Climate heterogeneity not only indirectly shapes the genetic structures of plant populations, but also drives adaptive divergence by impacting demographic dynamics. The variable localized climates and topographic complexity of the Taihang Mountains make them a major natural boundary in Northern China that influences the divergence of organisms distributed across this region. Opisthopappus is an endemic genus of the Taihang Mountains that includes only two spatially partitioned species Opisthopappus longilobus and Opisthopappus taihangensis. For this study, the mechanisms behind the genetic variations in Opisthopappus populations were investigated. Using SNP and InDel data coupled with geographic and climatic information, significant genetic differentiation was found to exist either between Opisthopappus populations or two species. All studied populations were divided into two genetic groups with the differentiation of haplotypes between the groups. At approximately 17.44Ma of the early Miocene, O. taihangation for us to understand the ecology and evolution of organisms in the mountainous environment from population and species perspective. The localized environmental events through the integration of small-scale spatial effects impacted the demographic history and differentiation mechanism of Opisthopappus species in the Taihang Mountains. The results provide useful information for us to understand the ecology and evolution of organisms in the mountainous environment from population and species perspective. Messenger RNA sequencing is becoming more common in studies of non-model species and is most often used for gene expression-based investigations. However, the method holds potential for numerous other applications as well-including analyses of alternative splicing, population structure, and signatures of selection. To maximize the utility of mRNA data sets, distinct analyses may be combined such as by exploring dynamics between gene expression with signatures of selection in the context of population structure. Here, we compare two published data sets describing two populations of a minnow species endemic to the San Francisco Estuary (Sacramento splittail, Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) a microsatellite data set showing population structure, and an mRNA whole transcriptome data set obtained after the two populations were exposed to a salinity challenge. We compared measures of population structure and genetic variation using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) called from mRNA from the whole transcriptome ng the mechanistic interplay of evolution and plasticity in adaptation. MRNA sequencing thus complements traditional sequencing methods used for population genetics, in addition to its utility for describing phenotypic plasticity. These results show that an mRNA sequencing data set may have multiple uses, including describing population structure and for investigating the mechanistic interplay of evolution and plasticity in adaptation. MRNA sequencing thus complements traditional sequencing methods used for population genetics, in addition to its utility for describing phenotypic plasticity. Infestation by tea green leafhoppers (Empoasca (Matsumurasca) onukii) can cause a series of biochemical changes in tea leaves. As a typical cell-rupture feeder, E. onukii secretes proteases while using its stylet to probe the tender shoots of tea plants (Camellia sinensis). This study identified and analyzed proteases expressed specifically in the salivary gland (SG) and gut of E. onukii through enzymatic activity assays complemented with an integrated analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic data. In total, 129 contigs representing seven types of putative proteases were identified. Transcript abundance of digestive proteases and enzymatic activity assays showed that cathepsin B-like protease, cathepsin L-like protease, and serine proteases (trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like protease) were highly abundant in the gut but moderately abundant in the SG. The abundance pattern of digestive proteases in the SG and gut of E. onukii differed from that of other hemipterans, including Nilaparvata lugens, Laodelphax striatellus, Acyrthosiphum pisum, Halyomorpha halys and Nephotettix cincticeps. Phylogenetic analysis showed that aminopeptidase N-like proteins and serine proteases abundant in the SG or gut of hemipterans formed two distinct clusters. Altogether, this study provides insightful information on the digestive system of E. onukii. Compared to five other hemipteran species, we observed different patterns of proteases abundant in the SG and gut of E. onukii. These results will be beneficial in understanding the interaction between tea plants and E. onukii. Altogether, this study provides insightful information on the digestive system of E. onukii. Compared to five other hemipteran species, we observed different patterns of proteases abundant in the SG and gut of E. onukii. These results will be beneficial in understanding the interaction between tea plants and E. onukii. Ectoparasites from the family Diplozoidae (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea) belong to obligate haematophagous helminths of cyprinid fish. Current knowledge of these worms is for the most part limited to their morphological, phylogenetic, and population features. Information concerning the biochemical and molecular nature of physiological processes involved in host-parasite interaction, such as evasion of the immune system and its regulation, digestion of macromolecules, suppression of blood coagulation and inflammation, and effect on host tissue and physiology, is lacking. In this study, we report for the first time a comprehensive transcriptomic/secretome description of expressed genes and proteins secreted by the adult stage of Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Goto, 1891) Khotenovsky, 1985, an obligate sanguivorous monogenean which parasitises the gills of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). RNA-seq raw reads (324,941 Roche 454 and 149,697,864 Illumina) were generated, de novo assembled, and filtered into 37,062 proteme-related nucleotide sequences and translated and secreted proteins offer a better understanding of molecular biology and biochemistry of these, often neglected, organisms. It enabled us to report the essential physiological pathways and protein molecules involved in their interactions with the fish hosts. In this study, we integrated two high-throughput sequencing techniques, mass spectrometry analysis, and comprehensive bioinformatics approach in order to arrive at the first comprehensive description of monogenean transcriptome and secretome. Exploration of E. nipponicum transcriptome-related nucleotide sequences and translated and secreted proteins offer a better understanding of molecular biology and biochemistry of these, often neglected, organisms. It enabled us to report the essential physiological pathways and protein molecules involved in their interactions with the fish hosts.