Bivariate analysis revealed that negative life experiences including higher rates of emotional, physical and sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) and having moderate to severe depressive symptoms were associated with women performing early stimulation behaviors more often. In the multivariable model, physical intimate partner violence remained significantly associated with early stimulation behaviors. Research on early stimulation behaviors is still in a nascent phase. It is unclear why our results revealed an association between intimate partner violence and early stimulation behaviors; this could reflect a coping mechanism for the expectant mother. Further research is needed to better understand this association and explore potential long-term impacts of early stimulation behaviors during pregnancy on child development. Clinical Trials # NCT03665246 , August 29, 2018. Clinical Trials # NCT03665246 , August 29, 2018. Home blood-pressure measurement (HBPM) is recommended for the diagnosis of hypertension and monitoring of patients with hypertension. Since 2013, the French National Health Insurance Body (FNHIB) has promoted HBPM to general practitioners (GPs). The objective of the study was to evaluate the practice of HBPM by French GPs to diagnose and monitor hypertension, 3 years after the beginning of the FNHIB campaign. We conducted a postal survey from 7 March to 31 May 2016. All of the 1040 GPs practising in the Auvergne region in France were invited to participate, using a self-reporting questionnaire. We obtained information on the characteristics of the GPs, and their practice regarding the use of HBPM. Use of HBPM was reported as "never, occasionally, regularly and systematically". Frequency of HBMP use was analysed using multivariate ordered logistic regression model. A total of 569 (54.7%) GPs responded to the survey. They were 50.3 (± 11.5) years old, 241 (43.0%) were female, and 352 (62.7%) worked in urber the introduction of the FNHIB incentives, the use of HBPM by participating GPs to diagnose and manage hypertension is well established. A larger survey of GPs from other regions would make it possible to verify whether our results can be extrapolated to France as a whole. The optimal timing to perform a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) after knee arthroscopy (KA) was controversial in the literature. We aimed to 1) explore the effect of prior KA on the subsequent TKA; 2) identify who were not suitable for TKA in patients with prior KA, and 3) determine the timing of TKA following prior KA. We retrospectively reviewed 87 TKAs with prior KA and 174 controls using propensity score matching in our institution. The minimum follow-up was 2 years. Postoperative clinical outcomes were compared between groups. Kaplan-Meier curves were created with reoperation as an endpoint. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regressions were performed to identify risk factors of severe complications in the KA group. The two-piecewise linear regression analysis was performed to examine the optimal timing of TKA following prior KA. The all-cause reoperation, revision, and complication rates of the KA group were significantly higher than those of the control group (p < 0.05). The survivorship of these findings in mind when treating patients who are scheduled to undergo TKA with prior KA. Stroke in adults aged between 18 and 64 years old is increasing significantly worldwide. Studies have reported that this group of young stroke survivors encounters enormous difficulties reintegrating into their social roles. Individualised discussions with healthcare professionals and learning from other survivors are imperative for them to reconstruct their identities after stroke. There is also great demand for community support during their chronic stage of recovery to help them rebuild life skills to promote reintegration. This is a randomised controlled trial to investigate the effects of a 24-week Narrative and Skills-building Intervention (NSI) on young stroke survivors' community reintegration and psychosocial outcomes. A total of 208 adults aged 18-64 years old with a first-ever or recurrent ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke and have been discharged home will be recruited and randomly assigned to receive usual care or usual care with NSI. The NSI is grounded in Narrative Theory and Bandura's princurvivors' community reintegration and establish a new model of community reintegration after stroke to inform future research. The results will also provide valuable evidence to develop clinical guidelines for young stroke survivors' community reintegration. identifier NCT04560140 , registered on 23 September, 2020. identifier NCT04560140 , registered on 23 September, 2020. Nocturnal symptoms in Parkinson's disease are often treated after management of daytime manifestations. In order to better understand the unmet needs of nocturnal symptoms management, we analyzed the characteristics and burden of nocturnal symptoms from patients' perspectives and explored their changes over time. Overall symptoms (occurring at day or night) were collected to compare whether the unmet needs related to nocturnal symptoms and to overall symptoms are different. We used a Social Listening big-data technique to analyze large amounts of Parkinson's disease symptoms in dialogues available from social media platforms in 2016 to 2018. These symptoms were classified as either overall symptoms or nocturnal symptoms. We used share of voice (SOV) of symptoms as a proportion of total dialogues per year to reflect the characteristics of symptoms. Negative sentiment score of symptoms was analyzed to find out their related burden. We found the SOV for overall motor symptoms was 79% and had not increased is an unmet need of patients. A greater emphasis on detecting and treating nocturnal symptoms with 24-h care is encouraged. The growing SOV and the greater negative sentiment of nocturnal symptoms suggest management of nocturnal symptoms is an unmet need of patients. A greater emphasis on detecting and treating nocturnal symptoms with 24-h care is encouraged.