83, and 0.95, respectively. Using the optimal threshold of >24,000 cfu/mL for AC results, the Petrifilm system had a sensitivity (Se) of 69%, specificity (Sp) of 86%, and a kappa value of 0.54. Using the optimal threshold of >4,000 cfu/mL for CC results, the Petrifilm system had a Se of 93%, Sp of 90%, and kappa value of 0.64. Overall, these results suggest that the Petrifilm system is an appropriate alternative for identifying colostrum with excessive bacterial contamination.Although most farms in Canada still use tiestall housing for dairy cows, little information is available pertaining to cow comfort and behavior in such systems. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/suzetrigine.html Tiestalls are often criticized as they offer a reduced dynamic space to cows, thereby restricting their ability to move. The object of this study was to see if increasing the length of the tie chain provides cows with improved movement opportunities and to measure its effect on cows' rising and lying movements and behaviors. Two treatments were tested the current recommendation of 1.00 m (recommended) and a longer chain of 1.40 m (long). Twenty-four cows (12/treatment) were blocked by parity number and lactation stage, then randomly allocated to a treatment and a stall within one of 2 rows in the research barn for 10 wk. Leg-mounted accelerometers were used to record lying behaviors and moments of transition between lying and standing positions for all cows. Cows were video-recorded for 24 h/wk using cameras positioned above the stall. The videos werets suggest that increasing the chain length improves the cows' ease of movement and transitions, although all cows became more at ease in their surroundings with time. It may provide evidence of a potential way to improve the dynamic space provided to cows in tiestall systems, using a simple, affordable modification.Bovine milk contains bioactive components that are nutritionally and immunologically important to calves and humans. Dairy cows classified as high (H) immune responders using the patented high immune response technology have higher concentrations of immunoglobulin and specific antibodies in sera and milk compared with average (A) and low (L) responders. MicroRNA post-transcriptionally regulate expression of milk bioactive components and are enriched in extracellular vesicles known as exosomes, which protect them from degradation. The bioactivity of colostrum and milk exosomes at the human intestinal epithelial barrier remains to be explored, particularly in the context of the high immune response technology. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the functional role of bovine milk exosomes compared with colostrum exosomes from H, A, and L responders at the intestinal interface using human colorectal adenocarcinoma epithelial (Caco-2) cells. Exosomes were isolated by successive ultracentrifugatioences in functionality among exosomes from H, A, and L immune responders.Growing consumer demand for healthy and nutritious products has motivated scientists and food manufacturers to design novel dairy products with higher fiber levels and lower fat content that are free of chemical additives. Chia seed mucilage (CSM) is a healthy natural gel extensively used as a dietary source of soluble fiber, a bulking agent, and a fat replacer in a large variety of foods. In this study, we evaluated the effect of CSM on the nutritional, technological, and sensory properties of skimmed yogurts. The addition of 7.5% CSM to a yogurt formula lowered the degree of syneresis of the resulting yogurt during storage compared with full-fat yogurts. The nutritive value of the enriched yogurts improved due to higher levels of dietary fiber compared with full-fat and skimmed yogurts. Moreover, rheological measurements revealed greater consistency, firmness, and viscosity, as well as the formation of a highly structured network and better resistance to stress in yogurts containing 7.5% CSM. The sensory acceptance of the yogurts enriched with 7.5% CSM was similar to the reference samples in acidity, creaminess, and viscosity terms. These results confirm the feasibility of using CSM as a fat replacer to design novel skimmed yogurts.Contamination of dairy powders with sporeforming bacteria is a concern for dairy processors who wish to penetrate markets with stringent spore count specifications (e.g., infant powders). Despite instituted specifications, no standard methodology is used for spore testing across the dairy industry. Instead, a variety of spore enumeration methods are in use, varying primarily by heat-shock treatments, plating method, recovery medium, and incubation temperature. Importantly, testing the same product using different methodologies leads to differences in spore count outcomes, which is a major issue for those required to meet specifications. As such, we set out to identify method(s) to recommend for standardized milk powder spore testing. To this end, 10 commercial milk powders were evaluated using methods varying by (1) heat treatment (e.g., 80°C/12 min), (2) plating method (e.g., spread plating), (3) medium type (e.g., plate count milk agar), and (4) incubation time and temperature combinations (e.g., 32°C for 4ng, whereas there was no significant difference across sampling strategies for specially thermoresistant spore enumeration or spore pasteurized mesophilic spore count. Finally, an interlaboratory study using our recommended method set and a modified method set (using tryptic soy agar with 1% starch) among both university and industry laboratories showed increased variation in spore count outcomes within milk powders, which not only was due to natural variation in powders but also was hypothesized to be due to technical errors, highlighting the need for specialized training for technicians who perform spore testing on milk powders. Overall, this study addresses challenges to milk powder spore testing and recommends a method set for standardized spore testing for implementation across the dairy industry.Dairy cows housed in tiestalls are restricted to one space; therefore, this space should be designed to accommodate all the activities cows need to perform. Lying is a very important behavior for dairy cows as well as a critical measure in the assessment of stall designs, to ensure that the cows' needs for resting space are met. The objective of this study was to determine if increasing tiestall width alters the lying behavior of lactating dairy cows. Two treatments were compared the current recommendation (139 cm) and a double stall (284 cm). Sixteen cows were blocked by parity and lactation stage, then randomly allocated to a treatment and a stall within 1 of 2 rows in the research barn, for 6 wk. The average stall length was 188 cm. Leg-mounted accelerometers were used to record lying behaviors. Cows were video-recorded 24 h/wk using surveillance cameras positioned above the stalls. Video data from wk 1, 3, and 6 were extracted at a rate of 1 image/min and analyzed by a trained observer to assess the position and the location of the cow's body, head, and limbs during the lying hours.