise from a large field of cells bordering the telencephalic precursors in the neural plate, and that cell movements, not cell division, underlie olfactory placode morphogenesis. Subsequently by image analysis, cells were tracked as they moved in the continuous sheet of neurectoderm giving rise to the peripheral (olfactory organs) and central (olfactory bulbs) nervous system (Torres-Paz and Whitlock, 2014). These studies lead to a model whereby the olfactory epithelia develop from within the border of the neural late and are a neural tube derivative, similar to the retina of the eye (Torres-Paz and Whitlock, 2014; Whitlock, 2008). Here we show that randomly generated clones of cells extend across the morphologically differentiated olfactory placodes/olfactory bulbs, and test the hypothesis that these structures are patterned by a different level of distal-less (dlx) gene expression subdividing the anterior neurectoderm into OP precursors (high Dlx expression) and OB precursors (lower Dlx expression). Manipulation of DLX protein and RNA levels resulted in morphological changes in the size of the olfactory epithelia and olfactory bulb. Thus, the olfactory epithelia and bulbs arise from a common neurectodermal region and develop in concert through coordinated morphological movements.Rax (Rx) genes encode paired-type homeodomain-containing transcription factors pre-sent in virtually all metazoan groups. In vertebrates, studies in fish, amphibian, chick and mouse models have revealed that these genes play important roles in the development of structures lo-cated at the anterior portion of the central nervous system, in particular the eyes, the hypothala-mus and the pituitary gland. In addition, human patients with eye and brain defects carry muta-tions in the two human Rax paralogues, RAX and RAX2. Here, we review work done in the last years on Rax genes, focusing especially on the function that mouse Rax and its zebrafish homo-logue, rx3, play in hypothalamic and pituitary development. Work on both of these model organ-isms indicate that Rax genes are necessary for the patterning, growth and differentiation of the hypothalamus, in particular the dorso-anterior hypothalamus, where they effect their action by controlling expression of the secreted signalling protein, Sonic hedgehog (Shh). In addition, Rax/rx3 mutations disturb the development of the pituitary gland, mimicking phenotypes ob-served in human subjects carrying mutations in the RAX gene. Thus, along with their crucial role in eye morphogenesis, Rax genes play a conserved role in the development of the hypothalamus and adjacent structures in the vertebrate clade. The mechanisms controlling evolutionary shifts between dry and fleshy fruits in angiosperms are poorly understood. In Solanaceae, Cestrum and Brugmansia represent cases of convergent evolution of fleshy and dry fruits, respectively. Here we study the anatomical and genetic bases of the independent origin of fleshy fruits in Cestrum and the reversion to dry dehiscent fruits in Brugmansia. We also characterize the expression of candidate fruit development genes, including ALCATRAZ/SPATULA, FRUITFULL, HECATE1/2/3, REPLUMLESS and SHATTERPROOF. We identify anatomical changes to establish developmental stages in the ovary-to-fruit transition in Cestrum nocturnum and Brugmansia suaveolens. We generate reference transcriptomes for both species, isolate homologs for all genes in the fruit genetic regulatory network (GRN) and perform gene expression analyses for ALC/SPT, FUL, HEC1/2/3, RPL and SHP throughout fruit development. Finally, we compare our results to expression patterns found in typical capsules of Nicotion of FUL2 and RPL1 is lacking.