Our results show that cross-language lexical competition was only observed with the presence of lexical tones, in addition to segmental overlap.Monitoring migration flows is crucial to respond to humanitarian crisis and to design efficient policies. This information usually comes from surveys and border controls, but timely accessibility and methodological concerns reduce its usefulness. Here, we propose a method to detect migration flows worldwide using geolocated Twitter data. We focus on the migration crisis in Venezuela and show that the calculated flows are consistent with official statistics at country level. Our method is versatile and far-reaching, as it can be used to study different features of migration as preferred routes, settlement areas, mobility through several countries, spatial integration in cities, etc. It provides finer geographical and temporal resolutions, allowing the exploration of issues not contemplated in official records. It is our hope that these new sources of information can complement official ones, helping authorities and humanitarian organizations to better assess when and where to intervene on the ground.Loot boxes are digital containers of randomised rewards available in many video games. Due to similarities between some loot boxes and traditional forms of gambling, concerns regarding the relationship between spending on loot boxes in video games and symptoms of problematic gambling have been expressed by policy makers and the general public. We present the first investigation of these concerns in large cross-sectional cross-national samples from three countries (Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and the United States). A sample of 1,049 participants were recruited through Qualtrics' Survey Targeting service from a broad cross-section of the population in Australia (n = 339), Aotearoa New Zealand (n = 323), and the United States (n = 387). Participants answered a survey assessing problem gambling, problem gaming symptomology, and how much they spent on loot boxes per month. On average, individuals with problem gambling issues spent approximately $13 USD per month more on loot boxes than those with no such symptoms. Loot box spending was also associated with both positive and negative moods, albeit with small effect sizes. Analyses showed both interactions and correlations between problematic gambling and problematic gaming symptoms, indicating both some commonality in the mechanisms underlying, and independent contributions made by, these proposed diagnostic criteria. These results provide context for dialogues regarding how best to reduce the impacts of loot box spending among those with problematic gambling symptoms.Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) is a causative agent for typhoid fever and especially critical in developing countries. Although clinical studies for various typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs) have been performed, there are no comparative data on the immune responses of vaccines due to lack of harmonization of the serological assay. Recently, Typbar-TCV (Vi-TT) was prequalified by WHO and recommended for vaccination in endemic areas. Forty-eight serum samples were selected from a recent Vi-DT phase 1 study based on age cohort and anti-Vi IgG levels using an in-house ELISA. Anti-Vi IgG titers of 48 sera were also determined by Vacczyme ELISA, used in a Vi-TT phase 3 trial. A good correlation between the two assays was observed when the anti-Vi IgG titer was determined using Vacczyme ELISA based on the Vi-IgGR1,2011, U.S. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/dibutyryl-camp-bucladesine.html reference reagent (Pearson correlation coefficient (r) = 0.991, P less then 0.001) or Vacczyme ELISA calibrator (r = 0.991, P less then 0.001). Based on the correlation, multiple linear regression model was developed to convert data of 281 sera (prior to vaccination and 28 days post first-dose) in the Vi-DT phase 1 study from in-house ELISA titers to Vacczyme ELISA values and then, compared with the Vi-TT results. Similar estimates of anti-Vi IgG GMT were observed after vaccination with the Vi-DT and Vi-TT vaccines [1626 EU/ml (95% CI 1292-2047) vs 1293 EU/ml (95% CI 1153-1449), respectively]. The method used here can be implemented to estimate and compare anti-Vi IgG levels between different clinical studies of TCVs. This approach enables comparison of the antibody responses among TCVs under development and may help facilitate licensing of new TCVs.In order to monitor progress towards malaria elimination, it is crucial to be able to measure changes in spatio-temporal transmission. However, common metrics of malaria transmission such as parasite prevalence are under powered in elimination contexts. China has achieved major reductions in malaria incidence and is on track to eliminate, having reporting zero locally-acquired malaria cases in 2017 and 2018. Understanding the spatio-temporal pattern underlying this decline, especially the relationship between locally-acquired and imported cases, can inform efforts to maintain elimination and prevent re-emergence. This is particularly pertinent in Yunnan province, where the potential for local transmission is highest. Using a geo-located individual-level dataset of cases recorded in Yunnan province between 2011 and 2016, we introduce a novel Bayesian framework to model a latent diffusion process and estimate the joint likelihood of transmission between cases and the number of cases with unobserved sources of infection. This is used to estimate the case reproduction number, Rc. We use these estimates within spatio-temporal geostatistical models to map how transmission varied over time and space, estimate the timeline to elimination and the risk of resurgence. We estimate the mean Rc between 2011 and 2016 to be 0.171 (95% CI = 0.165, 0.178) for P. vivax cases and 0.089 (95% CI = 0.076, 0.103) for P. falciparum cases. From 2014 onwards, no cases were estimated to have a Rc value above one. An unobserved source of infection was estimated to be moderately likely (p>0.5) for 19/ 611 cases and high (p>0.8) for 2 cases, suggesting very high levels of case ascertainment. Our estimates suggest that, maintaining current intervention efforts, Yunnan is unlikely to experience sustained local transmission up to 2020. However, even with a mean of 0.005 projected up to 2020, locally-acquired cases are possible due to high levels of importation.